My name is Anna Yuan and I am an undergraduate student working under the supervision of Dr.Haiyi Zhu in the HCI Department at Carnegie Mellon University. Our team is currently conducting a research study on Wikipedia's ORES system. Our research focuses on exploring opportunities to better communicate the affordance of the ORES system and thus help people effectively design and use ORES-based applications.
If you have developed or used any ORES-based application, we would love to invite you to participate in this research. The research will be an interview that takes approximately 45 minutes. During the research, I will ask you about your background, your current experience of using ORES and ORES-based applications, and your suggestion on how to improve the ecosystem.
All participants will be offered $20 amazon gift cards. If you are interested in taking part in this research or would like more information, please reply to this email and let me know.
I am looking forward to your response.
Wiki Account: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Bobo.03