Pywikibot uses request for io methods. I had have a look at several similar libraries with asyncio support but none of them were long term supported.

It is a good advice to ensure that pages are preloaded. Anyway Pywikibot does not use asyncio (yet) but it used Threads to save pages asynchronously. The common BaseBot.treat() or BaseBot.treat_page() cannot be used asynchronously because it is not Thread safe. 

You can find concurrent programming examples within the framework.  weblinkchecker for example uses Threads to retrieve web pages in parallel. archivebot is able to process all pages from a generator in parallel using concurrent futures. Other examples with concurrent futures can be found in login script, preload_sites, fixing_redirects and watchlist script.

I hope that helps a bit


Am 27.03.2023 um 22:06 schrieb John <>:

I’ve not checked in the v3+ version but there used to be a preload page generator that batch retrieved stuff from the API. Then pass the preloaded page object on to the parallel processing part.

On Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 3:58 PM Roy Smith <> wrote:
I need to issue a bunch of Page.get() requests in parallel.  My understanding is that pywikibot uses the requests library which is incompatible with async_io, so that's out.  So what do people use?  Threading?  Or, I see there's an async_io friendly requests port.  Is there a way to make pywikibot use that?

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