Hi Xqt,

I did, but without success. Hence the question.

The task has already been completed by other user using AWB regex replacements.

Best regards,

El lunes, 25 de julio de 2016, info <info@gno.de> escribió:
You may use -page for a single page.


Am 19.07.2016 um 10:56 schrieb MarcoAurelio <strigiwm@gmail.com>:

Hi all,

I'm new to this mailing list so apologies if this is the wrong forum or venue to ask this kind of questions.

I am writting to inquire if fixing_redirects.py work on subpages. The reason is that I am not able to get <https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=15777101#Wikimedia_Czech_Republic.2Fen> done. It does not work either with -ref or -links.

I was told that maybe the script isn't working on subpages. I've used the script in the past, but that was some years ago and I don't remember if it did supported this kind of tasks before.

If you could please guide me here I'd appreciate it.

Best regards, M.
pywikibot mailing list

M. A.