<info@gno.de> ezt írta (időpont: 2022. nov. 17., Cs, 20:56):
Hi Binaris,

Seems the config.log variable isn’t an empty list. Refer my other may to figure it out.
For some reason, I had
log = ['*']  # type: List[str]
in my user-config. I don't know why, at least I don't remember modifying it at any time. So I have changed it to
log = []  # type: List[str]
and now the problem seems to have been disappeared. Thank you very much, that was a great help!

Have you ever cleared the api cache?
Do you mean c:\Pywikibot\apicache-py3\? No, but it takes only 450K.

 Did you ever run Pywikibot tests? tests have its own api cache.
No, I didn't.

Maybe there are some you don’t need and space can be freed. For example wikitextparser is not necessary if you have mwparserfromhell installed.
Uninstalled wikitextparser. :-)
But I don't think any part of Pywikibot would be the secret agent which is consuming my device. :-)
Thank you again!
