On 3 September 2013 12:23, Cheng Yu Tin <justincheng12345@gmail.com> wrote:
It seems that pwb.py cannot import httplib2 from externals directory.
Possibly your httplib2 still refers to the old repository, which does not include fixes for this. Run

git submodule sync
git submodule update

to re-sync to the new repository. It should be OK then.
And after installed the httplib2, the error appears.
I then try to use the pip one, same happened.
And the error is a little different than the one said, it's
{FatalServerError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SER
VER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed}, instead of SSLHandshakeError.

Yes, this is correct. It's the same error, but a recent code addition made sure the code stops instead of retrying into infinity. You could either update the certificate manually ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13321302/python-foursquare-ssl3-certificate-verify-failed ), but I would suggest first trying the sync-and-update trick.
