
I recently set up debian (squeeze) and installed mediawiki package (1:1.15.5-1) on a brand new server. The previous mediawiki server ran just fine but after redirecting the dns entry for my wiki site to the new server I tried to login only to have it fail on me.

# python login.py -v -pass:thewikiuserpassword                                                                                                                                                                
Pywikipediabot nightly:pywikipedia (r7206, 2009/09/03, 16:56:11)
Python 2.6.3 (r263:75183, Oct  4 2009, 14:29:19) [C]
Logging in to wikios:wikios as wikios
Note: this language does not allow global bots.
Login failed. Wrong password or CAPTCHA answer?

Is there a setting on my new wiki site that I need to enable to allow for global bots or is there perhaps something else that is going on ?
