On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Dr. Trigon <dr.trigon@surfeu.ch> wrote:
Hash: SHA1

> Maarten (multichill) has suggested we change setup.py and
> generate_user_config.py and make a auto-generated list of needed
> dependencies (based on OS or other things) and ask user when
> he/she wants to install that which one you need! and install it
> right away. another suggestion (my idea) is an example:
> This is certainly an option. Maybe Dr.Trigon can suggest something
> in this direction - the current method of downloading
> dependencies/externals when needed is reasonable, I think.

Of course that is what I am working on since some time. Please give
compat (trunk) a try, download it and then try to set it up and start
a bot. IF there is an unsatisfied dependency the framework should
complain and ask you whether you want to install it. This is still
somehow pre-mature thus I need as much feedback as possible in order
to adopt it to your needs - for me it works quite well installing
about 10 (part of them quite big packages) external deps without an issue.

As a feedback, It was very hard for newbies we have to work on it
> Alternatively, I'd like to suggest nightlies as main distribution
> method. At least the core nightly is completely self-contained: it
> has translations *and* httplib2 (the only required external
> library). For most people, that would be the easiest way of
> installing pywikibot.

Good point; try also to use the nigtlies.

Let's work on it!
In fact this is something we have to discuss; what external libraries
are *NEEDED*? E.g. in trunk articleno.py, subster_irc.py and in
rewrite pywikibot.ircbot.py need "python-irclib". Or as another
example, catimages.py needs a lot of externals like "opencv" and
others. I tried to implement a "install-when-used" policy in order not
to download hughe (~100MB) packages without needing them at all. But
we REALLY SHOULD have some automated system in order to make it easier
for beginners (and others) to install all the deps needed (when needed).

Can you give me a list of ALL of externals and which codes these externals are used?
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