On 1 October 2013 20:34, Jan Dudík <jan.dudik@gmail.com> wrote:
now there was critical bug with interwiki.py, which happened about 15th september. In these days was old sourceforge tracker moved to bugzilla, so report was lost somewhere. After ten days I reported this bug again[1]. Three days later there was patch, but we had to wait one week more when another developer rewieved this patch.

The reviewing process clearly is one of the weaker points in the development process currently. On the one hand, I'm really happy with pre-commit code review: having an extra set of eyes go over the patch helps a lot to prevent bugs from entering the code. In addition, we see people submit patches - and the patches are now actually implemented, where they would be on the bug tracker before, and often they were forgotten.

On the other hand, it also means patches are not applied as quickly as they were before. I think it's not a disaster it sometimes takes a day, but a week really is too long if it's an important patch... it would be helpful if more people review a patch every now and then, as well as people voting if the patch works. Other than that, nagging developers on IRC is your best bet.
