Hi pywikibot experts,How can I create new properties via pywikibot? (I'm trying to do it via bot, because I'm doing some experiments on a dedicated wikibase installation with - possibly - hundreds of properties to be created... and Pywikibot would certainly be my favorite tool!)In case I have, instead, to directly wrap the action "wbeditentity" from mediawiki API ( https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=wbeditentity ), are there some Python examples?And, in case I have to use the php script "importProperties.php" ( https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/Wikibase/blob/master/repo/maintenance/importProperties.php ), how can I manage properties more complex than the ones contained in the example ( https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/Wikibase/blob/master/repo/maintenance/en-elements-properties.csv )?Using pywikibot, I'm able to MODIFY existing properties with instructions like the following ones (which let me generate the object-content in one shot via json ... as I need):In [1]: import pywikibot ; site = pywikibot.Site() ; repo = site.data_repository()In [2]: property_page = pywikibot.PropertyPage(repo, u"P2")In [3]: myjson = {u'descriptions': {u'en': {u'language': u'en', u'value': u'invented description'}}, u'labels': {u'en': {u'language': u'en', u'value': u'test property'}}}In [4]: property_page.editEntity(myjson)...but I cannot CREATE new properties (instantiating a PropertyPage object), because pywikibot asks for the identifier of an existing instance:In [11]: p_page = pywikibot.PropertyPage(repo)---------------------------------------------------------------------------InvalidTitle Traceback (most recent call last)<ipython-input-11-e72b812b8cd3> in <module>()----> 1 p_page = pywikibot.PropertyPage(repo)/home/user/src/pywikibot_repo/pywikibot/page.pyc in __init__(self, source, title)4027 if not title or not self.id.startswith('P'):4028 raise pywikibot.InvalidTitle(-> 4029 u"'%s' is not an property page title" % title)4030 Property.__init__(self, source, self.id)4031InvalidTitle: '' is not an property page titleIn [12]:In fact, as I understand, in the source code of the "WikibasePage" class, I see thatwhile for the Item type, a "Special case for empty item" is mentioned ( https://github.com/wikimedia/pywikibot-core/blob/master/pywikibot/page.py#L3760 )# Special case for empty item.if title is None or title == '-1':super(ItemPage, self).__init__(site, u'-1', ns=ns)assert self.id == '-1'return...for the Property type, instead, an empty object is NOT allowed ( https://github.com/wikimedia/pywikibot-core/blob/master/pywikibot/page.py#L4168 )if not title or not self.id.startswith('P'):raise pywikibot.InvalidTitle(u"'%s' is not an property page title" % title)Property.__init__(self, source, self.id)Thanks a lot for your attention!