I ran an own script (not published yet), and suddenly I got a strange message (see bolded "Warning" line):
Wikipédia:Kocsmafal (műszaki)/Archív56 56
Wikipédia:Kocsmafal (műszaki)/Archív57 57
Warning! len(text) does not match content-length: 6952 != 39337
Saving Wikipédia:Kocsmafal (műszaki)/Tartalomjegyzék
Updating page [[Wikipédia:Kocsmafal (műszaki)/Tartalomjegyzék]] via API
This is NOT my code, there are no such words in my program!
Last line is from wikipedia.py, the others from my script, but where does this bold text come?
No module name or line number appeared.
Imports are:
import re
import date
import wikipedia as pywikibot
import archivebot