Hello !


I'm contributing to the genealogy wiki Rodovid (http://en.rodovid.org/wk/Main_Page) using version 1.9.3 of Mediawiki, and I have difficulties upgrading from compat to core (perhaps because I'm a beginner with Python).

I can log without problem to Wikipedia, but when I try to do the same with Rodovid, typing "login" does not lead to the prompt where the password should be entered. Instead there is the message :


WARNING: API error unknown_meta: Unrecognised value for parameter 'meta'

ERROR: APIError: unknown_meta: Unrecognised value for parameter 'meta' [help:


then the entire api page of Rodovid is displayed, before having a loop with the lines :


WARNING: Http response status 503

WARNING: Non-JSON response received from server rodovid:fr; the server may be down.

WARNING: Waiting 5 seconds before retrying.




And if I try with the latest stable version, after having entered the password, I get :


Logging in to rodovid:fr as Ad

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\compat\pywikibot\site.py", line 1684, in login

if loginMan.login(retry=True):

File "C:\compat\pywikibot\login.py", line 239, in login

cookiedata = self.getCookie()

File "C:\compat\pywikibot\data\api.py", line 2560, in getCookie

prefix = login_result['login']['cookieprefix']

KeyError: u'cookieprefix'

<type 'exceptions.KeyError'>

CRITICAL: Waiting for 1 network thread(s) to finish. Press ctrl-c to abort


Can someone tell me what's wrong ?