2013/8/19 Maarten Dammers <maarten@mdammers.nl>
Hi Alex,

Op 19-8-2013 15:08, Alex Brollo schreef:

I didn't know at all was Beautifulsoup does; reading doc for the first time,  I see that's a xml/parser. Is it superior to pyquery? When I needed xml parsing, I found pyquery simple and so similar to jQuery that I didn't found any problem while using it.
Beautifulsoup takes crappy formatted html/xml/*ML, doesn't choke and outputs it properly formatted.

Can someone please tell me why we need to patch Beautifulsou? Can't we just fix it upstream?


Thanks Maarten, so BS is one more module that I don't need. Really I use pywikipedia in a personal, exotic way - running only some basic scripts, an approach similar to wikitools. I'll try to remove from my compat folder any unused script - I suppose that the result will be surprising. :-)
PyQuery is interesting since it's so similar to jQuery - a big advantage for me; but I see that BS is  something deeply different.
