
I am trying to use a q number to get the details of a page in wikidata.  I have searched through the tutorials and found these that claim to work

        wikidata = pywikibot.Site("wikidata", "wikidata")
        repo = wikidata.data_repository()

        item = pywikibot.ItemPage(wikidata, "Q42").get()['claims']['P31'][0].getTarget()
        itempage = pywikibot.ItemPage.fromPage(pywikibot.Page(pywikibot.Site("en", "wikipedia"), "Douglas Adams"))

However when I run either of these then I get the

EntityTypeUnknownException: DataSite("wikidata", "wikidata") does not support entity type "item"

As I am new to this and also python I am sure I am doing something stupid but its currently driving me mad.

Any help would be appreciated


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