Hi Chris,

Thank you for reporting this. When I try it, the e-mail does arrive (although it gets sorted in the pywikibot folder together with all other mailing list e-mails).

Oddly, your e-mail address is not in the membership list -- could it be possible you registered with a different e-mail address? (or maybe unsubscribing over email worked?)


On 4 August 2015 at 13:16, Chris Watkins <chriswaterguy@appropedia.org> wrote:
I wish to unsubscribe from this list (because although it's an awesome tool and community, I'm no longer using it). 

But I can't. I go to https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/options/pywikibot/chriswaterguy%40apblahblahpropedia.org (without the blahblah) and click unsubscribe, and get:

The confirmation email has been sent.

But it never arrives, and it's not in the spam folder.

I can try the email options, but I figured the list manager needs to know if the web method is broken.



pywikibot mailing list