Roy Smith <> ezt írta (időpont: 2023. febr. 24., P, 0:42):
My bot needs to be able to run as either of two different accounts depending on the task.  DYKToolsBot for most things, DYKToolsAdminBot for specific tasks that need admin rights.  How do I do this?

I just got up to quickly wirite somewhere that we need separate user-fixes.pys per user, best defined in, and this mail waited me here. :-)
So we should have per user configs.

An ugly workaround by that time what I did with logins: a Windows batch.
ren other.lwp temp.lwp
ren pywikibot.lwp other.lwp
ren temp.lwp pywikibot.lwp

If you start your scripts froma  batch (or Linux script), this is no extra pain with