jenkins-bot submitted this change.

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Approvals: JJMC89: Looks good to me, approved jenkins-bot: Verified
[cleanup] remove deprecated weblinkchecker LinkChecker class

Change-Id: Ib54a9c9da389dba323c836d02a7a43c73d97e4c4
M scripts/
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 280 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index bf96ee0..e4912b5 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -111,18 +111,13 @@
import codecs
import datetime
-import http.client as httpclient
import pickle
import re
-import socket
import threading
import time

from contextlib import suppress
from functools import partial
-from typing import Optional
-from urllib.parse import urlsplit
-from urllib.request import quote

import requests

@@ -131,13 +126,12 @@
from pywikibot import comms, i18n, pagegenerators, textlib
from pywikibot import config2 as config

-from pywikibot.backports import Tuple
from import ExistingPageBot, SingleSiteBot, suggest_help
from pywikibot.pagegenerators import (
XMLDumpPageGenerator as _XMLDumpPageGenerator,
-from import deprecated, ThreadList
from import color_format
+from import ThreadList

import memento_client
@@ -283,273 +277,6 @@
"""The link is not an URL."""

-@deprecated('requests', since='20160120', future_warning=True)
-class LinkChecker:
- """
- Check links.
- Given a HTTP URL, tries to load the page from the Internet and checks if it
- is still online.
- Returns a (boolean, string) tuple saying if the page is online and
- including a status reason.
- Per-domain user-agent faking is not supported in this deprecated class.
- Warning: Also returns false if your Internet connection isn't working
- correctly! (This will give a Socket Error)
- """
- def __init__(self, url, redirectChain=[], serverEncoding=None,
- HTTPignore=[]):
- """
- Initializer.
- redirectChain is a list of redirects which were resolved by
- resolveRedirect(). This is needed to detect redirect loops.
- """
- self.url = url
- self.serverEncoding = serverEncoding
- fake_ua_config = config.fake_user_agent_default.get(
- 'weblinkchecker', False)
- if fake_ua_config and isinstance(fake_ua_config, str):
- user_agent = fake_ua_config
- elif fake_ua_config:
- user_agent = comms.http.fake_user_agent()
- else:
- user_agent = comms.http.user_agent()
- self.header = {
- 'user-agent': user_agent,
- 'Accept': 'text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,'
- 'text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5',
- 'Accept-Language': 'de-de,de;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3',
- 'Accept-Charset': 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7',
- 'Keep-Alive': '30',
- 'Connection': 'keep-alive',
- }
- self.redirectChain = redirectChain + [url]
- self.changeUrl(url)
- self.HTTPignore = HTTPignore
- def getConnection(self):
- """Get a connection."""
- if self.scheme == 'http':
- return httpclient.HTTPConnection(
- elif self.scheme == 'https':
- return httpclient.HTTPSConnection(
- else:
- raise NotAnURLError(self.url)
- def getEncodingUsedByServer(self):
- """Get encodung used by server."""
- if not self.serverEncoding:
- with suppress(Exception):
- pywikibot.output(
- 'Contacting server %s to find out its default encoding...'
- %
- conn = self.getConnection()
- conn.request('HEAD', '/', None, self.header)
- self.response = conn.getresponse()
- self.readEncodingFromResponse(self.response)
- if not self.serverEncoding:
- # TODO: We might also load a page, then check for an encoding
- # definition in a HTML meta tag.
- pywikibot.output("Error retrieving server's default charset. "
- 'Using ISO 8859-1.')
- # most browsers use ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) as the default.
- self.serverEncoding = 'iso8859-1'
- return self.serverEncoding
- def readEncodingFromResponse(self, response):
- """Read encoding from response."""
- if not self.serverEncoding:
- with suppress(Exception):
- ct = response.getheader('Content-Type')
- charsetR = re.compile('charset=(.+)')
- charset =
- self.serverEncoding = charset
- def changeUrl(self, url):
- """Change url."""
- self.url = url
- # we ignore the fragment
- (self.scheme,, self.path, self.query,
- self.fragment) = urlsplit(self.url)
- if not self.path:
- self.path = '/'
- if self.query:
- self.query = '?' + self.query
- self.protocol = url.split(':', 1)[0]
- # check if there are non-ASCII characters inside path or query, and if
- # so, encode them in an encoding that hopefully is the right one.
- try:
- self.path.encode('ascii')
- self.query.encode('ascii')
- except UnicodeEncodeError:
- encoding = self.getEncodingUsedByServer()
- self.path = quote(self.path.encode(encoding))
- self.query = quote(self.query.encode(encoding), '=&')
- def resolveRedirect(self, useHEAD=False) -> Optional[str]:
- """
- Return the redirect target URL as a string, if it is a HTTP redirect.
- If useHEAD is true, uses the HTTP HEAD method, which saves bandwidth
- by not downloading the body. Otherwise, the HTTP GET method is used.
- """
- conn = self.getConnection()
- try:
- if useHEAD:
- conn.request('HEAD', '%s%s' % (self.path, self.query), None,
- self.header)
- else:
- conn.request('GET', '%s%s' % (self.path, self.query), None,
- self.header)
- self.response = conn.getresponse()
- # read the server's encoding, in case we need it later
- self.readEncodingFromResponse(self.response)
- except httpclient.BadStatusLine:
- # Some servers don't seem to handle HEAD requests properly,
- # e.g. which is running on a very old
- # Apache server. Using GET instead works on these (but it uses
- # more bandwidth).
- if useHEAD:
- return self.resolveRedirect(useHEAD=False)
- else:
- raise
- if self.response.status >= 300 and self.response.status <= 399:
- # to debug, print response.getheaders()
- redirTarget = self.response.getheader('Location')
- if redirTarget:
- try:
- redirTarget.encode('ascii')
- except UnicodeError:
- redirTarget = redirTarget.decode(
- self.getEncodingUsedByServer())
- if redirTarget.startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
- self.changeUrl(redirTarget)
- return True
- elif redirTarget.startswith('/'):
- self.changeUrl('{0}://{1}{2}'
- .format(self.protocol,,
- redirTarget))
- return True
- else: # redirect to relative position
- # cut off filename
- directory = self.path[:self.path.rindex('/') + 1]
- # handle redirect to parent directory
- while redirTarget.startswith('../'):
- redirTarget = redirTarget[3:]
- # some servers redirect to .. although we are already
- # in the root directory; ignore this.
- if directory != '/':
- # change /foo/bar/ to /foo/
- directory = directory[:-1]
- directory = directory[:directory.rindex('/') + 1]
- self.changeUrl('{0}://{1}{2}{3}'
- .format(self.protocol,, directory,
- redirTarget))
- return True
- else:
- return False # not a redirect
- def check(self, useHEAD=False) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
- """Return True and the server status message if the page is alive."""
- try:
- wasRedirected = self.resolveRedirect(useHEAD=useHEAD)
- except UnicodeError as error:
- return False, 'Encoding Error: {0} ({1})'.format(
- error.__class__.__name__, error)
- except httpclient.error as error:
- return False, 'HTTP Error: {}'.format(error.__class__.__name__)
- except socket.error as error:
- # :
- # socket.error :
- # The accompanying value is either a string telling what went
- # wrong or a pair (errno, string) representing an error
- # returned by a system call, similar to the value
- # accompanying os.error
- if isinstance(error, str):
- msg = error
- else:
- try:
- msg = error[1]
- except IndexError:
- pywikibot.output('### DEBUG information for T57282')
- raise IndexError(type(error))
- # TODO: decode msg. On Linux, it's encoded in UTF-8.
- # How is it encoded in Windows? Or can we somehow just
- # get the English message?
- return False, 'Socket Error: {}'.format(repr(msg))
- if wasRedirected:
- if self.url in self.redirectChain:
- if useHEAD:
- # Some servers don't seem to handle HEAD requests properly,
- # which leads to a cyclic list of redirects.
- # We simply start from the beginning, but this time,
- # we don't use HEAD, but GET requests.
- redirChecker = LinkChecker(
- self.redirectChain[0],
- serverEncoding=self.serverEncoding,
- HTTPignore=self.HTTPignore)
- return redirChecker.check(useHEAD=False)
- else:
- urlList = ['[{0}]'.format(url)
- for url in self.redirectChain + [self.url]]
- return (False,
- 'HTTP Redirect Loop: {0}'.format(
- ' -> '.join(urlList)))
- elif len(self.redirectChain) >= 19:
- if useHEAD:
- # Some servers don't seem to handle HEAD requests properly,
- # which leads to a long (or infinite) list of redirects.
- # We simply start from the beginning, but this time,
- # we don't use HEAD, but GET requests.
- redirChecker = LinkChecker(
- self.redirectChain[0],
- serverEncoding=self.serverEncoding,
- HTTPignore=self.HTTPignore)
- return redirChecker.check(useHEAD=False)
- else:
- urlList = ['[{0}]'.format(url)
- for url in self.redirectChain + [self.url]]
- return (False,
- 'Long Chain of Redirects: {0}'
- .format(' -> '.join(urlList)))
- else:
- redirChecker = LinkChecker(self.url, self.redirectChain,
- self.serverEncoding,
- HTTPignore=self.HTTPignore)
- return redirChecker.check(useHEAD=useHEAD)
- else:
- try:
- conn = self.getConnection()
- except httpclient.error as error:
- return False, 'HTTP Error: {0}'.format(
- error.__class__.__name__)
- try:
- conn.request('GET', '{0}{1}'.format(self.path, self.query),
- None, self.header)
- except socket.error as error:
- return False, 'Socket Error: {0}'.format(repr(error[1]))
- try:
- self.response = conn.getresponse()
- except Exception as error:
- return False, 'Error: {0}'.format(error)
- # read the server's encoding, in case we need it later
- self.readEncodingFromResponse(self.response)
- # site down if the server status is between 400 and 499
- alive = not (400 <= self.response.status_code < 500)
- if self.response.status_code in self.HTTPignore:
- alive = False
- return alive, '{} {}'.format(self.response.status_code,
- self.response.reason)
class LinkCheckThread(threading.Thread):

"""A thread responsible for checking one URL.
@@ -899,12 +626,6 @@
return i

-@deprecated('requests', since='20160120', future_warning=True)
-def check(url):
- """DEPRECATED: Use requests instead. Perform a check on URL."""
- return LinkChecker(url).check()
def main(*args):
Process command line arguments and invoke bot.

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Gerrit-Project: pywikibot/core
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ib54a9c9da389dba323c836d02a7a43c73d97e4c4
Gerrit-Change-Number: 649665
Gerrit-PatchSet: 6
Gerrit-Owner: Xqt <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: D3r1ck01 <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: JJMC89 <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot
Gerrit-MessageType: merged