jayvdb / pywikibot-core (querygen-iter-flow-3)
Build #105 passed.
49 minutes and 17 seconds
John Vandenberg 88ad3a4 Changeset →
  Simplify QueryGenerator.__iter__ flow control

Rearrange the logic to use less nested branching, and
destroy the data before exiting the iteration.

Removes 'None' as a valid value for QueryGenerator.limit;
it was not able to be set using set_maximum_items().

Adds some iterator state information to help with debugging
and test validation, and dont leave data in an instance variable.

Bug: 64489

Change-Id: Ie3a9e3576a0174703bcccf0d77ed42d56da0d09f
System message:

We just switched the default image for OS X jobs to our new image including Xcode 6.1. See our blog post for a full list of changes.

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