jenkins-bot submitted this change.
[cleanup] remove deprecated template.XmlDumpTemplatePageGenerator
Change-Id: I8954c3bbabfa65708db0c04ba1accd56321d86f2
M scripts/
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 44 deletions(-)
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 8ba187f..e80c293 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -119,53 +119,10 @@
from pywikibot import i18n, pagegenerators, textlib
from import SingleSiteBot
from pywikibot.pagegenerators import XMLDumpPageGenerator
-from import deprecated, filter_unique
+from import filter_unique
from scripts.replace import ReplaceRobot as ReplaceBot
-@deprecated('XMLDumpPageGenerator', since='20151109', future_warning=True)
-class XmlDumpTemplatePageGenerator(XMLDumpPageGenerator):
- """
- Generator which yields Pages that transclude a template.
- These pages will be retrieved from a local XML dump file
- (cur table), and may not still transclude the template.
- """
- def __init__(self, templates, xmlfilename: str) -> None:
- """
- Initializer.
- @param templateNames: A list of Page objects representing the searched
- templates
- @type templateNames: list
- @param xmlfilename: The dump's path, either absolute or relative
- """
- self.templates = templates
- self.xmlfilename = xmlfilename
- mysite = pywikibot.Site()
- # regular expression to find the original template.
- # {{vfd}} does the same thing as {{Vfd}}, so both will be found.
- # The old syntax, {{msg:vfd}}, will also be found.
- template_patterns = []
- for template in self.templates:
- template_pattern = template.title(with_ns=False)
- if mysite.namespaces[10].case == 'first-letter':
- template_pattern = '[{0}{1}]{2}'.format(
- template_pattern[0].upper(), template_pattern[0].lower(),
- template_pattern[1:])
- template_pattern = re.sub(' ', '[_ ]', template_pattern)
- template_patterns.append(template_pattern)
- template_regex = re.compile(
- r'\{\{ *([mM][sS][gG]:)?(?:%s) *(?P<parameters>\|[^}]+|) *}}'
- % '|'.join(template_patterns))
- super().__init__(xmlfilename, site=mysite,
class TemplateRobot(ReplaceBot):
"""This bot will replace, remove or subst all occurrences of a template."""
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