Xqt submitted this change.

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Approvals: jenkins-bot: Verified Xqt: Looks good to me, approved
[IMPR] Move time parts from archivebot to time module

- move checkstr, str2time, MW_KEYS, TZoneUTC, MalformedConfigError
from archivebot to time module
- rename checkstr to parse_duration and str2time to str2timedelta
- move parse_duration tests str2timedelta tests from archivebot_tests
to time_tests
- fix to_local_digit always to return a str even phrase is an int
- no longer check validity of string parameter of str2timedelta
because parse_duration does it already
- raise ValueError in parse_duration instead of a MalformedConfigError
- raise a MalformedConfigError at archivebot if a ValueError occurs when
calling parse_duration or str2timedelta
- update tests

The failing commit chain is intentional. This is needed to keep
the version history of previous commits.

Change-Id: Id7116655ead1fc9ec2b433cc33ddbb7d65a15435
M pywikibot/textlib.py
M pywikibot/time.py
M scripts/archivebot.py
M tests/archivebot_tests.py
M tests/textlib_tests.py
M tests/time_tests.py
6 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 1,000 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pywikibot/textlib.py b/pywikibot/textlib.py
index 7ec61c5..c90bbec 100644
--- a/pywikibot/textlib.py
+++ b/pywikibot/textlib.py
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@
:return: The localized version
digits = NON_LATIN_DIGITS.get(lang)
+ phrase = str(phrase)
if digits:
- phrase = str(phrase)
trans = str.maketrans('0123456789', digits)
phrase = phrase.translate(trans)
return phrase
diff --git a/pywikibot/time.py b/pywikibot/time.py
index 4a495ff..ed5f00e 100644
--- a/pywikibot/time.py
+++ b/pywikibot/time.py
@@ -1,16 +1,44 @@
"""Time handling module."""
-# (C) Pywikibot team, 2009-2022
+# (C) Pywikibot team, 2007-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import datetime
+import math
import re
+import types
from typing import Type, Union

+import pywikibot
+from pywikibot.backports import Tuple
from pywikibot.tools import classproperty

-__all__ = ['Timestamp']
+__all__ = (
+ 'parse_duration',
+ 'str2timedelta',
+ 'MalformedConfigError',
+ 'MW_KEYS',
+ 'Timestamp',
+ 'TZoneUTC',
+MW_KEYS = types.MappingProxyType({
+ 's': 'seconds',
+ 'h': 'hours',
+ 'd': 'days',
+ 'w': 'weeks',
+ 'y': 'years',
+ # 'months' and 'minutes' were removed because confusion outweighs merit
+ZERO = datetime.timedelta(0)
+class MalformedConfigError(pywikibot.exceptions.Error):
+ """There is an error in the configuration template."""

class Timestamp(datetime.datetime):
@@ -261,193 +289,9 @@
if isinstance(newdt, datetime.datetime):
return self._from_datetime(newdt)
return newdt
-archivebot.py - discussion page archiving bot.
- python pwb.py archivebot [OPTIONS] TEMPLATE_PAGE
-Bot examines backlinks (Special:WhatLinksHere) to TEMPLATE_PAGE.
-Then goes through all pages (unless a specific page specified using options)
-and archives old discussions. This is done by breaking a page into threads,
-then scanning each thread for timestamps. Threads older than a specified
-threshold are then moved to another page (the archive), which can be named
-either basing on the thread's name or then name can contain a counter which
-will be incremented when the archive reaches a certain size.
-Transcluded template may contain the following parameters:
- |archive =
- |algo =
- |counter =
- |maxarchivesize =
- |minthreadsleft =
- |minthreadstoarchive =
- |archiveheader =
- |key =
- }}
-Meanings of parameters are:
- archive Name of the page to which archived threads will be put.
- Must be a subpage of the current page. Variables are
- supported.
- algo Specifies the maximum age of a thread. Must be
- in the form old(<delay>) where <delay> specifies
- the age in seconds (s), hours (h), days (d),
- weeks (w), or years (y) like 24h or 5d. Default is
- old(24h).
- counter The current value of a counter which could be assigned as
- variable. Will be updated by bot. Initial value is 1.
- maxarchivesize The maximum archive size before incrementing the counter.
- Value can be given with appending letter like K or M
- which indicates KByte or MByte. Default value is 200K.
- minthreadsleft Minimum number of threads that should be left on a page.
- Default value is 5.
- minthreadstoarchive The minimum number of threads to archive at once. Default
- value is 2.
- archiveheader Content that will be put on new archive pages as the
- header. This parameter supports the use of variables.
- Default value is {{talkarchive}}
- key A secret key that (if valid) allows archives not to be
- subpages of the page being archived.
-Variables below can be used in the value for "archive" in the template above:
-%(counter)d the current value of the counter
-%(year)d year of the thread being archived
-%(isoyear)d ISO year of the thread being archived
-%(isoweek)d ISO week number of the thread being archived
-%(semester)d semester term of the year of the thread being archived
-%(quarter)d quarter of the year of the thread being archived
-%(month)d month (as a number 1-12) of the thread being archived
-%(monthname)s localized name of the month above
-%(monthnameshort)s first three letters of the name above
-%(week)d week number of the thread being archived
-The ISO calendar starts with the Monday of the week which has at least four
-days in the new Gregorian calendar. If January 1st is between Monday and
-Thursday (including), the first week of that year started the Monday of that
-week, which is in the year before if January 1st is not a Monday. If it's
-between Friday or Sunday (including) the following week is then the first week
-of the year. So up to three days are still counted as the year before.
-.. seealso:: Python :python:`datetime.date.isocalendar
- <library/datetime.html#datetime.date.isocalendar>`,
- https://webspace.science.uu.nl/~gent0113/calendar/isocalendar.htm
-Options (may be omitted):
- -help show this help message and exit
- -calc:PAGE calculate key for PAGE and exit
- -file:FILE load list of pages from FILE
- -force override security options
- -locale:LOCALE switch to locale LOCALE
- -namespace:NS only archive pages from a given namespace
- -page:PAGE archive a single PAGE, default ns is a user talk page
- -salt:SALT specify salt
-# (C) Pywikibot team, 2006-2022
-# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
-import datetime
-import locale
-import math
-import os
-import re
-import time
-import types
-from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
-from hashlib import md5
-from math import ceil
-from typing import Any, Optional, Pattern
-from warnings import warn
-import pywikibot
-from pywikibot import i18n
-from pywikibot.backports import List, Set, Tuple
-from pywikibot.date import apply_month_delta
-from pywikibot.exceptions import Error, NoPageError
-from pywikibot.textlib import (
- TimeStripper,
- case_escape,
- extract_sections,
- findmarker,
- to_local_digits,

-ShouldArchive = Tuple[str, str]
-Size = Tuple[int, str]
-ZERO = datetime.timedelta(0)
-MW_KEYS = types.MappingProxyType({
- 's': 'seconds',
- 'h': 'hours',
- 'd': 'days',
- 'w': 'weeks',
- 'y': 'years',
- # 'months' and 'minutes' were removed because confusion outweighs merit
-class ArchiveBotSiteConfigError(Error):
- """There is an error originated by archivebot's on-site configuration."""
-class MalformedConfigError(ArchiveBotSiteConfigError):
- """There is an error in the configuration template."""
-class MissingConfigError(ArchiveBotSiteConfigError):
- """
- The config is missing in the header.
- It's in one of the threads or transcluded from another page.
- """
-class AlgorithmError(MalformedConfigError):
- """Invalid specification of archiving algorithm."""
-class ArchiveSecurityError(ArchiveBotSiteConfigError):
- """
- Page title is not a valid archive of page being archived.
- The page title is neither a subpage of the page being archived,
- nor does it match the key specified in the archive configuration template.
- """
-def str2localized_duration(site, string: str) -> str:
- """
- Localise a shorthand duration.
- Translates a duration written in the shorthand notation (ex. "24h", "7d")
- into an expression in the local wiki language ("24 hours", "7 days").
- """
- key, duration = checkstr(string)
- template = site.mediawiki_message(MW_KEYS[key])
- if template:
- # replace plural variants
- exp = i18n.translate(site.code, template, {'$1': int(duration)})
- return exp.replace('$1', to_local_digits(duration, site.code))
- return to_local_digits(string, site.code)
-def str2time(string: str, timestamp=None) -> datetime.timedelta:
+def str2timedelta(string: str, timestamp=None) -> datetime.timedelta:
Return a timedelta for a shorthand duration.

@@ -466,30 +310,22 @@
:type timestamp: datetime.datetime
:return: the corresponding timedelta object
- key, duration = checkstr(string)
- if duration.isdigit():
- duration = int(duration)
- else:
- key = ''
- if key in ['d', 's', 'h', 'w']: # days, seconds, hours, weeks
- return datetime.timedelta(**{MW_KEYS[key]: duration})
+ key, duration = parse_duration(string)

if key == 'y': # years
days = math.ceil(duration * 365.25)
duration *= 12
- else:
- raise MalformedConfigError(
- 'Unrecognized parameter in template: {}'.format(string))

- if timestamp:
- return apply_month_delta(
- timestamp.date(), month_delta=duration) - timestamp.date()
- return datetime.timedelta(days=days)
+ if timestamp:
+ return pywikibot.date.apply_month_delta(
+ timestamp.date(), month_delta=duration) - timestamp.date()
+ return datetime.timedelta(days=days)
+ # days, seconds, hours, weeks
+ return datetime.timedelta(**{MW_KEYS[key]: duration})

-def checkstr(string: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+def parse_duration(string: str) -> Tuple[str, int]:
Return the key and duration extracted from the string.

@@ -506,74 +342,19 @@
:return: key and duration extracted form the string
if len(string) < 2:
- raise MalformedConfigError('Time period should be a numeric value '
- 'followed by its qualifier')
+ raise ValueError('Time period should be a numeric value followed by '
+ 'its qualifier')

key, duration = string[-1], string[:-1]

if key not in MW_KEYS:
- raise MalformedConfigError('Time period qualifier is unrecognized: {}'
- .format(string))
+ raise ValueError('Time period qualifier is unrecognized: {}'
+ .format(string))
if not duration.isdigit():
- raise MalformedConfigError("Time period's duration should be "
- 'numeric: {}'.format(string))
+ raise ValueError("Time period's duration should be numeric: {}"
+ .format(string))

- return key, duration
-def str2size(string: str) -> Size:
- """
- Return a size for a shorthand size.
- Accepts a string defining a size::
- 1337 - 1337 bytes
- 150K - 150 kilobytes
- 2M - 2 megabytes
- :Returns: a tuple ``(size, unit)``, where ``size`` is an integer and
- unit is ``'B'`` (bytes) or ``'T'`` (threads).
- """
- match = re.fullmatch(r'(\d{1,3}(?: \d{3})+|\d+) *([BkKMT]?)', string)
- if not match:
- raise MalformedConfigError("Couldn't parse size: {}".format(string))
- val, unit = (int(match.group(1).replace(' ', '')), match.group(2))
- if unit == 'M':
- val *= 1024
- unit = 'K'
- if unit in ('K', 'k'):
- val *= 1024
- if unit != 'T':
- unit = 'B'
- return val, unit
-def template_title_regex(tpl_page: pywikibot.Page) -> Pattern:
- """
- Return a regex that matches to variations of the template title.
- It supports the transcluding variant as well as localized namespaces and
- case-insensitivity depending on the namespace.
- :param tpl_page: The template page
- :type tpl_page: pywikibot.page.Page
- """
- ns = tpl_page.site.namespaces[tpl_page.namespace()]
- marker = '?' if ns.id == 10 else ''
- title = tpl_page.title(with_ns=False)
- title = case_escape(ns.case, title)
- return re.compile(r'(?:(?:{}):){}{}'.format('|'.join(ns), marker, title))
-def calc_md5_hexdigest(txt, salt) -> str:
- """Return md5 hexdigest computed from text and salt."""
- s = md5()
- s.update(salt.encode('utf-8'))
- s.update(b'\n')
- s.update(txt.encode('utf8'))
- s.update(b'\n')
- return s.hexdigest()
+ return key, int(duration)

class TZoneUTC(datetime.tzinfo):
@@ -595,583 +376,3 @@
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Return a string representation."""
return '{}()'.format(self.__class__.__name__)
-class DiscussionThread:
- """
- An object representing a discussion thread on a page.
- It represents something that is of the form::
- == Title of thread ==
- Thread content here. ~~~~
- :Reply, etc. ~~~~
- """
- def __init__(self, title: str, timestripper: TimeStripper) -> None:
- """Initializer."""
- self.title = title
- self.ts = timestripper
- self.code = self.ts.site.code
- self.content = ''
- self.timestamp = None
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- """Return a string representation."""
- return '{}("{}",{} bytes)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.title,
- len(self.content.encode('utf-8')))
- def feed_line(self, line: str) -> None:
- """Add a line to the content and find the newest timestamp."""
- if not self.content and not line:
- return
- self.content += line + '\n'
- timestamp = self.ts.timestripper(line)
- if not self.timestamp: # first time
- self.timestamp = timestamp
- if timestamp:
- self.timestamp = max(self.timestamp, timestamp)
- def size(self) -> int:
- """
- Return size of discussion thread.
- Note that the result is NOT equal to that of
- len(self.to_text()). This method counts bytes, rather than
- codepoints (characters). This corresponds to MediaWiki's
- definition of page size.
- """
- return len(self.title.encode('utf-8')) + len(
- self.content.encode('utf-8')) + 12
- def to_text(self) -> str:
- """Return wikitext discussion thread."""
- return '== {} ==\n\n{}'.format(self.title, self.content)
-class DiscussionPage(pywikibot.Page):
- """
- A class that represents a single page of discussion threads.
- Feed threads to it and run an update() afterwards.
- """
- def __init__(self, source, archiver, params=None) -> None:
- """Initializer."""
- super().__init__(source)
- self.threads = []
- self.full = False
- self.archiver = archiver
- # for testing purposes we allow archiver to be None and we are able
- # to create the a DiscussionPage in this way:
- # >>> import pywikibot as py
- # >>> from scripts.archivebot import DiscussionPage
- # >>> d = DiscussionPage(py.Page(py.Site(), <talk page name>), None)
- if archiver is None:
- self.timestripper = TimeStripper(self.site)
- else:
- self.timestripper = self.archiver.timestripper
- self.params = params
- try:
- self.load_page()
- except NoPageError:
- self.header = archiver.get_attr('archiveheader',
- i18n.twtranslate(
- self.site.code,
- 'archivebot-archiveheader'))
- if self.params:
- self.header = self.header % self.params
- def load_page(self) -> None:
- """Load the page to be archived and break it up into threads."""
- self.header = ''
- self.threads = []
- self.archives = {}
- self.archived_threads = 0
- # Exclude unsupported headings (h1, h3, etc):
- # adding the marker will make them ignored by extract_sections()
- text = self.get()
- marker = findmarker(text)
- text = re.sub(r'^((=|={3,})[^=])', marker + r'\1', text, flags=re.M)
- # Find threads, avoid archiving categories or interwiki
- header, threads, footer = extract_sections(text, self.site)
- header = header.replace(marker, '')
- if header and footer:
- self.header = '\n\n'.join((header.rstrip(), footer, ''))
- else:
- self.header = header + footer
- for thread_heading, thread_content in threads:
- cur_thread = DiscussionThread(thread_heading.strip('= '),
- self.timestripper)
- # remove heading line
- _, *lines = thread_content.replace(marker, '').splitlines()
- for line in lines:
- cur_thread.feed_line(line)
- self.threads.append(cur_thread)
- # This extra info is not desirable when run under the unittest
- # framework, which may be run either directly or via setup.py
- if pywikibot.calledModuleName() not in ['archivebot_tests', 'setup']:
- pywikibot.output('{} thread(s) found on {}'
- .format(len(self.threads), self))
- def is_full(self, max_archive_size: Size) -> bool:
- """Check whether archive size exceeded."""
- size, unit = max_archive_size
- if (self.size() > self.archiver.maxsize
- or unit == 'B' and self.size() >= size
- or unit == 'T' and len(self.threads) >= size):
- self.full = True # xxx: this is one-way flag
- return self.full
- def feed_thread(self, thread: DiscussionThread,
- max_archive_size: Size) -> bool:
- """Append a new thread to the archive."""
- self.threads.append(thread)
- self.archived_threads += 1
- return self.is_full(max_archive_size)
- def size(self) -> int:
- """
- Return size of talk page threads.
- Note that this method counts bytes, rather than codepoints
- (characters). This corresponds to MediaWiki's definition
- of page size.
- """
- return len(self.header.encode('utf-8')) + sum(t.size()
- for t in self.threads)
- def update(self, summary, sort_threads: bool = False) -> None:
- """Recombine threads and save page."""
- if sort_threads:
- pywikibot.output('Sorting threads...')
- self.threads.sort(key=lambda t: t.timestamp)
- newtext = self.header.strip() + '\n\n' # Fix trailing newlines
- for t in self.threads:
- newtext += t.to_text()
- if self.full:
- summary += ' ' + i18n.twtranslate(self.site.code,
- 'archivebot-archive-full')
- self.text = newtext
- self.save(summary)
-class PageArchiver:
- """A class that encapsulates all archiving methods."""
- algo = 'none'
- def __init__(self, page, template, salt: str, force: bool = False) -> None:
- """Initializer.
- :param page: a page object to be archived
- :type page: :py:obj:`pywikibot.Page`
- :param template: a template with configuration settings
- :type template: :py:obj:`pywikibot.Page`
- :param salt: salt value
- :param force: override security value
- """
- self.attributes = OrderedDict([
- ('archive', ['', False]),
- ('algo', ['old(24h)', False]),
- ('counter', ['1', False]),
- ('maxarchivesize', ['200K', False]),
- ])
- self.salt = salt
- self.force = force
- self.site = page.site
- self.tpl = template
- self.timestripper = TimeStripper(site=self.site)
- # read maxarticlesize
- try:
- # keep a gap of 1 KB not to block later changes
- self.maxsize = self.site.siteinfo['maxarticlesize'] - 1024
- except KeyError: # mw < 1.28
- self.maxsize = 2096128 # 2 MB - 1 KB gap
- self.page = DiscussionPage(page, self)
- self.load_config()
- self.comment_params = {
- 'from': self.page.title(),
- }
- self.now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=TZoneUTC())
- self.archives = {}
- self.archived_threads = 0
- self.month_num2orig_names = {}
- for n, (long, short) in enumerate(self.site.months_names, start=1):
- self.month_num2orig_names[n] = {'long': long, 'short': short}
- def get_attr(self, attr, default='') -> Any:
- """Get an archiver attribute."""
- return self.attributes.get(attr, [default])[0]
- def set_attr(self, attr, value, out: bool = True) -> None:
- """Set an archiver attribute."""
- if attr == 'archive':
- value = value.replace('_', ' ')
- elif attr == 'maxarchivesize':
- size, unit = str2size(value)
- if unit == 'B' and size > self.maxsize:
- value = '{} K'.format(self.maxsize // 1024)
- warn('Siteinfo "maxarticlesize" exceeded. Decreasing '
- '"maxarchivesize" to ' + value,
- ResourceWarning, stacklevel=2)
- self.attributes[attr] = [value, out]
- def saveables(self) -> List[str]:
- """Return a list of saveable attributes."""
- return [a for a in self.attributes if self.attributes[a][1]
- and a != 'maxage']
- def attr2text(self) -> str:
- """Return a template with archiver saveable attributes."""
- return '{{%s\n%s\n}}' \
- % (self.tpl.title(with_ns=(self.tpl.namespace() != 10)),
- '\n'.join('|{} = {}'.format(a, self.get_attr(a))
- for a in self.saveables()))
- def key_ok(self) -> bool:
- """Return whether key is valid."""
- hexdigest = calc_md5_hexdigest(self.page.title(), self.salt)
- return self.get_attr('key') == hexdigest
- def load_config(self) -> None:
- """Load and validate archiver template."""
- pywikibot.output('Looking for: {{{{{}}}}} in {}'.format(
- self.tpl.title(), self.page))
- for tpl, params in self.page.raw_extracted_templates:
- try: # Check tpl name before comparing; it might be invalid.
- tpl_page = pywikibot.Page(self.site, tpl, ns=10)
- tpl_page.title()
- except Error:
- continue
- if tpl_page == self.tpl:
- for item, value in params.items():
- self.set_attr(item.strip(), value.strip())
- break
- else:
- raise MissingConfigError('Missing or malformed template')
- if not self.get_attr('algo', ''):
- raise MissingConfigError('Missing argument "algo" in template')
- if not self.get_attr('archive', ''):
- raise MissingConfigError('Missing argument "archive" in template')
- def should_archive_thread(self, thread: DiscussionThread
- ) -> Optional[ShouldArchive]:
- """
- Check whether a thread has to be archived.
- :return: the archivation reason as a tuple of localization args
- """
- # Archived by timestamp
- algo = self.get_attr('algo')
- re_t = re.fullmatch(r'old\((.*)\)', algo)
- if re_t:
- if not thread.timestamp:
- return None
- # TODO: handle unsigned
- maxage = str2time(re_t.group(1), thread.timestamp)
- if self.now - thread.timestamp > maxage:
- duration = str2localized_duration(self.site, re_t.group(1))
- return ('duration', duration)
- # TODO: handle marked with template
- return None
- def get_archive_page(self, title: str, params=None) -> DiscussionPage:
- """
- Return the page for archiving.
- If it doesn't exist yet, create and cache it.
- Also check for security violations.
- """
- page_title = self.page.title()
- archive = pywikibot.Page(self.site, title)
- if not (self.force or title.startswith(page_title + '/')
- or self.key_ok()):
- raise ArchiveSecurityError(
- 'Archive page {} does not start with page title ({})!'
- .format(archive, page_title))
- if title not in self.archives:
- self.archives[title] = DiscussionPage(archive, self, params)
- return self.archives[title]
- def get_params(self, timestamp, counter: int) -> dict:
- """Make params for archiving template."""
- lang = self.site.lang
- return {
- 'counter': to_local_digits(counter, lang),
- 'year': to_local_digits(timestamp.year, lang),
- 'isoyear': to_local_digits(timestamp.isocalendar()[0], lang),
- 'isoweek': to_local_digits(timestamp.isocalendar()[1], lang),
- 'semester': to_local_digits(int(ceil(timestamp.month / 6)), lang),
- 'quarter': to_local_digits(int(ceil(timestamp.month / 3)), lang),
- 'month': to_local_digits(timestamp.month, lang),
- 'monthname': self.month_num2orig_names[timestamp.month]['long'],
- 'monthnameshort': self.month_num2orig_names[
- timestamp.month]['short'],
- 'week': to_local_digits(
- int(time.strftime('%W', timestamp.timetuple())), lang),
- }
- def analyze_page(self) -> Set[ShouldArchive]:
- """Analyze DiscussionPage."""
- max_arch_size = str2size(self.get_attr('maxarchivesize'))
- counter = int(self.get_attr('counter', '1'))
- pattern = self.get_attr('archive')
- keep_threads = []
- threads_per_archive = defaultdict(list)
- whys = set()
- pywikibot.output('Processing {} threads'
- .format(len(self.page.threads)))
- for i, thread in enumerate(self.page.threads):
- # TODO: Make an option so that unstamped (unsigned) posts get
- # archived.
- why = self.should_archive_thread(thread)
- if not why or why[0] != 'duration':
- keep_threads.append(i)
- continue
- params = self.get_params(thread.timestamp, counter)
- # this is actually just a dummy key to group the threads by
- # "era" regardless of the counter and deal with it later
- key = pattern % params
- threads_per_archive[key].append((i, thread))
- whys.add(why) # xxx: we don't know if we ever archive anything
- params = self.get_params(self.now, counter)
- aux_params = self.get_params(self.now, counter + 1)
- counter_matters = (pattern % params) != (pattern % aux_params)
- del params, aux_params
- # we need to start with the oldest archive since that is
- # the one the saved counter applies to, so sort the groups
- # by the oldest timestamp
- groups = sorted(threads_per_archive.values(),
- key=lambda group: min(t.timestamp for _, t in group))
- era_change = False
- for group in groups:
- # We will reset counter IFF:
- # 1. it matters (AND)
- # 2. "era" (year, month, etc.) changes (AND)
- # 3. there is something to put to the new archive.
- for i, thread in group:
- threads_left = len(self.page.threads) - self.archived_threads
- if threads_left <= int(self.get_attr('minthreadsleft', 5)):
- keep_threads.append(i)
- continue # Because there's too little threads left.
- if era_change:
- era_change = False
- counter = 1
- params = self.get_params(thread.timestamp, counter)
- archive = self.get_archive_page(pattern % params, params)
- if counter_matters:
- while counter > 1 and not archive.exists():
- # This may happen when either:
- # 1. a previous version of the bot run and reset
- # the counter without archiving anything
- # (number #3 above)
- # 2. era changed between runs.
- # Decrease the counter.
- # TODO: This can be VERY slow, use preloading
- # or binary search.
- counter -= 1
- params = self.get_params(thread.timestamp, counter)
- archive = self.get_archive_page(
- pattern % params, params)
- while archive.is_full(max_arch_size):
- counter += 1
- params = self.get_params(thread.timestamp, counter)
- archive = self.get_archive_page(
- pattern % params, params)
- archive.feed_thread(thread, max_arch_size)
- self.archived_threads += 1
- if counter_matters:
- era_change = True
- if self.archived_threads:
- self.page.threads = [self.page.threads[i]
- for i in sorted(keep_threads)]
- self.set_attr('counter', str(counter))
- return whys
- return set()
- def run(self) -> None:
- """Process a single DiscussionPage object."""
- if not self.page.botMayEdit():
- return
- whys = self.analyze_page()
- mintoarchive = int(self.get_attr('minthreadstoarchive', 2))
- if self.archived_threads < mintoarchive:
- # We might not want to archive a measly few threads
- # (lowers edit frequency)
- pywikibot.output('Only {} (< {}) threads are old enough. Skipping'
- .format(self.archived_threads, mintoarchive))
- return
- if whys:
- # Search for the marker template
- rx = re.compile(r'\{\{%s\s*?\n.*?\n\}\}'
- % (template_title_regex(self.tpl).pattern),
- re.DOTALL)
- if not rx.search(self.page.header):
- raise MalformedConfigError(
- "Couldn't find the template in the header"
- )
- pywikibot.output('Archiving {} thread(s).'
- .format(self.archived_threads))
- # Save the archives first (so that bugs don't cause a loss of data)
- for _title, archive in sorted(self.archives.items()):
- count = archive.archived_threads
- if count == 0:
- continue
- self.comment_params['count'] = count
- comment = i18n.twtranslate(self.site.code,
- 'archivebot-archive-summary',
- self.comment_params)
- archive.update(comment)
- # Save the page itself
- self.page.header = rx.sub(self.attr2text(), self.page.header)
- self.comment_params['count'] = self.archived_threads
- comma = self.site.mediawiki_message('comma-separator')
- self.comment_params['archives'] = comma.join(
- a.title(as_link=True) for a in self.archives.values()
- if a.archived_threads > 0
- )
- # Find out the reasons and return them localized
- translated_whys = set()
- for why, arg in whys:
- # Archived by timestamp
- if why == 'duration':
- translated_whys.add(
- i18n.twtranslate(self.site.code,
- 'archivebot-older-than',
- {'duration': arg,
- 'count': self.archived_threads}))
- # TODO: handle unsigned or archived by template
- self.comment_params['why'] = comma.join(translated_whys)
- comment = i18n.twtranslate(self.site.code,
- 'archivebot-page-summary',
- self.comment_params)
- self.page.update(comment)
-def main(*args: str) -> None:
- """
- Process command line arguments and invoke bot.
- If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used.
- :param args: command line arguments
- """
- filename = None
- pagename = None
- namespace = None
- salt = ''
- force = False
- calc = None
- templates = []
- local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args)
- for arg in local_args:
- option, _, value = arg.partition(':')
- if not option.startswith('-'):
- templates.append(arg)
- continue
- option = option[1:]
- if option in ('file', 'filename'):
- filename = value
- elif option == 'locale':
- # Required for english month names
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, value.encode('utf8'))
- elif option == 'timezone':
- os.environ['TZ'] = value.timezone
- # Or use the preset value
- if hasattr(time, 'tzset'):
- time.tzset()
- elif option == 'calc':
- calc = value
- elif option == 'salt':
- salt = value
- elif option == 'force':
- force = True
- elif option == 'page':
- pagename = value
- elif option == 'namespace':
- namespace = value
- site = pywikibot.Site()
- if calc:
- if not salt:
- pywikibot.bot.suggest_help(missing_parameters=['-salt'])
- return
- page = pywikibot.Page(site, calc)
- if page.exists():
- calc = page.title()
- else:
- pywikibot.output(
- 'NOTE: the specified page "{}" does not (yet) exist.'
- .format(calc))
- pywikibot.output('key = {}'.format(calc_md5_hexdigest(calc, salt)))
- return
- if not templates:
- pywikibot.bot.suggest_help(
- additional_text='No template was specified.')
- return
- for template_name in templates:
- pagelist = []
- tmpl = pywikibot.Page(site, template_name, ns=10)
- if not filename and not pagename:
- if namespace is not None:
- ns = [str(namespace)]
- else:
- ns = []
- pywikibot.output('Fetching template transclusions...')
- pagelist.extend(tmpl.getReferences(only_template_inclusion=True,
- follow_redirects=False,
- namespaces=ns))
- if filename:
- with open(filename) as f:
- for pg in f.readlines():
- pagelist.append(pywikibot.Page(site, pg, ns=10))
- if pagename:
- pagelist.append(pywikibot.Page(site, pagename, ns=3))
- pagelist.sort()
- for pg in pagelist:
- pywikibot.output('Processing {}'.format(pg))
- # Catching exceptions, so that errors in one page do not bail out
- # the entire process
- try:
- archiver = PageArchiver(pg, tmpl, salt, force)
- archiver.run()
- except ArchiveBotSiteConfigError as e:
- # no stack trace for errors originated by pages on-site
- pywikibot.error('Missing or malformed template in page {}: {}'
- .format(pg, e))
- except Exception:
- pywikibot.exception('Error occurred while processing page {}'
- .format(pg))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/scripts/archivebot.py b/scripts/archivebot.py
index 95febaf..e131405 100755
--- a/scripts/archivebot.py
+++ b/scripts/archivebot.py
@@ -94,11 +94,9 @@
import datetime
import locale
-import math
import os
import re
import time
-import types
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from hashlib import md5
from math import ceil
@@ -108,7 +106,6 @@
import pywikibot
from pywikibot import i18n
from pywikibot.backports import List, Set, Tuple
-from pywikibot.date import apply_month_delta
from pywikibot.exceptions import Error, NoPageError
from pywikibot.textlib import (
@@ -117,22 +114,12 @@
+from pywikibot.time import parse_duration, str2timedelta, MW_KEYS, TZoneUTC

ShouldArchive = Tuple[str, str]
Size = Tuple[int, str]

-ZERO = datetime.timedelta(0)
-MW_KEYS = types.MappingProxyType({
- 's': 'seconds',
- 'h': 'hours',
- 'd': 'days',
- 'w': 'weeks',
- 'y': 'years',
- # 'months' and 'minutes' were removed because confusion outweighs merit

class ArchiveBotSiteConfigError(Error):

@@ -175,89 +162,18 @@
Translates a duration written in the shorthand notation (ex. "24h", "7d")
into an expression in the local wiki language ("24 hours", "7 days").
- key, duration = checkstr(string)
+ try:
+ key, duration = parse_duration(string)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise MalformedConfigError(e) from None
template = site.mediawiki_message(MW_KEYS[key])
if template:
# replace plural variants
- exp = i18n.translate(site.code, template, {'$1': int(duration)})
+ exp = i18n.translate(site.code, template, {'$1': duration})
return exp.replace('$1', to_local_digits(duration, site.code))
return to_local_digits(string, site.code)

-def str2time(string: str, timestamp=None) -> datetime.timedelta:
- """
- Return a timedelta for a shorthand duration.
- :param string: a string defining a time period:
- Examples::
- 300s - 300 seconds
- 36h - 36 hours
- 7d - 7 days
- 2w - 2 weeks (14 days)
- 1y - 1 year
- :param timestamp: a timestamp to calculate a more accurate duration offset
- used by years
- :type timestamp: datetime.datetime
- :return: the corresponding timedelta object
- """
- key, duration = checkstr(string)
- if duration.isdigit():
- duration = int(duration)
- else:
- key = ''
- if key in ['d', 's', 'h', 'w']: # days, seconds, hours, weeks
- return datetime.timedelta(**{MW_KEYS[key]: duration})
- if key == 'y': # years
- days = math.ceil(duration * 365.25)
- duration *= 12
- else:
- raise MalformedConfigError(
- 'Unrecognized parameter in template: {}'.format(string))
- if timestamp:
- return apply_month_delta(
- timestamp.date(), month_delta=duration) - timestamp.date()
- return datetime.timedelta(days=days)
-def checkstr(string: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
- """
- Return the key and duration extracted from the string.
- :param string: a string defining a time period
- Examples::
- 300s - 300 seconds
- 36h - 36 hours
- 7d - 7 days
- 2w - 2 weeks (14 days)
- 1y - 1 year
- :return: key and duration extracted form the string
- """
- if len(string) < 2:
- raise MalformedConfigError('Time period should be a numeric value '
- 'followed by its qualifier')
- key, duration = string[-1], string[:-1]
- if key not in MW_KEYS:
- raise MalformedConfigError('Time period qualifier is unrecognized: {}'
- .format(string))
- if not duration.isdigit():
- raise MalformedConfigError("Time period's duration should be "
- 'numeric: {}'.format(string))
- return key, duration
def str2size(string: str) -> Size:
Return a size for a shorthand size.
@@ -313,27 +229,6 @@
return s.hexdigest()

-class TZoneUTC(datetime.tzinfo):
- """Class building a UTC tzinfo object."""
- def utcoffset(self, dt) -> datetime.timedelta:
- """Subclass implementation, return timedelta(0)."""
- return ZERO
- def tzname(self, dt) -> str:
- """Subclass implementation."""
- return 'UTC'
- def dst(self, dt) -> datetime.timedelta:
- """Subclass implementation, return timedelta(0)."""
- return ZERO
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- """Return a string representation."""
- return '{}()'.format(self.__class__.__name__)
class DiscussionThread:

@@ -619,7 +514,10 @@
if not thread.timestamp:
return None
# TODO: handle unsigned
- maxage = str2time(re_t.group(1), thread.timestamp)
+ try:
+ maxage = str2timedelta(re_t.group(1), thread.timestamp)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise MalformedConfigError(e) from None
if self.now - thread.timestamp > maxage:
duration = str2localized_duration(self.site, re_t.group(1))
return ('duration', duration)
diff --git a/tests/archivebot_tests.py b/tests/archivebot_tests.py
index fdbd4ac..fd7831d 100755
--- a/tests/archivebot_tests.py
+++ b/tests/archivebot_tests.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import unittest
from contextlib import suppress
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from datetime import datetime

import pywikibot
from pywikibot.exceptions import Error
@@ -79,30 +79,6 @@

net = False

- def test_str2time(self):
- """Test for parsing the shorthand notation of durations."""
- date = datetime(2017, 1, 1) # non leap year
- self.assertEqual(archivebot.str2time('0d'), timedelta(0))
- self.assertEqual(archivebot.str2time('4000s'), timedelta(seconds=4000))
- self.assertEqual(archivebot.str2time('4000h'), timedelta(hours=4000))
- self.assertEqual(archivebot.str2time('7d'), archivebot.str2time('1w'))
- self.assertEqual(archivebot.str2time('3y'), timedelta(1096))
- self.assertEqual(archivebot.str2time('3y', date), timedelta(1095))
- with self.assertRaises(archivebot.MalformedConfigError):
- archivebot.str2time('4000@')
- with self.assertRaises(archivebot.MalformedConfigError):
- archivebot.str2time('$1')
- def test_checkstr(self):
- """Test for extracting key and duration from shorthand notation."""
- self.assertEqual(archivebot.checkstr('400s'), ('s', '400'))
- self.assertEqual(archivebot.checkstr('7d'), ('d', '7'))
- self.assertEqual(archivebot.checkstr('3y'), ('y', '3'))
- for invalid_value in ('', '3000', '4000@'):
- with self.assertRaises(archivebot.MalformedConfigError):
- archivebot.checkstr(invalid_value)
def test_str2size(self):
"""Test for parsing the shorthand notation of sizes."""
self.assertEqual(archivebot.str2size('0'), (0, 'B'))
diff --git a/tests/textlib_tests.py b/tests/textlib_tests.py
index 64a1666..adf4e4a 100755
--- a/tests/textlib_tests.py
+++ b/tests/textlib_tests.py
@@ -1001,15 +1001,14 @@

def test_to_local(self):
"""Test converting Latin digits to local digits."""
- self.assertEqual(textlib.to_local_digits(299792458, 'en'), 299792458)
+ self.assertEqual(textlib.to_local_digits(299792458, 'en'), '299792458')
textlib.to_local_digits(299792458, 'fa'), '۲۹۹۷۹۲۴۵۸')
'299792458 flash', 'fa'), '۲۹۹۷۹۲۴۵۸ flash')
- textlib.to_local_digits(
- '299792458', 'km'), '២៩៩៧៩២៤៥៨')
+ textlib.to_local_digits('299792458', 'km'), '២៩៩៧៩២៤៥៨')

def test_to_latin(self):
"""Test converting local digits to Latin digits."""
diff --git a/tests/time_tests.py b/tests/time_tests.py
index 44d704b..585f039 100755
--- a/tests/time_tests.py
+++ b/tests/time_tests.py
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import calendar
-import datetime
import re
import unittest
from contextlib import suppress
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta

-from pywikibot.time import Timestamp
+from pywikibot.time import parse_duration, str2timedelta, Timestamp
from tests.aspects import TestCase

@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@

def test_set_from_datetime(self):
"""Test creating instance from datetime.datetime string."""
- t1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ t1 = datetime.utcnow()
t2 = Timestamp.set_timestamp(t1)
self.assertEqual(t1, t2)
- self.assertIsInstance(t2, datetime.datetime)
+ self.assertIsInstance(t2, datetime)

def _compute_posix(timestr):
@@ -85,8 +85,7 @@
sec = sec - 1
usec = 1000000 - usec

- return (datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
- + datetime.timedelta(seconds=sec, microseconds=usec))
+ return datetime(1970, 1, 1) + timedelta(seconds=sec, microseconds=usec)

def _test_set_from_string_fmt(self, fmt):
"""Test creating instance from <FMT> string."""
@@ -200,7 +199,7 @@
def test_add_timedelta(self):
"""Test addin a timedelta to a Timestamp."""
t1 = Timestamp.utcnow()
- t2 = t1 + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ t2 = t1 + timedelta(days=1)
if t1.month != t2.month:
self.assertEqual(1, t2.day)
@@ -209,21 +208,21 @@

def test_add_timedate(self):
"""Test unsupported additions raise NotImplemented."""
- t1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- t2 = t1 + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ t1 = datetime.utcnow()
+ t2 = t1 + timedelta(days=1)
t3 = t1.__add__(t2)
self.assertIs(t3, NotImplemented)

# Now check that the pywikibot sub-class behaves the same way
t1 = Timestamp.utcnow()
- t2 = t1 + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ t2 = t1 + timedelta(days=1)
t3 = t1.__add__(t2)
self.assertIs(t3, NotImplemented)

def test_sub_timedelta(self):
"""Test subtracting a timedelta from a Timestamp."""
t1 = Timestamp.utcnow()
- t2 = t1 - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ t2 = t1 - timedelta(days=1)
if t1.month != t2.month:
self.assertEqual(calendar.monthrange(t2.year, t2.month)[1], t2.day)
@@ -233,12 +232,44 @@
def test_sub_timedate(self):
"""Test subtracting two timestamps."""
t1 = Timestamp.utcnow()
- t2 = t1 - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ t2 = t1 - timedelta(days=1)
td = t1 - t2
- self.assertIsInstance(td, datetime.timedelta)
+ self.assertIsInstance(td, timedelta)
self.assertEqual(t2 + td, t1)

+class TestTimeFunctions(TestCase):
+ """Test functions in time module."""
+ net = False
+ def test_str2timedelta(self):
+ """Test for parsing the shorthand notation of durations."""
+ date = datetime(2017, 1, 1) # non leap year
+ self.assertEqual(str2timedelta('0d'), timedelta(0))
+ self.assertEqual(str2timedelta('4000s'), timedelta(seconds=4000))
+ self.assertEqual(str2timedelta('4000h'), timedelta(hours=4000))
+ self.assertEqual(str2timedelta('7d'), str2timedelta('1w'))
+ self.assertEqual(str2timedelta('3y'), timedelta(1096))
+ self.assertEqual(str2timedelta('3y', date), timedelta(1095))
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ str2timedelta('4000@')
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ str2timedelta('$1')
+ def test_parse_duration(self):
+ """Test for extracting key and duration from shorthand notation."""
+ self.assertEqual(parse_duration('400s'), ('s', 400))
+ self.assertEqual(parse_duration('7d'), ('d', 7))
+ self.assertEqual(parse_duration('3y'), ('y', 3))
+ for invalid_value in ('', '3000', '4000@'):
+ with self.subTest(value=invalid_value), \
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+ parse_duration(invalid_value)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
with suppress(SystemExit):

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Gerrit-Project: pywikibot/core
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: Id7116655ead1fc9ec2b433cc33ddbb7d65a15435
Gerrit-Change-Number: 811211
Gerrit-PatchSet: 11
Gerrit-Owner: Xqt <info@gno.de>
Gerrit-Reviewer: D3r1ck01 <xsavitar.wiki@aol.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Xqt <info@gno.de>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot
Gerrit-CC: Mpaa <mpaa.wiki@gmail.com>
Gerrit-MessageType: merged