jenkins-bot submitted this change.
[cleanup] Improvements for TimeStripper
- replace self.patterns by a TimeStripperPatterns
- deprecate single regex patterns attributes
- remove self.groups and introduce TIMEGROUPS constant
- reduce nested flow statements in _last_match_and_replace
- raise KexError with a message instead printing the message
in _valid_date_dict_positions
- use f-strings instead of format method
- add a usage sample for TimeStripper
Change-Id: I1e01642e4bd94e998d4480c99e249884cd5cfdac
M pywikibot/
1 file changed, 137 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pywikibot/ b/pywikibot/
index 8b252a8..9543fc8 100644
--- a/pywikibot/
+++ b/pywikibot/
@@ -1832,9 +1832,32 @@
# Time parsing functionality (Archivebot)
# ---------------------------------------
+TIMEGROUPS = ('time', 'tzinfo', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute')
+#: Hold precompiled timestamp patterns for :class:`TimeStripper`.
+#: Order of TimeStripperPatterns is important to avoid mismatch when searching.
+#: .. versionadded:: 8.0
+TimeStripperPatterns = namedtuple('TimeStripperPatterns', TIMEGROUPS[:-2])
class TimeStripper:
- """Find timestamp in page and return it as pywikibot.Timestamp object."""
+ """Find timestamp in page and return it as pywikibot.Timestamp object.
+ .. versionchanged:: 8.0
+ *group* attribute is a set instead of a list.
+ *patterns* is a :class:`TimeStripperPatterns` namedtuple instead
+ of a list.
+ **Example**:
+ >>> site = pywikibot.Site('wikipedia:fr')
+ >>> sign = 'Merci bien Xqt (d) 15 mai 2013 à 20:34 (CEST)'
+ >>> ts = TimeStripper(site)
+ >>> ts.timestripper(sign)
+ Timestamp(2013, 5, 15, 20, 34, tzinfo=TZoneFixedOffset(3600, Europe/Paris))
+ """
def __init__(self, site=None) -> None:
@@ -1854,24 +1877,21 @@
if short.endswith('.'):
self.origNames2monthNum[func(short[:-1])] = n
- self.groups = ['year', 'month', 'hour', 'time', 'day', 'minute',
- 'tzinfo']
timeR = (r'(?P<time>(?P<hour>([0-1]\d|2[0-3]))[:\.h]'
timeznR = r'\((?P<tzinfo>[A-Z]+)\)'
yearR = r'(?P<year>(19|20)\d\d)(?:{})?'.format('\ub144')
# if months have 'digits' as names, they need to be
# removed; will be handled as digits in regex, adding d+{1,2}\.?
- escaped_months = [_ for _ in self.origNames2monthNum if
- not _.strip('.').isdigit()]
+ escaped_months = [month for month in self.origNames2monthNum if
+ not month.strip('.').isdigit()]
# match longest names first.
- escaped_months = [re.escape(_) for
- _ in sorted(escaped_months, reverse=True)]
+ escaped_months = [re.escape(month) for
+ month in sorted(escaped_months, reverse=True)]
# work around for cs wiki: if month are in digits, we assume
# that format is dd. mm. (with dot and spaces optional)
# the last one is workaround for Korean
- if any(_.isdigit() for _ in self.origNames2monthNum):
+ if any(month.isdigit() for month in self.origNames2monthNum):
self.is_digit_month = True
monthR = r'(?P<month>({})|(?:1[012]|0?[1-9])\.)' \
@@ -1882,20 +1902,13 @@
monthR = r'(?P<month>({}))'.format('|'.join(escaped_months))
dayR = r'(?P<day>(3[01]|[12]\d|0?[1-9]))\.?'
- self.ptimeR = re.compile(timeR)
- self.ptimeznR = re.compile(timeznR)
- self.pyearR = re.compile(yearR)
- self.pmonthR = re.compile(monthR)
- self.pdayR = re.compile(dayR)
- # order is important to avoid mismatch when searching
- self.patterns = [
- self.ptimeR,
- self.ptimeznR,
- self.pyearR,
- self.pmonthR,
- self.pdayR,
- ]
+ self.patterns = TimeStripperPatterns(
+ re.compile(timeR),
+ re.compile(timeznR),
+ re.compile(yearR),
+ re.compile(monthR),
+ re.compile(dayR),
+ )
self._hyperlink_pat = re.compile(r'\[\s*?http[s]?://[^\]]*?\]')
self._comment_pat = re.compile(r'<!--(.*?)-->')
@@ -1905,6 +1918,66 @@
self.tzinfo = TZoneFixedOffset(['timeoffset'],['timezone'])
+ @property
+ @deprecated('patterns.time', since='8.0.0')
+ def ptimeR(self):
+ """Deprecated time pattern attribute.
+ .. deprecated:: 8.0
+ use pattern.time instead
+ """
+ return self.patterns.time
+ @property
+ @deprecated('patterns.tzinfo', since='8.0.0')
+ def ptimeznR(self):
+ """Deprecated tzinfo pattern attribute.
+ .. deprecated:: 8.0
+ use patterns.tzinfo instead
+ """
+ return self.patterns.tzinfo
+ @property
+ @deprecated('patterns.year', since='8.0.0')
+ def pyearR(self):
+ """Deprecated year pattern attribute.
+ .. deprecated:: 8.0
+ use patterns.year instead
+ """
+ return self.patterns.year
+ @property
+ @deprecated('patterns.month', since='8.0.0')
+ def pmonthR(self):
+ """Deprecated month pattern attribute.
+ .. deprecated:: 8.0
+ use patterns.month instead
+ """
+ return self.patterns.month
+ @property
+ @deprecated('', since='8.0.0')
+ def pdayR(self):
+ """Deprecated day pattern attribute.
+ .. deprecated:: 8.0
+ use instead
+ """
+ return
+ @property
+ @deprecated('textlib.TIMEGROUPS', since='8.0.0')
+ def groups(self):
+ """Deprecated groups attribute.
+ .. deprecated:: 8.0
+ use textlib.TIMEGROUPS instead
+ """
@deprecated('to_latin_digits() function', since='7.0.0')
def fix_digits(line):
@@ -1916,8 +1989,7 @@
return to_latin_digits(line)
def _last_match_and_replace(self, txt: str, pat):
- """
- Take the rightmost match and replace with marker.
+ """Take the rightmost match and replace with marker.
It does so to prevent spurious earlier matches.
@@ -1936,21 +2008,21 @@
return '@' * (m.end() - m.start())
- if m:
- # month and day format might be identical (e.g. see bug T71315),
- # avoid to wipe out day, after month is matched.
- # replace all matches but the last two
- # (i.e. allow to search for dd. mm.)
- if pat == self.pmonthR:
- if self.is_digit_month:
- if cnt > 2:
- txt = pat.sub(marker, txt, cnt - 2)
- else:
- txt = pat.sub(marker, txt)
- else:
- txt = pat.sub(marker, txt)
- return (txt, m)
- return (txt, None)
+ if not m:
+ return (txt, None)
+ # month and day format might be identical (e.g. see bug T71315),
+ # avoid to wipe out day, after month is matched. Replace all matches
+ # but the last two (i.e. allow to search for dd. mm.)
+ if pat != self.patterns.month:
+ txt = pat.sub(marker, txt)
+ elif self.is_digit_month:
+ if cnt > 2:
+ txt = pat.sub(marker, txt, cnt - 2)
+ else:
+ txt = pat.sub(marker, txt)
+ return (txt, m)
def _valid_date_dict_positions(dateDict) -> bool:
@@ -2042,7 +2114,7 @@
# all fields matched -> date valid
# groups are in a reasonable order.
- if (all(g in dateDict for g in self.groups)
+ if (all(g in dateDict for g in TIMEGROUPS)
and self._valid_date_dict_positions(dateDict)):
# remove 'time' key, now split in hour/minute and not needed
# by datetime.
@@ -2052,9 +2124,10 @@
value = self.origNames2monthNum[dateDict['month']['value']]
except KeyError:
-'incorrect month name "{}" in page in site {}'
- .format(dateDict['month']['value'],
- raise KeyError
+ raise KeyError(
+ f"incorrect month name {dateDict['month']['value']!r} "
+ f'in page in site {}'
+ )
dateDict['month']['value'] = value
@@ -2065,9 +2138,8 @@
dateDict[k] = int(v['value'])
except ValueError:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Value: {} could not be converted for key: {}.'
- .format(v['value'], k))
+ raise ValueError(f"Value: {v['value']} could not be "
+ f'converted for key: {k}.')
# find timezone
dateDict['tzinfo'] = self.tzinfo
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