wikimedia / pywikibot-core (master)
Build #4300 failed.
2 hours, 10 minutes, and 51 seconds
dalba 34b945e Changeset →
  travis.yml: Disable OAuth jobs

It's been nearly 3 weeks since these jobs started to fail.

Each of them takes nearly 50 minutes to complete and at the end there is no
useful output. They are just making the builds slow, distracting us from
things that really need attention and can be fixed.

I also sent a message to the mailing list which has had no reply so far.[1]


Bug: T173498
Change-Id: I45f7c4048cea4eb7a135b1c6ea1d582d43afbae7
System message:

We have updated our Trusty images on Sept. 7th, 2017. You can add group: deprecated-2017Q3 in sudo-enabled builds to use the previous version. More details here.

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