Xqt submitted this change.

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Approvals: Xqt: Verified; Looks good to me, approved
[IMPR] Move Timestamp to time.py part 2

Change-Id: I20880e97a5abc79fecbfeae9e3622f7caa2dc181
M pywikibot/CONTENT.rst
R pywikibot/__init__.py
M pywikibot/time.py
M tests/__init__.py
R tests/time_tests.py
M tests/utils.py
M tox.ini
7 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 1,531 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pywikibot/CONTENT.rst b/pywikibot/CONTENT.rst
index 617b52d..279a055 100644
--- a/pywikibot/CONTENT.rst
+++ b/pywikibot/CONTENT.rst
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@
| throttle.py | Mechanics to slow down wiki read and/or write rate |
+ | time.py | Timesstamp and time functions |
+ +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+
| titletranslate.py | Rules and tricks to auto-translate wikipage titles |
| | articles |
diff --git a/pywikibot/__init.py b/pywikibot/__init__.py
similarity index 82%
rename from pywikibot/__init.py
rename to pywikibot/__init__.py
index eeda968..018bbe1 100644
--- a/pywikibot/__init.py
+++ b/pywikibot/__init__.py
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
import re
import sys
import threading
-import time
from contextlib import suppress
from decimal import Decimal
from queue import Queue
+from time import sleep as time_sleep
from typing import Any, Optional, Type, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from warnings import warn
@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@
from pywikibot.site import APISite, BaseSite, DataSite
-from pywikibot.tools import classproperty, normalize_username, PYTHON_VERSION
+from pywikibot.time import Timestamp
+from pywikibot.tools import normalize_username, PYTHON_VERSION

ItemPageStrNoneType = Union[str, 'ItemPage', None]
@@ -102,254 +103,6 @@
FutureWarning) # adjust this line no in utils.execute()

-class Timestamp(datetime.datetime):
- """Class for handling MediaWiki timestamps.
- This inherits from datetime.datetime, so it can use all of the methods
- and operations of a datetime object. To ensure that the results of any
- operation are also a Timestamp object, be sure to use only Timestamp
- objects (and datetime.timedeltas) in any operation.
- Use Timestamp.fromISOformat() and Timestamp.fromtimestampformat() to
- create Timestamp objects from MediaWiki string formats.
- As these constructors are typically used to create objects using data
- passed provided by site and page methods, some of which return a Timestamp
- when previously they returned a MediaWiki string representation, these
- methods also accept a Timestamp object, in which case they return a clone.
- Alternatively, Timestamp.set_timestamp() can create Timestamp objects from
- Timestamp, datetime.datetime object, or strings compliant with ISO8601,
- MW, or POSIX formats.
- Use Site.server_time() for the current time; this is more reliable
- than using Timestamp.utcnow().
- """
- mediawikiTSFormat = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'
- _ISO8601Format_new = '{0:+05d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}T{3:02d}:{4:02d}:{5:02d}Z'
- @classmethod
- def set_timestamp(cls: Type['Timestamp'],
- ts: Union[str, datetime.datetime, 'Timestamp']
- ) -> 'Timestamp':
- """Set Timestamp from input object.
- ts is converted to a datetime naive object representing UTC time.
- String shall be compliant with:
- - Mediwiki timestamp format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
- - ISO8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD[T ]HH:MM:SS[Z|±HH[MM[SS[.ffffff]]]]
- - POSIX format: seconds from Unix epoch S{1,13}[.ffffff]]
- :param ts: Timestamp, datetime.datetime or str
- :return: Timestamp object
- :raises ValuError: conversion failed
- """
- if isinstance(ts, cls):
- return ts
- if isinstance(ts, datetime.datetime):
- return cls._from_datetime(ts)
- if isinstance(ts, str):
- return cls._from_string(ts)
- @staticmethod
- def _from_datetime(dt: datetime.datetime) -> 'Timestamp':
- """Convert a datetime.datetime timestamp to a Timestamp object."""
- return Timestamp(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour,
- dt.minute, dt.second, dt.microsecond,
- dt.tzinfo)
- @classmethod
- def _from_mw(cls: Type['Timestamp'], timestr: str) -> 'Timestamp':
- """Convert a string in MW format to a Timestamp object.
- Mediwiki timestamp format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
- """
- RE_MW = r'\d{14}$'
- m = re.match(RE_MW, timestr)
- if not m:
- msg = "time data '{timestr}' does not match MW format."
- raise ValueError(msg.format(timestr=timestr))
- return cls.strptime(timestr, cls.mediawikiTSFormat)
- @classmethod
- def _from_iso8601(cls: Type['Timestamp'], timestr: str) -> 'Timestamp':
- """Convert a string in ISO8601 format to a Timestamp object.
- ISO8601 format:
- - YYYY-MM-DD[T ]HH:MM:SS[[.,]ffffff][Z|±HH[MM[SS[.ffffff]]]]
- """
- RE_ISO8601 = (r'(?:\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})(?P<sep>[T ])'
- r'(?:\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})(?P<u>[.,]\d{1,6})?'
- r'(?P<tz>Z|[+\-]\d{2}:?\d{,2})?$'
- )
- m = re.match(RE_ISO8601, timestr)
- if not m:
- msg = "time data '{timestr}' does not match ISO8601 format."
- raise ValueError(msg.format(timestr=timestr))
- strpfmt = '%Y-%m-%d{sep}%H:%M:%S'.format(sep=m.group('sep'))
- strpstr = timestr[:19]
- if m.group('u'):
- strpfmt += '.%f'
- strpstr += m.group('u').replace(',', '.') # .ljust(7, '0')
- if m.group('tz'):
- if m.group('tz') == 'Z':
- strpfmt += 'Z'
- strpstr += 'Z'
- else:
- strpfmt += '%z'
- # strptime wants HHMM, without ':'
- strpstr += (m.group('tz').replace(':', '')).ljust(5, '0')
- ts = cls.strptime(strpstr, strpfmt)
- if ts.tzinfo is not None:
- ts = ts.astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
- # why pytest in py35/py37 fails without this?
- ts = cls._from_datetime(ts)
- return ts
- @classmethod
- def _from_posix(cls: Type['Timestamp'], timestr: str) -> 'Timestamp':
- """Convert a string in POSIX format to a Timestamp object.
- POSIX format: SECONDS[.ffffff]]
- """
- RE_POSIX = r'(?P<S>-?\d{1,13})(?:\.(?P<u>\d{1,6}))?$'
- m = re.match(RE_POSIX, timestr)
- if not m:
- msg = "time data '{timestr}' does not match POSIX format."
- raise ValueError(msg.format(timestr=timestr))
- sec = int(m.group('S'))
- usec = m.group('u')
- usec = int(usec.ljust(6, '0')) if usec else 0
- if sec < 0 and usec > 0:
- sec = sec - 1
- usec = 1000000 - usec
- ts = (cls(1970, 1, 1)
- + datetime.timedelta(seconds=sec, microseconds=usec))
- return ts
- @classmethod
- def _from_string(cls: Type['Timestamp'], timestr: str) -> 'Timestamp':
- """Convert a string to a Timestamp object."""
- handlers = [
- cls._from_mw,
- cls._from_iso8601,
- cls._from_posix,
- ]
- for handler in handlers:
- try:
- return handler(timestr)
- except ValueError:
- continue
- msg = "time data '{timestr}' does not match any format."
- raise ValueError(msg.format(timestr=timestr))
- def clone(self) -> datetime.datetime:
- """Clone this instance."""
- return self.replace(microsecond=self.microsecond)
- @classproperty
- def ISO8601Format(cls: Type['Timestamp']) -> str:
- """ISO8601 format string class property for compatibility purpose."""
- return cls._ISO8601Format()
- @classmethod
- def _ISO8601Format(cls: Type['Timestamp'], sep: str = 'T') -> str:
- """ISO8601 format string.
- :param sep: one-character separator, placed between the date and time
- :return: ISO8601 format string
- """
- assert len(sep) == 1
- return '%Y-%m-%d{}%H:%M:%SZ'.format(sep)
- @classmethod
- def fromISOformat(cls: Type['Timestamp'], ts: Union[str, 'Timestamp'],
- sep: str = 'T') -> 'Timestamp':
- """Convert an ISO 8601 timestamp to a Timestamp object.
- :param ts: ISO 8601 timestamp or a Timestamp object already
- :param sep: one-character separator, placed between the date and time
- :return: Timestamp object
- """
- # If inadvertently passed a Timestamp object, use replace()
- # to create a clone.
- if isinstance(ts, cls):
- return ts.clone()
- _ts = '{pre}{sep}{post}'.format(pre=ts[:10], sep=sep, post=ts[11:])
- return cls._from_iso8601(_ts)
- @classmethod
- def fromtimestampformat(cls: Type['Timestamp'], ts: Union[str, 'Timestamp']
- ) -> 'Timestamp':
- """Convert a MediaWiki internal timestamp to a Timestamp object."""
- # If inadvertently passed a Timestamp object, use replace()
- # to create a clone.
- if isinstance(ts, cls):
- return ts.clone()
- if len(ts) == 8: # year, month and day are given only
- ts += '000000'
- return cls._from_mw(ts)
- def isoformat(self, sep: str = 'T') -> str: # type: ignore[override]
- """
- Convert object to an ISO 8601 timestamp accepted by MediaWiki.
- datetime.datetime.isoformat does not postfix the ISO formatted date
- with a 'Z' unless a timezone is included, which causes MediaWiki
- ~1.19 and earlier to fail.
- """
- return self.strftime(self._ISO8601Format(sep))
- def totimestampformat(self) -> str:
- """Convert object to a MediaWiki internal timestamp."""
- return self.strftime(self.mediawikiTSFormat)
- def posix_timestamp(self) -> float:
- """
- Convert object to a POSIX timestamp.
- See Note in datetime.timestamp().
- """
- return self.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()
- def posix_timestamp_format(self) -> str:
- """Convert object to a POSIX timestamp format."""
- return '{ts:.6f}'.format(ts=self.posix_timestamp())
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- """Return a string format recognized by the API."""
- return self.isoformat()
- def __add__(self, other: datetime.timedelta) -> 'Timestamp':
- """Perform addition, returning a Timestamp instead of datetime."""
- newdt = super().__add__(other)
- if isinstance(newdt, datetime.datetime):
- return self._from_datetime(newdt)
- return newdt
- def __sub__(self, other: datetime.timedelta # type: ignore[override]
- ) -> 'Timestamp':
- """Perform subtraction, returning a Timestamp instead of datetime."""
- newdt = super().__sub__(other)
- if isinstance(newdt, datetime.datetime):
- return self._from_datetime(newdt)
- return newdt
class Coordinate(_WbRepresentation):

"""Class for handling and storing Coordinates."""
@@ -1416,7 +1169,7 @@
if secs >= 30:
- time.sleep(secs)
+ time_sleep(secs)

def stopme() -> None:
diff --git a/pywikibot/time.py b/pywikibot/time.py
index eeda968..891ef1b 100644
--- a/pywikibot/time.py
+++ b/pywikibot/time.py
@@ -1,105 +1,16 @@
-"""The initialization file for the Pywikibot framework."""
+"""Time handling module."""
-# (C) Pywikibot team, 2008-2022
+# (C) Pywikibot team, 2009-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
-import atexit
import datetime
-import math
import re
-import sys
-import threading
-import time
-from contextlib import suppress
-from decimal import Decimal
-from queue import Queue
-from typing import Any, Optional, Type, Union
-from urllib.parse import urlparse
-from warnings import warn
+from typing import Type, Union

-from pywikibot import config as _config
-from pywikibot import exceptions
-from pywikibot.__metadata__ import (
- __copyright__,
- __description__,
- __download_url__,
- __license__,
- __maintainer__,
- __maintainer_email__,
- __name__,
- __url__,
- __version__,
-from pywikibot._wbtypes import WbRepresentation as _WbRepresentation
-from pywikibot.backports import ( # skipcq: PY-W2000
- Callable,
- Dict,
- List,
- Tuple,
- cache,
- removesuffix,
-from pywikibot.bot import (
- Bot,
- CurrentPageBot,
- WikidataBot,
- calledModuleName,
- handle_args,
- input,
- input_choice,
- input_yn,
- show_help,
- ui,
-from pywikibot.diff import PatchManager
-from pywikibot.family import AutoFamily, Family
-from pywikibot.i18n import translate
-from pywikibot.logging import (
- critical,
- debug,
- error,
- exception,
- info,
- log,
- output,
- stdout,
- warning,
-from pywikibot.site import APISite, BaseSite, DataSite
-from pywikibot.tools import classproperty, normalize_username, PYTHON_VERSION
+from pywikibot.tools import classproperty

-ItemPageStrNoneType = Union[str, 'ItemPage', None]
-ToDecimalType = Union[int, float, str, 'Decimal', None]
-__all__ = (
- '__copyright__', '__description__', '__download_url__', '__license__',
- '__maintainer__', '__maintainer_email__', '__name__', '__url__',
- '__version__',
- 'Bot', 'calledModuleName', 'Category', 'Claim', 'Coordinate', 'critical',
- 'CurrentPageBot', 'debug', 'error', 'exception', 'FilePage', 'handle_args',
- 'html2unicode', 'info', 'input', 'input_choice', 'input_yn', 'ItemPage',
- 'LexemeForm', 'LexemePage', 'LexemeSense', 'Link', 'log', 'MediaInfo',
- 'output', 'Page', 'PropertyPage', 'showDiff', 'show_help', 'Site',
- 'SiteLink', 'stdout', 'Timestamp', 'translate', 'ui', 'url2unicode',
- 'User', 'warning', 'WbGeoShape', 'WbMonolingualText', 'WbQuantity',
- 'WbTabularData', 'WbTime', 'WbUnknown', 'WikidataBot',
-# argvu is set by pywikibot.bot when it's imported
-if not hasattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'argvu'):
- argvu = [] # type: List[str]
-if PYTHON_VERSION < (3, 6):
- warn("""
-Python {version} will be dropped with release 8.0 soon.
-It is recommended to use Python 3.6 or above.
-See T301908 for further information.
- FutureWarning) # adjust this line no in utils.execute()
+__all__ = ['Timestamp']

class Timestamp(datetime.datetime):
@@ -126,7 +37,7 @@
than using Timestamp.utcnow().

- mediawikiTSFormat = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'
+ mediawikiTSFormat = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' # noqa: N815
_ISO8601Format_new = '{0:+05d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}T{3:02d}:{4:02d}:{5:02d}Z'

@@ -165,7 +76,7 @@

Mediwiki timestamp format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
- RE_MW = r'\d{14}$'
+ RE_MW = r'\d{14}$' # noqa: N806
m = re.match(RE_MW, timestr)

if not m:
@@ -181,7 +92,7 @@
ISO8601 format:
- YYYY-MM-DD[T ]HH:MM:SS[[.,]ffffff][Z|±HH[MM[SS[.ffffff]]]]
- RE_ISO8601 = (r'(?:\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})(?P<sep>[T ])'
+ RE_ISO8601 = (r'(?:\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})(?P<sep>[T ])' # noqa: N806
@@ -221,7 +132,7 @@

POSIX format: SECONDS[.ffffff]]
- RE_POSIX = r'(?P<S>-?\d{1,13})(?:\.(?P<u>\d{1,6}))?$'
+ RE_POSIX = r'(?P<S>-?\d{1,13})(?:\.(?P<u>\d{1,6}))?$' # noqa: N806
m = re.match(RE_POSIX, timestr)

if not m:
@@ -262,12 +173,13 @@
return self.replace(microsecond=self.microsecond)

- def ISO8601Format(cls: Type['Timestamp']) -> str:
+ def ISO8601Format(cls: Type['Timestamp']) -> str: # noqa: N802
"""ISO8601 format string class property for compatibility purpose."""
return cls._ISO8601Format()

- def _ISO8601Format(cls: Type['Timestamp'], sep: str = 'T') -> str:
+ def _ISO8601Format(cls: Type['Timestamp'], # noqa: N802
+ sep: str = 'T') -> str:
"""ISO8601 format string.

:param sep: one-character separator, placed between the date and time
@@ -277,7 +189,8 @@
return '%Y-%m-%d{}%H:%M:%SZ'.format(sep)

- def fromISOformat(cls: Type['Timestamp'], ts: Union[str, 'Timestamp'],
+ def fromISOformat(cls: Type['Timestamp'], # noqa: N802
+ ts: Union[str, 'Timestamp'],
sep: str = 'T') -> 'Timestamp':
"""Convert an ISO 8601 timestamp to a Timestamp object.

@@ -348,1178 +261,3 @@
if isinstance(newdt, datetime.datetime):
return self._from_datetime(newdt)
return newdt
-class Coordinate(_WbRepresentation):
- """Class for handling and storing Coordinates."""
- _items = ('lat', 'lon', 'entity')
- def __init__(self, lat: float, lon: float, alt: Optional[float] = None,
- precision: Optional[float] = None,
- globe: Optional[str] = None, typ: str = '',
- name: str = '', dim: Optional[int] = None,
- site: Optional[DataSite] = None,
- globe_item: ItemPageStrNoneType = None,
- primary: bool = False) -> None:
- """
- Represent a geo coordinate.
- :param lat: Latitude
- :param lon: Longitude
- :param alt: Altitude
- :param precision: precision
- :param globe: Which globe the point is on
- :param typ: The type of coordinate point
- :param name: The name
- :param dim: Dimension (in meters)
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- :param globe_item: The Wikibase item for the globe, or the entity URI
- of this Wikibase item. Takes precedence over 'globe'
- if present.
- :param primary: True for a primary set of coordinates
- """
- self.lat = lat
- self.lon = lon
- self.alt = alt
- self._precision = precision
- self._entity = globe_item
- self.type = typ
- self.name = name
- self._dim = dim
- self.site = site or Site().data_repository()
- self.primary = primary
- if globe:
- globe = globe.lower()
- elif not globe_item:
- globe = self.site.default_globe()
- self.globe = globe
- @property
- def entity(self) -> str:
- """Return the entity uri of the globe."""
- if not self._entity:
- if self.globe not in self.site.globes():
- raise exceptions.CoordinateGlobeUnknownError(
- '{} is not supported in Wikibase yet.'
- .format(self.globe))
- return self.site.globes()[self.globe]
- if isinstance(self._entity, ItemPage):
- return self._entity.concept_uri()
- return self._entity
- def toWikibase(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """
- Export the data to a JSON object for the Wikibase API.
- FIXME: Should this be in the DataSite object?
- :return: Wikibase JSON
- """
- return {'latitude': self.lat,
- 'longitude': self.lon,
- 'altitude': self.alt,
- 'globe': self.entity,
- 'precision': self.precision,
- }
- @classmethod
- def fromWikibase(cls: Type['Coordinate'], data: Dict[str, Any],
- site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> 'Coordinate':
- """
- Constructor to create an object from Wikibase's JSON output.
- :param data: Wikibase JSON
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- if site is None:
- site = Site().data_repository()
- globe = None
- if data['globe']:
- globes = {entity: name for name, entity in site.globes().items()}
- globe = globes.get(data['globe'])
- return cls(data['latitude'], data['longitude'],
- data['altitude'], data['precision'],
- globe, site=site, globe_item=data['globe'])
- @property
- def precision(self) -> Optional[float]:
- """
- Return the precision of the geo coordinate.
- The precision is calculated if the Coordinate does not have a
- precision, and self._dim is set.
- When no precision and no self._dim exists, None is returned.
- The biggest error (in degrees) will be given by the longitudinal error;
- the same error in meters becomes larger (in degrees) further up north.
- We can thus ignore the latitudinal error.
- The longitudinal can be derived as follows:
- In small angle approximation (and thus in radians):
- M{Δλ ≈ Δpos / r_φ}, where r_φ is the radius of earth at the given
- latitude.
- Δλ is the error in longitude.
- M{r_φ = r cos φ}, where r is the radius of earth, φ the latitude
- Therefore::
- precision = math.degrees(
- self._dim/(radius*math.cos(math.radians(self.lat))))
- """
- if self._dim is None and self._precision is None:
- return None
- if self._precision is None and self._dim is not None:
- radius = 6378137 # TODO: Support other globes
- self._precision = math.degrees(
- self._dim / (radius * math.cos(math.radians(self.lat))))
- return self._precision
- @precision.setter
- def precision(self, value: float) -> None:
- self._precision = value
- def precisionToDim(self) -> Optional[int]:
- """
- Convert precision from Wikibase to GeoData's dim and return the latter.
- dim is calculated if the Coordinate doesn't have a dimension, and
- precision is set. When neither dim nor precision are set, ValueError
- is thrown.
- Carrying on from the earlier derivation of precision, since
- precision = math.degrees(dim/(radius*math.cos(math.radians(self.lat))))
- we get::
- dim = math.radians(
- precision)*radius*math.cos(math.radians(self.lat))
- But this is not valid, since it returns a float value for dim which is
- an integer. We must round it off to the nearest integer.
- Therefore::
- dim = int(round(math.radians(
- precision)*radius*math.cos(math.radians(self.lat))))
- """
- if self._dim is None and self._precision is None:
- raise ValueError('No values set for dim or precision')
- if self._dim is None and self._precision is not None:
- radius = 6378137
- self._dim = int(
- round(
- math.radians(self._precision) * radius * math.cos(
- math.radians(self.lat))
- )
- )
- return self._dim
- def get_globe_item(self, repo: Optional[DataSite] = None,
- lazy_load: bool = False) -> 'ItemPage':
- """
- Return the ItemPage corresponding to the globe.
- Note that the globe need not be in the same data repository as the
- Coordinate itself.
- A successful lookup is stored as an internal value to avoid the need
- for repeated lookups.
- :param repo: the Wikibase site for the globe, if different from that
- provided with the Coordinate.
- :param lazy_load: Do not raise NoPage if ItemPage does not exist.
- :return: pywikibot.ItemPage
- """
- if isinstance(self._entity, ItemPage):
- return self._entity
- repo = repo or self.site
- return ItemPage.from_entity_uri(repo, self.entity, lazy_load)
-class WbTime(_WbRepresentation):
- """A Wikibase time representation."""
- PRECISION = {'1000000000': 0,
- '100000000': 1,
- '10000000': 2,
- '1000000': 3,
- '100000': 4,
- '10000': 5,
- 'millenia': 6,
- 'century': 7,
- 'decade': 8,
- 'year': 9,
- 'month': 10,
- 'day': 11,
- 'hour': 12,
- 'minute': 13,
- 'second': 14
- }
- FORMATSTR = '{0:+012d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}T{3:02d}:{4:02d}:{5:02d}Z'
- _items = ('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second',
- 'precision', 'before', 'after', 'timezone', 'calendarmodel')
- def __init__(self,
- year: Optional[int] = None,
- month: Optional[int] = None,
- day: Optional[int] = None,
- hour: Optional[int] = None,
- minute: Optional[int] = None,
- second: Optional[int] = None,
- precision: Union[int, str, None] = None,
- before: int = 0,
- after: int = 0,
- timezone: int = 0,
- calendarmodel: Optional[str] = None,
- site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> None:
- """Create a new WbTime object.
- The precision can be set by the Wikibase int value (0-14) or by a human
- readable string, e.g., 'hour'. If no precision is given, it is set
- according to the given time units.
- Timezone information is given in three different ways depending on the
- time:
- * Times after the implementation of UTC (1972): as an offset from UTC
- in minutes;
- * Times before the implementation of UTC: the offset of the time zone
- from universal time;
- * Before the implementation of time zones: The longitude of the place
- of the event, in the range −180° to 180°, multiplied by 4 to convert
- to minutes.
- :param year: The year as a signed integer of between 1 and 16 digits.
- :param month: Month
- :param day: Day
- :param hour: Hour
- :param minute: Minute
- :param second: Second
- :param precision: The unit of the precision of the time.
- :param before: Number of units after the given time it could be, if
- uncertain. The unit is given by the precision.
- :param after: Number of units before the given time it could be, if
- uncertain. The unit is given by the precision.
- :param timezone: Timezone information in minutes.
- :param calendarmodel: URI identifying the calendar model
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- if year is None:
- raise ValueError('no year given')
- self.precision = self.PRECISION['second']
- if second is None:
- self.precision = self.PRECISION['minute']
- second = 0
- if minute is None:
- self.precision = self.PRECISION['hour']
- minute = 0
- if hour is None:
- self.precision = self.PRECISION['day']
- hour = 0
- if day is None:
- self.precision = self.PRECISION['month']
- day = 1
- if month is None:
- self.precision = self.PRECISION['year']
- month = 1
- self.year = year
- self.month = month
- self.day = day
- self.hour = hour
- self.minute = minute
- self.second = second
- self.after = after
- self.before = before
- self.timezone = timezone
- if calendarmodel is None:
- if site is None:
- site = Site().data_repository()
- if site is None:
- raise ValueError('Site {} has no data repository'
- .format(Site()))
- calendarmodel = site.calendarmodel()
- self.calendarmodel = calendarmodel
- # if precision is given it overwrites the autodetection above
- if precision is not None:
- if (isinstance(precision, int)
- and precision in self.PRECISION.values()):
- self.precision = precision
- elif precision in self.PRECISION:
- assert isinstance(precision, str)
- self.precision = self.PRECISION[precision]
- else:
- raise ValueError('Invalid precision: "{}"'.format(precision))
- @classmethod
- def fromTimestr(cls: Type['WbTime'],
- datetimestr: str,
- precision: Union[int, str] = 14,
- before: int = 0,
- after: int = 0,
- timezone: int = 0,
- calendarmodel: Optional[str] = None,
- site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> 'WbTime':
- """Create a new WbTime object from a UTC date/time string.
- The timestamp differs from ISO 8601 in that:
- * The year is always signed and having between 1 and 16 digits;
- * The month, day and time are zero if they are unknown;
- * The Z is discarded since time zone is determined from the timezone
- param.
- :param datetimestr: Timestamp in a format resembling ISO 8601,
- e.g. +2013-01-01T00:00:00Z
- :param precision: The unit of the precision of the time.
- :param before: Number of units after the given time it could be, if
- uncertain. The unit is given by the precision.
- :param after: Number of units before the given time it could be, if
- uncertain. The unit is given by the precision.
- :param timezone: Timezone information in minutes.
- :param calendarmodel: URI identifying the calendar model
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- match = re.match(r'([-+]?\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)T(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)Z',
- datetimestr)
- if not match:
- raise ValueError("Invalid format: '{}'".format(datetimestr))
- t = match.groups()
- return cls(int(t[0]), int(t[1]), int(t[2]),
- int(t[3]), int(t[4]), int(t[5]),
- precision, before, after, timezone, calendarmodel, site)
- @classmethod
- def fromTimestamp(cls: Type['WbTime'], timestamp: 'Timestamp',
- precision: Union[int, str] = 14,
- before: int = 0, after: int = 0,
- timezone: int = 0, calendarmodel: Optional[str] = None,
- site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> 'WbTime':
- """
- Create a new WbTime object from a pywikibot.Timestamp.
- :param timestamp: Timestamp
- :param precision: The unit of the precision of the time.
- :param before: Number of units after the given time it could be, if
- uncertain. The unit is given by the precision.
- :param after: Number of units before the given time it could be, if
- uncertain. The unit is given by the precision.
- :param timezone: Timezone information in minutes.
- :param calendarmodel: URI identifying the calendar model
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- return cls.fromTimestr(timestamp.isoformat(), precision=precision,
- before=before, after=after,
- timezone=timezone, calendarmodel=calendarmodel,
- site=site)
- def toTimestr(self, force_iso: bool = False) -> str:
- """
- Convert the data to a UTC date/time string.
- See fromTimestr() for differences between output with and without
- force_iso.
- :param force_iso: whether the output should be forced to ISO 8601
- :return: Timestamp in a format resembling ISO 8601
- """
- if force_iso:
- return Timestamp._ISO8601Format_new.format(
- self.year, max(1, self.month), max(1, self.day),
- self.hour, self.minute, self.second)
- return self.FORMATSTR.format(self.year, self.month, self.day,
- self.hour, self.minute, self.second)
- def toTimestamp(self) -> Timestamp:
- """
- Convert the data to a pywikibot.Timestamp.
- :raises ValueError: instance value cannot be represented using
- Timestamp
- """
- if self.year <= 0:
- raise ValueError('You cannot turn BC dates into a Timestamp')
- return Timestamp.fromISOformat(
- self.toTimestr(force_iso=True).lstrip('+'))
- def toWikibase(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """
- Convert the data to a JSON object for the Wikibase API.
- :return: Wikibase JSON
- """
- json = {'time': self.toTimestr(),
- 'precision': self.precision,
- 'after': self.after,
- 'before': self.before,
- 'timezone': self.timezone,
- 'calendarmodel': self.calendarmodel
- }
- return json
- @classmethod
- def fromWikibase(cls: Type['WbTime'], data: Dict[str, Any],
- site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> 'WbTime':
- """
- Create a WbTime from the JSON data given by the Wikibase API.
- :param data: Wikibase JSON
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- return cls.fromTimestr(data['time'], data['precision'],
- data['before'], data['after'],
- data['timezone'], data['calendarmodel'], site)
-class WbQuantity(_WbRepresentation):
- """A Wikibase quantity representation."""
- _items = ('amount', 'upperBound', 'lowerBound', 'unit')
- @staticmethod
- def _require_errors(site: Optional[DataSite]) -> bool:
- """
- Check if Wikibase site is so old it requires error bounds to be given.
- If no site item is supplied it raises a warning and returns True.
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- if not site:
- warning(
- "WbQuantity now expects a 'site' parameter. This is needed to "
- 'ensure correct handling of error bounds.')
- return False
- return site.mw_version < '1.29.0-wmf.2'
- @staticmethod
- def _todecimal(value: ToDecimalType) -> Optional[Decimal]:
- """
- Convert a string to a Decimal for use in WbQuantity.
- None value is returned as is.
- :param value: decimal number to convert
- """
- if isinstance(value, Decimal):
- return value
- if value is None:
- return None
- return Decimal(str(value))
- @staticmethod
- def _fromdecimal(value: Optional[Decimal]) -> Optional[str]:
- """
- Convert a Decimal to a string representation suitable for WikiBase.
- None value is returned as is.
- :param value: decimal number to convert
- """
- return format(value, '+g') if value is not None else None
- def __init__(self, amount: ToDecimalType,
- unit: ItemPageStrNoneType = None,
- error: Union[ToDecimalType,
- Tuple[ToDecimalType, ToDecimalType]] = None,
- site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> None:
- """
- Create a new WbQuantity object.
- :param amount: number representing this quantity
- :param unit: the Wikibase item for the unit or the entity URI of this
- Wikibase item.
- :param error: the uncertainty of the amount (e.g. ±1)
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- if amount is None:
- raise ValueError('no amount given')
- self.amount = self._todecimal(amount)
- self._unit = unit
- self.site = site or Site().data_repository()
- # also allow entity URIs to be provided via unit parameter
- if isinstance(unit, str) \
- and unit.partition('://')[0] not in ('http', 'https'):
- raise ValueError("'unit' must be an ItemPage or entity uri.")
- if error is None and not self._require_errors(site):
- self.upperBound = self.lowerBound = None
- else:
- if error is None:
- upperError = lowerError = Decimal(0) # type: Optional[Decimal]
- elif isinstance(error, tuple):
- upperError = self._todecimal(error[0])
- lowerError = self._todecimal(error[1])
- else:
- upperError = lowerError = self._todecimal(error)
- assert upperError is not None and lowerError is not None
- assert self.amount is not None
- self.upperBound = self.amount + upperError
- self.lowerBound = self.amount - lowerError
- @property
- def unit(self) -> str:
- """Return _unit's entity uri or '1' if _unit is None."""
- if isinstance(self._unit, ItemPage):
- return self._unit.concept_uri()
- return self._unit or '1'
- def get_unit_item(self, repo: Optional[DataSite] = None,
- lazy_load: bool = False) -> 'ItemPage':
- """
- Return the ItemPage corresponding to the unit.
- Note that the unit need not be in the same data repository as the
- WbQuantity itself.
- A successful lookup is stored as an internal value to avoid the need
- for repeated lookups.
- :param repo: the Wikibase site for the unit, if different from that
- provided with the WbQuantity.
- :param lazy_load: Do not raise NoPage if ItemPage does not exist.
- :return: pywikibot.ItemPage
- """
- if not isinstance(self._unit, str):
- return self._unit
- repo = repo or self.site
- self._unit = ItemPage.from_entity_uri(repo, self._unit, lazy_load)
- return self._unit
- def toWikibase(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """
- Convert the data to a JSON object for the Wikibase API.
- :return: Wikibase JSON
- """
- json = {'amount': self._fromdecimal(self.amount),
- 'upperBound': self._fromdecimal(self.upperBound),
- 'lowerBound': self._fromdecimal(self.lowerBound),
- 'unit': self.unit
- }
- return json
- @classmethod
- def fromWikibase(cls: Type['WbQuantity'], data: Dict[str, Any],
- site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> 'WbQuantity':
- """
- Create a WbQuantity from the JSON data given by the Wikibase API.
- :param data: Wikibase JSON
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- amount = cls._todecimal(data['amount'])
- upperBound = cls._todecimal(data.get('upperBound'))
- lowerBound = cls._todecimal(data.get('lowerBound'))
- bounds_provided = (upperBound is not None and lowerBound is not None)
- error = None
- if bounds_provided or cls._require_errors(site):
- error = (upperBound - amount, amount - lowerBound)
- if data['unit'] == '1':
- unit = None
- else:
- unit = data['unit']
- return cls(amount, unit, error, site)
-class WbMonolingualText(_WbRepresentation):
- """A Wikibase monolingual text representation."""
- _items = ('text', 'language')
- def __init__(self, text: str, language: str) -> None:
- """
- Create a new WbMonolingualText object.
- :param text: text string
- :param language: language code of the string
- """
- if not text or not language:
- raise ValueError('text and language cannot be empty')
- self.text = text
- self.language = language
- def toWikibase(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """
- Convert the data to a JSON object for the Wikibase API.
- :return: Wikibase JSON
- """
- json = {'text': self.text,
- 'language': self.language
- }
- return json
- @classmethod
- def fromWikibase(cls: Type['WbMonolingualText'], data: Dict[str, Any],
- site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> 'WbMonolingualText':
- """
- Create a WbMonolingualText from the JSON data given by Wikibase API.
- :param data: Wikibase JSON
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- return cls(data['text'], data['language'])
-class _WbDataPage(_WbRepresentation):
- """
- A Wikibase representation for data pages.
- A temporary implementation until :phab:`T162336` has been resolved.
- Note that this class cannot be used directly
- """
- _items = ('page', )
- @classmethod
- def _get_data_site(cls: Type['_WbDataPage'], repo_site: DataSite
- ) -> APISite:
- """
- Return the site serving as a repository for a given data type.
- Must be implemented in the extended class.
- :param repo_site: The Wikibase site
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- @classmethod
- def _get_type_specifics(cls: Type['_WbDataPage'], site: DataSite
- ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """
- Return the specifics for a given data type.
- Must be implemented in the extended class.
- The dict should have three keys:
- * ending: str, required filetype-like ending in page titles.
- * label: str, describing the data type for use in error messages.
- * data_site: APISite, site serving as a repository for
- the given data type.
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- @staticmethod
- def _validate(page: 'Page', data_site: 'BaseSite', ending: str,
- label: str) -> None:
- """
- Validate the provided page against general and type specific rules.
- :param page: Page containing the data.
- :param data_site: The site serving as a repository for the given
- data type.
- :param ending: Required filetype-like ending in page titles.
- E.g. '.map'
- :param label: Label describing the data type in error messages.
- """
- if not isinstance(page, Page):
- raise ValueError(
- 'Page {} must be a pywikibot.Page object not a {}.'
- .format(page, type(page)))
- # validate page exists
- if not page.exists():
- raise ValueError('Page {} must exist.'.format(page))
- # validate page is on the right site, and that site supports the type
- if not data_site:
- raise ValueError(
- 'The provided site does not support {}.'.format(label))
- if page.site != data_site:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Page must be on the {} repository site.'.format(label))
- # validate page title fulfills hard-coded Wikibase requirement
- # pcre regexp: '/^Data:[^\\[\\]#\\\:{|}]+\.map$/u' for geo-shape
- # pcre regexp: '/^Data:[^\\[\\]#\\\:{|}]+\.tab$/u' for tabular-data
- # As we have already checked for existence the following simplified
- # check should be enough.
- if not page.title().startswith('Data:') \
- or not page.title().endswith(ending):
- raise ValueError(
- "Page must be in 'Data:' namespace and end in '{}' "
- 'for {}.'.format(ending, label))
- def __init__(self, page: 'Page', site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> None:
- """
- Create a new _WbDataPage object.
- :param page: page containing the data
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- site = site or page.site.data_repository()
- specifics = type(self)._get_type_specifics(site)
- _WbDataPage._validate(page, specifics['data_site'],
- specifics['ending'], specifics['label'])
- self.page = page
- def __hash__(self) -> int:
- """Override super.hash() as toWikibase is a string for _WbDataPage."""
- return hash(self.toWikibase())
- def toWikibase(self) -> str:
- """
- Convert the data to the value required by the Wikibase API.
- :return: title of the data page incl. namespace
- """
- return self.page.title()
- @classmethod
- def fromWikibase(cls: Type['_WbDataPage'], page_name: str,
- site: Optional[DataSite]) -> '_WbDataPage':
- """
- Create a _WbDataPage from the JSON data given by the Wikibase API.
- :param page_name: page name from Wikibase value
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- # TODO: This method signature does not match our parent class (which
- # takes a dictionary argument rather than a string). We should either
- # change this method's signature or rename this method.
- data_site = cls._get_data_site(site)
- page = Page(data_site, page_name)
- return cls(page, site)
-class WbGeoShape(_WbDataPage):
- """A Wikibase geo-shape representation."""
- @classmethod
- def _get_data_site(cls: Type['WbGeoShape'], site: DataSite) -> APISite:
- """
- Return the site serving as a geo-shape repository.
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- return site.geo_shape_repository()
- @classmethod
- def _get_type_specifics(cls: Type['WbGeoShape'], site: DataSite
- ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """
- Return the specifics for WbGeoShape.
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- specifics = {
- 'ending': '.map',
- 'label': 'geo-shape',
- 'data_site': cls._get_data_site(site)
- }
- return specifics
-class WbTabularData(_WbDataPage):
- """A Wikibase tabular-data representation."""
- @classmethod
- def _get_data_site(cls: Type['WbTabularData'], site: DataSite) -> APISite:
- """
- Return the site serving as a tabular-data repository.
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- return site.tabular_data_repository()
- @classmethod
- def _get_type_specifics(cls: Type['WbTabularData'], site: DataSite
- ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """
- Return the specifics for WbTabularData.
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- specifics = {
- 'ending': '.tab',
- 'label': 'tabular-data',
- 'data_site': cls._get_data_site(site)
- }
- return specifics
-class WbUnknown(_WbRepresentation):
- """
- A Wikibase representation for unknown data type.
- This will prevent the bot from breaking completely when a new type
- is introduced.
- This data type is just a json container
- .. versionadded:: 3.0
- """
- _items = ('json',)
- def __init__(self, json: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
- """
- Create a new WbUnknown object.
- :param json: Wikibase JSON
- """
- self.json = json
- def toWikibase(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """
- Return the JSON object for the Wikibase API.
- :return: Wikibase JSON
- """
- return self.json
- @classmethod
- def fromWikibase(cls: Type['WbUnknown'], data: Dict[str, Any],
- site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> 'WbUnknown':
- """
- Create a WbUnknown from the JSON data given by the Wikibase API.
- :param data: Wikibase JSON
- :param site: The Wikibase site
- """
- return cls(data)
-_sites = {} # type: Dict[str, APISite]
-def _code_fam_from_url(url: str, name: Optional[str] = None
- ) -> Tuple[str, str]:
- """Set url to cache and get code and family from cache.
- Site helper method.
- :param url: The site URL to get code and family
- :param name: A family name used by AutoFamily
- """
- matched_sites = []
- # Iterate through all families and look, which does apply to
- # the given URL
- for fam in _config.family_files:
- family = Family.load(fam)
- code = family.from_url(url)
- if code is not None:
- matched_sites.append((code, family))
- if not matched_sites:
- if not name: # create a name from url
- name = urlparse(url).netloc.split('.')[-2]
- name = removesuffix(name, 'wiki')
- family = AutoFamily(name, url)
- matched_sites.append((family.code, family))
- if len(matched_sites) > 1:
- warning('Found multiple matches for URL "{}": {} (use first)'
- .format(url, ', '.join(str(s) for s in matched_sites)))
- return matched_sites[0]
-def Site(code: Optional[str] = None,
- fam: Union[str, 'Family', None] = None,
- user: Optional[str] = None, *,
- interface: Union[str, 'BaseSite', None] = None,
- url: Optional[str] = None) -> BaseSite:
- """A factory method to obtain a Site object.
- Site objects are cached and reused by this method.
- By default rely on config settings. These defaults may all be overridden
- using the method parameters.
- Creating the default site using config.mylang and config.family::
- site = pywikibot.Site()
- Override default site code::
- site = pywikibot.Site('fr')
- Override default family::
- site = pywikibot.Site(fam='wikisource')
- Setting a specific site::
- site = pywikibot.Site('fr', 'wikisource')
- which is equal to::
- site = pywikibot.Site('wikisource:fr')
- .. note:: An already created site is cached an a new variable points
- to the same object if interface, family, code and user are equal:
- >>> import pywikibot
- >>> site_1 = pywikibot.Site('wikisource:fr')
- >>> site_2 = pywikibot.Site('fr', 'wikisource')
- >>> site_1 is site_2
- True
- >>> site_1
- APISite("fr", "wikisource")
- :class:`APISite<pywikibot.site._apisite.APISite>` is the default
- interface. Refer :py:obj:`pywikibot.site` for other interface types.
- .. warning:: Never create a site object via interface class directly.
- Always use this factory method.
- .. versionchanged:: 7.3
- Short creation if site code is equal to family name like
- `Site('commons')`, `Site('meta')` or `Site('wikidata')`.
- :param code: language code (override config.mylang)
- code may also be a sitename like 'wikipedia:test'
- :param fam: family name or object (override config.family)
- :param user: bot user name to use on this site (override config.usernames)
- :param interface: site class or name of class in :py:obj:`pywikibot.site`
- (override config.site_interface)
- :param url: Instead of code and fam, does try to get a Site based on the
- URL. Still requires that the family supporting that URL exists.
- :raises ValueError: URL and pair of code and family given
- :raises ValueError: Invalid interface name
- :raises ValueError: Missing Site code
- :raises ValueError: Missing Site family
- """
- if url:
- # Either code and fam or url with optional fam for AutoFamily name
- if code:
- raise ValueError(
- 'URL to the wiki OR a pair of code and family name '
- 'should be provided')
- code, fam = _code_fam_from_url(url, fam)
- elif code and ':' in code:
- if fam:
- raise ValueError(
- 'sitename OR a pair of code and family name '
- 'should be provided')
- fam, _, code = code.partition(':')
- else:
- if not fam: # try code as family
- with suppress(exceptions.UnknownFamilyError):
- fam = Family.load(code)
- # Fallback to config defaults
- code = code or _config.mylang
- fam = fam or _config.family
- if not (code and fam):
- raise ValueError('Missing Site {}'
- .format('code' if not code else 'family'))
- if not isinstance(fam, Family):
- fam = Family.load(fam)
- interface = interface or fam.interface(code)
- # config.usernames is initialised with a defaultdict for each family name
- family_name = str(fam)
- code_to_user = {}
- if '*' in _config.usernames: # T253127: usernames is a defaultdict
- code_to_user = _config.usernames['*'].copy()
- code_to_user.update(_config.usernames[family_name])
- user = user or code_to_user.get(code) or code_to_user.get('*')
- if not isinstance(interface, type):
- # If it isn't a class, assume it is a string
- try:
- tmp = __import__('pywikibot.site', fromlist=[interface])
- except ImportError:
- raise ValueError('Invalid interface name: {}'.format(interface))
- else:
- interface = getattr(tmp, interface)
- if not issubclass(interface, BaseSite):
- warning('Site called with interface={}'.format(interface.__name__))
- user = normalize_username(user)
- key = '{}:{}:{}:{}'.format(interface.__name__, fam, code, user)
- if key not in _sites or not isinstance(_sites[key], interface):
- _sites[key] = interface(code=code, fam=fam, user=user)
- debug("Instantiated {} object '{}'"
- .format(interface.__name__, _sites[key]))
- if _sites[key].code != code:
- warn('Site {} instantiated using different code "{}"'
- .format(_sites[key], code), UserWarning, 2)
- return _sites[key]
-# These imports depend on Wb* classes above.
-from pywikibot.page import ( # noqa: E402
- Category,
- Claim,
- FilePage,
- ItemPage,
- LexemeForm,
- LexemePage,
- LexemeSense,
- Link,
- MediaInfo,
- Page,
- PropertyPage,
- SiteLink,
- User,
- html2unicode,
- url2unicode,
-link_regex = re.compile(r'\[\[(?P<title>[^\]|[<>{}]*)(\|.*?)?\]\]')
-def showDiff(oldtext: str, newtext: str, context: int = 0) -> None:
- """
- Output a string showing the differences between oldtext and newtext.
- The differences are highlighted (only on compatible systems) to show which
- changes were made.
- """
- PatchManager(oldtext, newtext, context=context).print_hunks()
-# Throttle and thread handling
-def sleep(secs: int) -> None:
- """Suspend execution of the current thread for the given number of seconds.
- Drop this process from the throttle log if wait time is greater than
- 30 seconds.
- """
- if secs >= 30:
- stopme()
- time.sleep(secs)
-def stopme() -> None:
- """
- Drop this process from the throttle log, after pending threads finish.
- Can be called manually if desired. Does not clean async_manager.
- This should be run when a bot does not interact with the Wiki, or
- when it has stopped doing so. After a bot has run stopme() it will
- not slow down other bots any more.
- """
- _flush(False)
-def _flush(stop: bool = True) -> None:
- """
- Drop this process from the throttle log, after pending threads finish.
- Wait for the page-putter to flush its queue. Also drop this process from
- the throttle log. Called automatically at Python exit.
- """
- debug('_flush() called')
- def remaining() -> Tuple[int, datetime.timedelta]:
- remainingPages = page_put_queue.qsize()
- if stop:
- # -1 because we added a None element to stop the queue
- remainingPages -= 1
- remainingSeconds = datetime.timedelta(
- seconds=round(remainingPages * _config.put_throttle))
- return (remainingPages, remainingSeconds)
- if stop:
- # None task element leaves async_manager
- page_put_queue.put((None, [], {}))
- num, sec = remaining()
- if num > 0 and sec.total_seconds() > _config.noisysleep:
- output('<<lightblue>>Waiting for {num} pages to be put. '
- 'Estimated time remaining: {sec}<<default>>'
- .format(num=num, sec=sec))
- exit_queue = None
- if _putthread is not threading.current_thread():
- while _putthread.is_alive() and not (page_put_queue.empty()
- and page_put_queue_busy.empty()):
- try:
- _putthread.join(1)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- exit_queue = input_yn(
- 'There are {} pages remaining in the queue. Estimated '
- 'time remaining: {}\nReally exit?'.format(*remaining()),
- default=False, automatic_quit=False)
- break
- if exit_queue is False:
- # handle the queue when _putthread is stopped after KeyboardInterrupt
- with suppress(KeyboardInterrupt):
- async_manager(block=False)
- if not stop:
- # delete the put queue
- with page_put_queue.mutex:
- page_put_queue.all_tasks_done.notify_all()
- page_put_queue.queue.clear()
- page_put_queue.not_full.notify_all()
- # only need one drop() call because all throttles use the same global pid
- with suppress(KeyError):
- _sites.popitem()[1].throttle.drop()
- log('Dropped throttle(s).')
-# Create a separate thread for asynchronous page saves (and other requests)
-def async_manager(block=True) -> None:
- """Daemon; take requests from the queue and execute them in background."""
- while True:
- if not block and page_put_queue.empty():
- break
- (request, args, kwargs) = page_put_queue.get(block)
- page_put_queue_busy.put(None)
- if request is None:
- break
- request(*args, **kwargs)
- page_put_queue.task_done()
- page_put_queue_busy.get()
-def async_request(request: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
- """Put a request on the queue, and start the daemon if necessary."""
- if not _putthread.is_alive():
- with page_put_queue.mutex, suppress(AssertionError, RuntimeError):
- _putthread.start()
- page_put_queue.put((request, args, kwargs))
-# queue to hold pending requests
-page_put_queue = Queue(_config.max_queue_size) # type: Queue
-# queue to signal that async_manager is working on a request. See T147178.
-page_put_queue_busy = Queue(_config.max_queue_size) # type: Queue
-# set up the background thread
-_putthread = threading.Thread(target=async_manager,
- name='Put-Thread', # for debugging purposes
- daemon=True)
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
index fa97e19..854a029 100644
--- a/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/__init__.py
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
- 'timestamp',
+ 'time',
diff --git a/tests/timestamp_tests.py b/tests/time_tests.py
similarity index 99%
rename from tests/timestamp_tests.py
rename to tests/time_tests.py
index 6b50cb0..44d704b 100755
--- a/tests/timestamp_tests.py
+++ b/tests/time_tests.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
import unittest
from contextlib import suppress

-from pywikibot import Timestamp
+from pywikibot.time import Timestamp
from tests.aspects import TestCase

diff --git a/tests/utils.py b/tests/utils.py
index 171e165..59d0532 100644
--- a/tests/utils.py
+++ b/tests/utils.py
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
:type command: list of str
if PYTHON_VERSION < (3, 6):
- command.insert(1, '-W ignore::FutureWarning:pywikibot:102')
+ command.insert(1, '-W ignore::FutureWarning:pywikibot:103')
if cryptography_version and cryptography_version < [1, 3, 4]:
command.insert(1, '-W ignore:Old version of cryptography:Warning')

diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 9a8c521..fbe0d88 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@

per-file-ignores =
pwb.py: FI53, T001, T201
- pywikibot/__init__.py: N802, N806, N815
+ pywikibot/__init__.py: N802, N806
pywikibot/_wbtypes.py: N802
pywikibot/backports.py: F401
pywikibot/bot.py: N802, N816

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Gerrit-Project: pywikibot/core
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: I20880e97a5abc79fecbfeae9e3622f7caa2dc181
Gerrit-Change-Number: 811144
Gerrit-PatchSet: 5
Gerrit-Owner: Xqt <info@gno.de>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Xqt <info@gno.de>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot
Gerrit-MessageType: merged