wikimedia / pywikibot-core (master)
Build #2230 has errored.
50 minutes and 3 seconds
xqt 5275065 Changeset →
  [IMPROV] New apply_cosmetic_changes parameter for

apply_cosmetic_changes may overwrite config.cosmetic_changes setting for a
given edit. apply_cosmetic_changes is equivalet to config.cosmetic_changes
setting or the setting made by the global option -cosmeticchanges (or -cc).
If False, no cosmetic changes where made. If True, cosmetic changes are
enabled but may be restricted by other cosmetic changes settings like
cosmetic_changes_mylang_only, cosmetic_changes_enable or
cosmetic_changes_disable, and by cosmetic_changes_deny_script.

Change-Id: Ife80707deeaebe9eb60572943dba5965bc973fd2

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