Xqt submitted this change.

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Approvals: Xqt: Verified; Looks good to me, approved
[blame] split tools to have a _deprecate module

Change-Id: I5d39e93e19c7b2a7f629bc028976869069f73e19
R pywikibot/tools/__init__.py
M pywikibot/tools/_deprecate.py
3 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 2,007 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pywikibot/tools/_init__.py b/pywikibot/tools/__init__.py
similarity index 64%
rename from pywikibot/tools/_init__.py
rename to pywikibot/tools/__init__.py
index 746c127..120eca9 100644
--- a/pywikibot/tools/_init__.py
+++ b/pywikibot/tools/__init__.py
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
import collections
import gzip
import hashlib
-import inspect
import ipaddress
import itertools
import os
@@ -18,13 +17,11 @@
import sys
import threading
import time
-import types
from collections.abc import Container, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, Sized
from contextlib import suppress
-from datetime import datetime
from functools import total_ordering, wraps
from importlib import import_module
-from inspect import getfullargspec
from itertools import chain, zip_longest
from typing import Any, Optional
from warnings import catch_warnings, showwarning, warn
@@ -32,6 +29,20 @@
import pkg_resources

from pywikibot.logging import debug
+from pywikibot.tools._deprecate import ( # noqa: F401
+ add_decorated_full_name,
+ add_full_name,
+ deprecated,
+ deprecate_arg,
+ deprecated_args,
+ get_wrapper_depth,
+ issue_deprecation_warning,
+ manage_wrapping,
+ ModuleDeprecationWrapper,
+ redirect_func,
+ remove_last_args,
from pywikibot.tools._unidata import _first_upper_exception

@@ -1262,641 +1273,6 @@
return result

-# Decorators
-# Decorator functions without parameters are _invoked_ differently from
-# decorator functions with function syntax. For example, @deprecated causes
-# a different invocation to @deprecated().
-# The former is invoked with the decorated function as args[0].
-# The latter is invoked with the decorator arguments as *args & **kwargs,
-# and it must return a callable which will be invoked with the decorated
-# function as args[0].
-# The follow deprecators may support both syntax, e.g. @deprecated and
-# @deprecated() both work. In order to achieve that, the code inspects
-# args[0] to see if it callable. Therefore, a decorator must not accept
-# only one arg, and that arg be a callable, as it will be detected as
-# a deprecator without any arguments.
-def add_decorated_full_name(obj, stacklevel=1):
- """Extract full object name, including class, and store in __full_name__.
- This must be done on all decorators that are chained together, otherwise
- the second decorator will have the wrong full name.
- :param obj: A object being decorated
- :type obj: object
- :param stacklevel: level to use
- :type stacklevel: int
- """
- if hasattr(obj, '__full_name__'):
- return
- # The current frame is add_decorated_full_name
- # The next frame is the decorator
- # The next frame is the object being decorated
- frame = sys._getframe(stacklevel + 1)
- class_name = frame.f_code.co_name
- if class_name and class_name != '<module>':
- obj.__full_name__ = '{}.{}.{}'.format(obj.__module__,
- class_name, obj.__name__)
- else:
- obj.__full_name__ = '{}.{}'.format(obj.__module__, obj.__name__)
-def manage_wrapping(wrapper, obj):
- """Add attributes to wrapper and wrapped functions."""
- wrapper.__doc__ = obj.__doc__
- wrapper.__name__ = obj.__name__
- wrapper.__module__ = obj.__module__
- wrapper.__signature__ = inspect.signature(obj)
- if not hasattr(obj, '__full_name__'):
- add_decorated_full_name(obj, 2)
- wrapper.__full_name__ = obj.__full_name__
- # Use the previous wrappers depth, if it exists
- wrapper.__depth__ = getattr(obj, '__depth__', 0) + 1
- # Obtain the wrapped object from the previous wrapper
- wrapped = getattr(obj, '__wrapped__', obj)
- wrapper.__wrapped__ = wrapped
- # Increment the number of wrappers
- if hasattr(wrapped, '__wrappers__'):
- wrapped.__wrappers__ += 1
- else:
- wrapped.__wrappers__ = 1
-def get_wrapper_depth(wrapper):
- """Return depth of wrapper function."""
- return wrapper.__wrapped__.__wrappers__ + (1 - wrapper.__depth__)
-def add_full_name(obj):
- """
- A decorator to add __full_name__ to the function being decorated.
- This should be done for all decorators used in pywikibot, as any
- decorator that does not add __full_name__ will prevent other
- decorators in the same chain from being able to obtain it.
- This can be used to monkey-patch decorators in other modules.
- e.g.
- <xyz>.foo = add_full_name(<xyz>.foo)
- :param obj: The function to decorate
- :type obj: callable
- :return: decorating function
- :rtype: function
- """
- def outer_wrapper(*outer_args, **outer_kwargs):
- """Outer wrapper.
- The outer wrapper may be the replacement function if the decorated
- decorator was called without arguments, or the replacement decorator
- if the decorated decorator was called without arguments.
- :param outer_args: args
- :param outer_kwargs: kwargs
- """
- def inner_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- """Replacement function.
- If the decorator supported arguments, they are in outer_args,
- and this wrapper is used to process the args which belong to
- the function that the decorated decorator was decorating.
- :param args: args passed to the decorated function.
- :param kwargs: kwargs passed to the decorated function.
- """
- add_decorated_full_name(args[0])
- return obj(*outer_args, **outer_kwargs)(*args, **kwargs)
- inner_wrapper.__doc__ = obj.__doc__
- inner_wrapper.__name__ = obj.__name__
- inner_wrapper.__module__ = obj.__module__
- inner_wrapper.__signature__ = inspect.signature(obj)
- # The decorator being decorated may have args, so both
- # syntax need to be supported.
- if (len(outer_args) == 1 and not outer_kwargs
- and callable(outer_args[0])):
- add_decorated_full_name(outer_args[0])
- return obj(outer_args[0])
- return inner_wrapper
- if not __debug__:
- return obj
- return outer_wrapper
-def _build_msg_string(instead, since):
- """Build a deprecation warning message format string."""
- if not since:
- since = ''
- elif '.' in since:
- since = ' since release ' + since
- else:
- year_str = month_str = day_str = ''
- days = (datetime.utcnow() - datetime.strptime(since, '%Y%m%d')).days
- years = days // 365
- days = days % 365
- months = days // 30
- days = days % 30
- if years == 1:
- years = 0
- months += 12
- if years:
- year_str = '{} years'.format(years)
- else:
- day_str = '{} day{}'.format(days, 's' if days != 1 else '')
- if months:
- month_str = '{} month{}'.format(
- months, 's' if months != 1 else '')
- if year_str and month_str:
- year_str += ' and '
- if month_str and day_str:
- month_str += ' and '
- since = ' for {}{}{}'.format(year_str, month_str, day_str)
- if instead:
- msg = '{{0}} is deprecated{since}; use {{1}} instead.'
- else:
- msg = '{{0}} is deprecated{since}.'
- return msg.format(since=since)
-def issue_deprecation_warning(name: str, instead=None, depth=2,
- warning_class=None, since=None):
- """Issue a deprecation warning.
- :param name: the name of the deprecated object
- :param instead: suggested replacement for the deprecated object
- :type instead: str or None
- :param depth: depth + 1 will be used as stacklevel for the warnings
- :type depth: int
- :param warning_class: a warning class (category) to be used, defaults to
- FutureWarning
- :type warning_class: type
- :param since: a timestamp string of the date when the method was
- deprecated (form 'YYYYMMDD') or a version string.
- :type since: str or None
- """
- msg = _build_msg_string(instead, since)
- if warning_class is None:
- warning_class = (FutureWarning
- if instead else _NotImplementedWarning)
- warn(msg.format(name, instead), warning_class, depth + 1)
-def deprecated(*args, **kwargs):
- """Decorator to output a deprecation warning.
- :keyword instead: if provided, will be used to specify the replacement
- :type instead: str
- :keyword since: a timestamp string of the date when the method was
- deprecated (form 'YYYYMMDD') or a version string.
- :type since: str
- :keyword future_warning: if True a FutureWarning will be thrown,
- otherwise it provides a DeprecationWarning
- :type future_warning: bool
- """
- def decorator(obj):
- """Outer wrapper.
- The outer wrapper is used to create the decorating wrapper.
- :param obj: function being wrapped
- :type obj: object
- """
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- """Replacement function.
- :param args: args passed to the decorated function.
- :param kwargs: kwargs passed to the decorated function.
- :return: the value returned by the decorated function
- :rtype: any
- """
- name = obj.__full_name__
- depth = get_wrapper_depth(wrapper) + 1
- issue_deprecation_warning(
- name, instead, depth, since=since,
- warning_class=None if future_warning else DeprecationWarning)
- return obj(*args, **kwargs)
- def add_docstring(wrapper):
- """Add a Deprecated notice to the docstring."""
- deprecation_notice = 'Deprecated'
- if instead:
- deprecation_notice += '; use ' + instead + ' instead'
- deprecation_notice += '.\n\n'
- if wrapper.__doc__: # Append old docstring after the notice
- wrapper.__doc__ = deprecation_notice + wrapper.__doc__
- else:
- wrapper.__doc__ = deprecation_notice
- if not __debug__:
- return obj
- manage_wrapping(wrapper, obj)
- # Regular expression to find existing deprecation notices
- deprecated_notice = re.compile(r'(^|\s)DEPRECATED[.:;,]',
- # Add the deprecation notice to the docstring if not present
- if not wrapper.__doc__:
- add_docstring(wrapper)
- else:
- if not deprecated_notice.search(wrapper.__doc__):
- add_docstring(wrapper)
- else:
- # Get docstring up to @params so deprecation notices for
- # parameters don't disrupt it
- trim_params = re.compile(r'^.*?((?=@param)|$)', re.DOTALL)
- trimmed_doc = trim_params.match(wrapper.__doc__).group(0)
- if not deprecated_notice.search(trimmed_doc): # No notice
- add_docstring(wrapper)
- return wrapper
- since = kwargs.pop('since', None)
- future_warning = kwargs.pop('future_warning', True)
- without_parameters = len(args) == 1 and not kwargs and callable(args[0])
- if 'instead' in kwargs:
- instead = kwargs['instead']
- elif not without_parameters and len(args) == 1:
- instead = args[0]
- else:
- instead = False
- # When called as @deprecated, return a replacement function
- if without_parameters:
- if not __debug__:
- return args[0]
- return decorator(args[0])
- # Otherwise return a decorator, which returns a replacement function
- return decorator
-def deprecate_arg(old_arg: str, new_arg):
- """Decorator to declare old_arg deprecated and replace it with new_arg.
- Usage:
- @deprecate_arg('foo', 'bar')
- def my_function(bar='baz'): pass
- # replaces 'foo' keyword by 'bar' used by my_function
- @deprecare_arg('foo', None)
- def my_function(): pass
- # ignores 'foo' keyword no longer used by my_function
- deprecated_args decorator should be used in favour of this
- deprecate_arg decorator but it is held to deprecate args which become
- a reserved word in future Python releases and to prevent syntax errors.
- :param old_arg: old keyword
- :param new_arg: new keyword
- :type new_arg: str or None or bool
- """
- return deprecated_args(**{old_arg: new_arg})
-def deprecated_args(**arg_pairs):
- """Decorator to declare multiple args deprecated.
- Usage:
- @deprecated_args(foo='bar', baz=None)
- def my_function(bar='baz'): pass
- # replaces 'foo' keyword by 'bar' and ignores 'baz' keyword
- :param arg_pairs: Each entry points to the new argument name. If an
- argument is to be removed, the value may be one of the following:
- - None: shows a DeprecationWarning
- - False: shows a PendingDeprecationWarning
- - True: shows a FutureWarning (only once)
- - empty string: no warning is printed
- """
- def decorator(obj):
- """Outer wrapper.
- The outer wrapper is used to create the decorating wrapper.
- :param obj: function being wrapped
- :type obj: object
- """
- def wrapper(*__args, **__kw):
- """Replacement function.
- :param __args: args passed to the decorated function
- :param __kw: kwargs passed to the decorated function
- :return: the value returned by the decorated function
- :rtype: any
- """
- name = obj.__full_name__
- depth = get_wrapper_depth(wrapper) + 1
- for old_arg, new_arg in arg_pairs.items():
- output_args = {
- 'name': name,
- 'old_arg': old_arg,
- 'new_arg': new_arg,
- }
- if old_arg not in __kw:
- continue
- if new_arg not in [True, False, None, '']:
- if new_arg in __kw:
- warn('{new_arg} argument of {name} '
- 'replaces {old_arg}; cannot use both.'
- .format_map(output_args),
- RuntimeWarning, depth)
- else:
- # If the value is positionally given this will
- # cause a TypeError, which is intentional
- warn('{old_arg} argument of {name} '
- 'is deprecated; use {new_arg} instead.'
- .format_map(output_args),
- FutureWarning, depth)
- __kw[new_arg] = __kw[old_arg]
- elif new_arg == '':
- pass
- else:
- if new_arg is False:
- cls = PendingDeprecationWarning
- elif new_arg is True:
- cls = FutureWarning
- else: # new_arg is None
- cls = DeprecationWarning
- warn('{old_arg} argument of {name} is deprecated.'
- .format_map(output_args),
- cls, depth)
- del __kw[old_arg]
- return obj(*__args, **__kw)
- if not __debug__:
- return obj
- manage_wrapping(wrapper, obj)
- if wrapper.__signature__:
- # Build a new signature with deprecated args added.
- params = collections.OrderedDict()
- for param in wrapper.__signature__.parameters.values():
- params[param.name] = param.replace()
- for old_arg, new_arg in arg_pairs.items():
- params[old_arg] = inspect.Parameter(
- old_arg, kind=inspect._POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD,
- default='[deprecated name of {}]'.format(new_arg)
- if new_arg not in [True, False, None, '']
- else NotImplemented)
- params = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(params.items(),
- key=lambda x: x[1].kind))
- wrapper.__signature__ = inspect.Signature()
- wrapper.__signature__._parameters = params
- return wrapper
- return decorator
-def remove_last_args(arg_names):
- """
- Decorator to declare all args additionally provided deprecated.
- All positional arguments appearing after the normal arguments are marked
- deprecated. It marks also all keyword arguments present in arg_names as
- deprecated. Any arguments (positional or keyword) which are not present in
- arg_names are forwarded. For example a call with 3 parameters and the
- original function requests one and arg_names contain one name will result
- in an error, because the function got called with 2 parameters.
- The decorated function may not use ``*args`` or ``**kwargs``.
- :param arg_names: The names of all arguments.
- :type arg_names: iterable; for the most explanatory message it should
- retain the given order (so not a set for example).
- """
- def decorator(obj):
- """Outer wrapper.
- The outer wrapper is used to create the decorating wrapper.
- :param obj: function being wrapped
- :type obj: object
- """
- def wrapper(*__args, **__kw):
- """Replacement function.
- :param __args: args passed to the decorated function
- :param __kw: kwargs passed to the decorated function
- :return: the value returned by the decorated function
- :rtype: any
- """
- name = obj.__full_name__
- depth = get_wrapper_depth(wrapper) + 1
- args, varargs, kwargs, *_ = getfullargspec(wrapper.__wrapped__)
- if varargs is not None and kwargs is not None:
- raise ValueError('{} may not have * or ** args.'
- .format(name))
- deprecated = set(__kw) & set(arg_names)
- if len(__args) > len(args):
- deprecated.update(arg_names[:len(__args) - len(args)])
- # remove at most |arg_names| entries from the back
- new_args = tuple(__args[:max(len(args),
- len(__args) - len(arg_names))])
- new_kwargs = {arg: val for arg, val in __kw.items()
- if arg not in arg_names}
- if deprecated:
- # sort them according to arg_names
- deprecated = [arg for arg in arg_names if arg in deprecated]
- warn("The trailing arguments ('{}') of {} are deprecated. "
- "The value(s) provided for '{}' have been dropped."
- .format("', '".join(arg_names), name,
- "', '".join(deprecated)),
- DeprecationWarning, depth)
- return obj(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
- manage_wrapping(wrapper, obj)
- return wrapper
- return decorator
-def redirect_func(target, source_module: Optional[str] = None,
- target_module: Optional[str] = None,
- old_name: Optional[str] = None,
- class_name: Optional[str] = None,
- since: Optional[str] = None,
- future_warning=True):
- """
- Return a function which can be used to redirect to 'target'.
- It also acts like marking that function deprecated and copies all
- parameters.
- :param target: The targeted function which is to be executed.
- :type target: callable
- :param source_module: The module of the old function. If '.' defaults
- to target_module. If 'None' (default) it tries to guess it from the
- executing function.
- :param target_module: The module of the target function. If
- 'None' (default) it tries to get it from the target. Might not work
- with nested classes.
- :param old_name: The old function name. If None it uses the name of the
- new function.
- :param class_name: The name of the class. It's added to the target and
- source module (separated by a '.').
- :param since: a timestamp string of the date when the method was
- deprecated (form 'YYYYMMDD') or a version string.
- :param future_warning: if True a FutureWarning will be thrown,
- otherwise it provides a DeprecationWarning
- :type future_warning: bool
- :return: A new function which adds a warning prior to each execution.
- :rtype: callable
- """
- def call(*a, **kw):
- issue_deprecation_warning(
- old_name, new_name, since=since,
- warning_class=None if future_warning else DeprecationWarning)
- return target(*a, **kw)
- if target_module is None:
- target_module = target.__module__
- if target_module and target_module[-1] != '.':
- target_module += '.'
- if source_module == '.':
- source_module = target_module
- elif source_module and source_module[-1] != '.':
- source_module += '.'
- else:
- source_module = sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__'] + '.'
- if class_name:
- target_module += class_name + '.'
- source_module += class_name + '.'
- old_name = source_module + (old_name or target.__name__)
- new_name = target_module + target.__name__
- if not __debug__:
- return target
- return call
-class ModuleDeprecationWrapper(types.ModuleType):
- """A wrapper for a module to deprecate classes or variables of it."""
- def __init__(self, module):
- """
- Initialise the wrapper.
- It will automatically overwrite the module with this instance in
- ``sys.modules``.
- :param module: The module name or instance
- :type module: str or module
- """
- if isinstance(module, (str, bytes)):
- module = sys.modules[module]
- super().__setattr__('_deprecated', {})
- super().__setattr__('_module', module)
- self.__dict__.update(module.__dict__)
- if __debug__:
- sys.modules[module.__name__] = self
- def add_deprecated_attr(self, name: str, replacement: Any = None, *,
- replacement_name: Optional[str] = None,
- warning_message: Optional[str] = None,
- since: Optional[str] = None,
- future_warning: bool = True):
- """
- Add the name to the local deprecated names dict.
- :param name: The name of the deprecated class or variable. It may not
- be already deprecated.
- :param replacement: The replacement value which should be returned
- instead. If the name is already an attribute of that module this
- must be None. If None it'll return the attribute of the module.
- :param replacement_name: The name of the new replaced value. Required
- if ``replacement`` is not None and it has no __name__ attribute.
- If it contains a '.', it will be interpreted as a Python dotted
- object name, and evaluated when the deprecated object is needed.
- :param warning_message: The warning to display, with positional
- variables: {0} = module, {1} = attribute name, {2} = replacement.
- :param since: a timestamp string of the date when the method was
- deprecated (form 'YYYYMMDD') or a version string.
- :param future_warning: if True a FutureWarning will be thrown,
- otherwise it provides a DeprecationWarning
- """
- if '.' in name:
- raise ValueError('Deprecated name "{}" may not contain '
- '".".'.format(name))
- if name in self._deprecated:
- raise ValueError('Name "{}" is already deprecated.'.format(name))
- if replacement is not None and hasattr(self._module, name):
- raise ValueError('Module has already an attribute named '
- '"{}".'.format(name))
- if replacement_name is None:
- if hasattr(replacement, '__name__'):
- replacement_name = replacement.__module__
- if hasattr(replacement, '__self__'):
- replacement_name += '.'
- replacement_name += replacement.__self__.__class__.__name__
- replacement_name += '.' + replacement.__name__
- else:
- raise TypeError('Replacement must have a __name__ attribute '
- 'or a replacement name must be set '
- 'specifically.')
- if not warning_message:
- warning_message = _build_msg_string(
- replacement_name, since).format('{0}.{1}', '{2}')
- if hasattr(self, name):
- # __getattr__ will only be invoked if self.<name> does not exist.
- delattr(self, name)
- self._deprecated[name] = (
- replacement_name, replacement, warning_message, future_warning)
- def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
- """Set the value of the wrapped module."""
- self.__dict__[attr] = value
- setattr(self._module, attr, value)
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- """Return the attribute with a deprecation warning if required."""
- if attr in self._deprecated:
- name, repl, message, future = self._deprecated[attr]
- warning_message = message
- warn(warning_message.format(self._module.__name__, attr, name),
- FutureWarning if future else DeprecationWarning, 2)
- if repl is not None:
- return repl
- if '.' in name:
- with suppress(Exception):
- package_name = name.split('.', 1)[0]
- module = import_module(package_name)
- context = {package_name: module}
- replacement = eval(name, context)
- self._deprecated[attr] = (
- name, replacement, message, future)
- return replacement
- return getattr(self._module, attr)
def file_mode_checker(filename: str, mode=0o600, quiet=False, create=False):
"""Check file mode and update it, if needed.

diff --git a/pywikibot/tools/_deprecate.py b/pywikibot/tools/_deprecate.py
index 746c127..76c80e5 100644
--- a/pywikibot/tools/_deprecate.py
+++ b/pywikibot/tools/_deprecate.py
@@ -1,59 +1,36 @@
-"""Miscellaneous helper functions (not wiki-dependent)."""
+"""Module providing deprecation decorators.
+Decorator functions without parameters are _invoked_ differently from
+decorator functions with function syntax. For example, @deprecated causes
+a different invocation to @deprecated().
+The former is invoked with the decorated function as args[0].
+The latter is invoked with the decorator arguments as *args & **kwargs,
+and it must return a callable which will be invoked with the decorated
+function as args[0].
+The follow deprecators may support both syntax, e.g. @deprecated and
+@deprecated() both work. In order to achieve that, the code inspects
+args[0] to see if it callable. Therefore, a decorator must not accept
+only one arg, and that arg be a callable, as it will be detected as
+a deprecator without any arguments.
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2008-2021
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import collections
-import gzip
-import hashlib
import inspect
-import ipaddress
-import itertools
-import os
-import queue
import re
-import stat
-import subprocess
import sys
-import threading
-import time
import types
-from collections.abc import Container, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, Sized
from contextlib import suppress
from datetime import datetime
-from functools import total_ordering, wraps
from importlib import import_module
from inspect import getfullargspec
-from itertools import chain, zip_longest
from typing import Any, Optional
-from warnings import catch_warnings, showwarning, warn
-import pkg_resources
-from pywikibot.logging import debug
-from pywikibot.tools._unidata import _first_upper_exception
- import bz2
-except ImportError as bz2_import_error:
- try:
- import bz2file as bz2
- warn('package bz2 was not found; using bz2file', ImportWarning)
- except ImportError:
- warn('package bz2 and bz2file were not found', ImportWarning)
- bz2 = bz2_import_error
- import lzma
-except ImportError as lzma_import_error:
- lzma = lzma_import_error
-PYTHON_VERSION = sys.version_info[:3]
-_logger = 'tools'
+from warnings import warn

class _NotImplementedWarning(RuntimeWarning):
@@ -61,1225 +38,6 @@
"""Feature that is no longer implemented."""

-def is_ip_address(value: str) -> bool:
- """Check if a value is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.
- :param value: value to check
- """
- with suppress(ValueError):
- ipaddress.ip_address(value)
- return True
- return False
-def has_module(module, version=None):
- """Check if a module can be imported.
- *New in version 3.0.*
- """
- try:
- m = import_module(module)
- except ImportError:
- return False
- if version:
- if not hasattr(m, '__version__'):
- return False
- required_version = pkg_resources.parse_version(version)
- module_version = pkg_resources.parse_version(m.__version__)
- if module_version < required_version:
- warn('Module version {} is lower than requested version {}'
- .format(module_version, required_version), ImportWarning)
- return False
- return True
-def empty_iterator():
- # http://stackoverflow.com/a/13243870/473890
- """DEPRECATED. An iterator which does nothing."""
- return
- yield
-class classproperty: # noqa: N801
- """
- Descriptor class to access a class method as a property.
- This class may be used as a decorator::
- class Foo:
- _bar = 'baz' # a class property
- @classproperty
- def bar(cls): # a class property method
- return cls._bar
- Foo.bar gives 'baz'.
- """
- def __init__(self, cls_method):
- """Hold the class method."""
- self.method = cls_method
- self.__doc__ = self.method.__doc__
- def __get__(self, instance, owner):
- """Get the attribute of the owner class by its method."""
- return self.method(owner)
-class suppress_warnings(catch_warnings): # noqa: N801
- """A decorator/context manager that temporarily suppresses warnings.
- Those suppressed warnings that do not match the parameters will be raised
- shown upon exit.
- *New in vesion 3.0.*
- """
- def __init__(self, message='', category=Warning, filename=''):
- """Initialize the object.
- The parameter semantics are similar to those of
- `warnings.filterwarnings`.
- :param message: A string containing a regular expression that the start
- of the warning message must match. (case-insensitive)
- :type message: str
- :param category: A class (a subclass of Warning) of which the warning
- category must be a subclass in order to match.
- :type category: type
- :param filename: A string containing a regular expression that the
- start of the path to the warning module must match.
- (case-sensitive)
- :type filename: str
- """
- self.message_match = re.compile(message, re.I).match
- self.category = category
- self.filename_match = re.compile(filename).match
- super().__init__(record=True)
- def __enter__(self):
- """Catch all warnings and store them in `self.log`."""
- self.log = super().__enter__()
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
- """Stop logging warnings and show those that do not match to params."""
- super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
- for warning in self.log:
- if (
- not issubclass(warning.category, self.category)
- or not self.message_match(str(warning.message))
- or not self.filename_match(warning.filename)
- ):
- showwarning(
- warning.message, warning.category, warning.filename,
- warning.lineno, warning.file, warning.line)
- def __call__(self, func):
- """Decorate func to suppress warnings."""
- @wraps(func)
- def suppressed_func(*args, **kwargs):
- with self:
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- return suppressed_func
-# From http://python3porting.com/preparing.html
-class ComparableMixin:
- """Mixin class to allow comparing to other objects which are comparable."""
- def __lt__(self, other):
- """Compare if self is less than other."""
- return other > self._cmpkey()
- def __le__(self, other):
- """Compare if self is less equals other."""
- return other >= self._cmpkey()
- def __eq__(self, other):
- """Compare if self is equal to other."""
- return other == self._cmpkey()
- def __ge__(self, other):
- """Compare if self is greater equals other."""
- return other <= self._cmpkey()
- def __gt__(self, other):
- """Compare if self is greater than other."""
- return other < self._cmpkey()
- def __ne__(self, other):
- """Compare if self is not equal to other."""
- return other != self._cmpkey()
-class DotReadableDict:
- """DEPRECATED. Lecacy class of Revision() and FileInfo().
- Provide: __getitem__() and __repr__().
- """
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- """Give access to class values by key.
- Revision class may also give access to its values by keys
- e.g. revid parameter may be assigned by revision['revid']
- as well as revision.revid. This makes formatting strings with
- % operator easier.
- """
- return getattr(self, key)
- def __repr__(self):
- """Return a more complete string representation."""
- return repr(self.__dict__)
-class frozenmap(Mapping): # noqa: N801
- """DEPRECATED. Frozen mapping, preventing write after initialisation."""
- def __init__(self, data=(), **kwargs):
- """Initialize data in same ways like a dict."""
- self.__data = {}
- if isinstance(data, Mapping):
- for key in data:
- self.__data[key] = data[key]
- elif hasattr(data, 'keys'):
- for key in data.keys():
- self.__data[key] = data[key]
- else:
- for key, value in data:
- self.__data[key] = value
- for key, value in kwargs.items():
- self.__data[key] = value
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return self.__data[key]
- def __iter__(self):
- return iter(self.__data)
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.__data)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '{}({!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.__data)
-# Collection is not provided with Python 3.5; use Container, Iterable, Sized
-class SizedKeyCollection(Container, Iterable, Sized):
- """Structure to hold values where the key is given by the value itself.
- A stucture like a defaultdict but the key is given by the value
- itselfvand cannot be assigned directly. It returns the number of all
- items with len() but not the number of keys.
- Samples:
- >>> from pywikibot.tools import SizedKeyCollection
- >>> data = SizedKeyCollection('title')
- >>> data.append('foo')
- >>> data.append('bar')
- >>> data.append('Foo')
- >>> list(data)
- ['foo', 'Foo', 'bar']
- >>> len(data)
- 3
- >>> 'Foo' in data
- True
- >>> 'foo' in data
- False
- >>> data['Foo']
- ['foo', 'Foo']
- >>> list(data.keys())
- ['Foo', 'Bar']
- >>> data.remove_key('Foo')
- >>> list(data)
- ['bar']
- >>> data.clear()
- >>> list(data)
- []
- *New in version 6.1.*
- """
- def __init__(self, keyattr: str):
- """Initializer.
- :param keyattr: an attribute or method of the values to be hold
- with this collection which will be used as key.
- """
- self.keyattr = keyattr
- self.clear()
- def __contains__(self, key) -> bool:
- return key in self.data
- def __getattr__(self, key):
- """Delegate Mapping methods to self.data."""
- if key in ('keys', 'values', 'items'):
- return getattr(self.data, key)
- return super().__getattr__(key)
- def __getitem__(self, key) -> list:
- return self.data[key]
- def __iter__(self):
- """Iterate through all items of the tree."""
- yield from chain.from_iterable(self.data.values())
- def __len__(self) -> int:
- """Return the number of all values."""
- return self.size
- def __repr__(self) -> str:
- return str(self.data).replace('defaultdict', self.__class__.__name__)
- def append(self, value):
- """Add a value to the collection."""
- key = getattr(value, self.keyattr)
- if callable(key):
- key = key()
- if key not in self.data:
- self.data[key] = []
- self.data[key].append(value)
- self.size += 1
- def remove(self, value):
- """Remove a value from the container."""
- key = getattr(value, self.keyattr)
- if callable(key):
- key = key()
- with suppress(ValueError):
- self.data[key].remove(value)
- self.size -= 1
- def remove_key(self, key):
- """Remove all values for a given key."""
- with suppress(KeyError):
- self.size -= len(self.data[key])
- del self.data[key]
- def clear(self):
- """Remove all elements from SizedKeyCollection."""
- self.data = {} # defaultdict fails (T282865)
- self.size = 0
- def filter(self, key):
- """Iterate over items for a given key."""
- with suppress(KeyError):
- yield from self.data[key]
- def iter_values_len(self):
- """Yield key, len(values) pairs."""
- for key, values in self.data.items():
- yield key, len(values)
-class LazyRegex:
- """
- DEPRECATED. Regex object that obtains and compiles the regex on usage.
- Instances behave like the object created using :py:obj:`re.compile`.
- """
- def __init__(self, pattern, flags=0):
- """
- Initializer.
- :param pattern: :py:obj:`re` regex pattern
- :type pattern: str or callable
- :param flags: :py:obj:`re.compile` flags
- :type flags: int
- """
- self.raw = pattern
- self.flags = flags
- super().__init__()
- @property
- def raw(self):
- """The raw property."""
- if callable(self._raw):
- self._raw = self._raw()
- return self._raw
- @raw.setter
- def raw(self, value):
- self._raw = value
- self._compiled = None
- @property
- def flags(self):
- """The flags property."""
- return self._flags
- @flags.setter
- def flags(self, value):
- self._flags = value
- self._compiled = None
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- """Compile the regex and delegate all attribute to the regex."""
- if not self._raw:
- raise AttributeError('{}.raw not set'
- .format(self.__class__.__name__))
- if not self._compiled:
- self._compiled = re.compile(self.raw, self.flags)
- if hasattr(self._compiled, attr):
- return getattr(self._compiled, attr)
- raise AttributeError('{}: attr {} not recognised'
- .format(self.__class__.__name__, attr))
-class DeprecatedRegex(LazyRegex):
- """Regex object that issues a deprecation notice."""
- def __init__(self, pattern, flags=0, name=None, instead=None, since=None):
- """
- DEPRECATED. Deprecate a give regex.
- If name is None, the regex pattern will be used as part of
- the deprecation warning.
- :param name: name of the object that is deprecated
- :type name: str or None
- :param instead: if provided, will be used to specify the replacement
- of the deprecated name
- :type instead: str
- """
- super().__init__(pattern, flags)
- self._name = name or self.raw
- self._instead = instead
- self._since = since
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- """Issue deprecation warning."""
- issue_deprecation_warning(self._name, self._instead, since=self._since)
- return super().__getattr__(attr)
-def first_lower(string: str) -> str:
- """
- Return a string with the first character uncapitalized.
- Empty strings are supported. The original string is not changed.
- """
- return string[:1].lower() + string[1:]
-def first_upper(string: str) -> str:
- """
- Return a string with the first character capitalized.
- Empty strings are supported. The original string is not changed.
- :note: MediaWiki doesn't capitalize some characters the same way as Python.
- This function tries to be close to MediaWiki's capitalize function in
- title.php. See T179115 and T200357.
- """
- first = string[:1]
- return (_first_upper_exception(first) or first.upper()) + string[1:]
-def normalize_username(username) -> Optional[str]:
- """Normalize the username."""
- if not username:
- return None
- username = re.sub('[_ ]+', ' ', username).strip()
- return first_upper(username)
-class MediaWikiVersion:
- """
- Version object to allow comparing 'wmf' versions with normal ones.
- The version mainly consist of digits separated by periods. After that is a
- suffix which may only be 'wmf<number>', 'alpha', 'beta<number>' or
- '-rc.<number>' (the - and . are optional). They are considered from old to
- new in that order with a version number without suffix is considered the
- newest. This secondary difference is stored in an internal _dev_version
- attribute.
- Two versions are equal if their normal version and dev version are equal. A
- version is greater if the normal version or dev version is greater. For
- example:
- 1.34 < 1.34.1 < 1.35wmf1 < 1.35alpha < 1.35beta1 < 1.35beta2
- < 1.35-rc-1 < 1.35-rc.2 < 1.35
- Any other suffixes are considered invalid.
- """
- MEDIAWIKI_VERSION = re.compile(
- r'(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)(-?wmf\.?(\d+)|alpha|beta(\d+)|-?rc\.?(\d+)|.*)?$')
- def __init__(self, version_str: str) -> None:
- """
- Initializer.
- :param version_str: version to parse
- """
- self._parse(version_str)
- def _parse(self, version_str: str) -> None:
- version_match = MediaWikiVersion.MEDIAWIKI_VERSION.match(version_str)
- if not version_match:
- raise ValueError('Invalid version number "{}"'.format(version_str))
- components = [int(n) for n in version_match.group(1).split('.')]
- # The _dev_version numbering scheme might change. E.g. if a stage
- # between 'alpha' and 'beta' is added, 'beta', 'rc' and stable releases
- # are reassigned (beta=3, rc=4, stable=5).
- if version_match.group(3): # wmf version
- self._dev_version = (0, int(version_match.group(3)))
- elif version_match.group(4):
- self._dev_version = (2, int(version_match.group(4)))
- elif version_match.group(5):
- self._dev_version = (3, int(version_match.group(5)))
- elif version_match.group(2) in ('alpha', '-alpha'):
- self._dev_version = (1, )
- else:
- for handled in ('wmf', 'alpha', 'beta', 'rc'):
- # if any of those pops up here our parser has failed
- assert handled not in version_match.group(2), \
- 'Found "{}" in "{}"'.format(handled,
- version_match.group(2))
- if version_match.group(2):
- debug('Additional unused version part '
- '"{}"'.format(version_match.group(2)),
- _logger)
- self._dev_version = (4, )
- self.suffix = version_match.group(2) or ''
- self.version = tuple(components)
- @staticmethod
- def from_generator(generator: str) -> 'MediaWikiVersion':
- """Create instance from a site's generator attribute."""
- prefix = 'MediaWiki '
- if not generator.startswith(prefix):
- raise ValueError('Generator string ({!r}) must start with '
- '"{}"'.format(generator, prefix))
- return MediaWikiVersion(generator[len(prefix):])
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- """Return version number with optional suffix."""
- return '.'.join(str(v) for v in self.version) + self.suffix
- def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
- if isinstance(other, str):
- other = MediaWikiVersion(other)
- elif not isinstance(other, MediaWikiVersion):
- return False
- return self.version == other.version and \
- self._dev_version == other._dev_version
- def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
- if isinstance(other, str):
- other = MediaWikiVersion(other)
- elif not isinstance(other, MediaWikiVersion):
- raise TypeError("Comparison between 'MediaWikiVersion' and '{}' "
- 'unsupported'.format(type(other).__name__))
- if self.version != other.version:
- return self.version < other.version
- else:
- return self._dev_version < other._dev_version
-class RLock:
- """Context manager which implements extended reentrant lock objects.
- This RLock is implicit derived from threading.RLock but provides a
- locked() method like in threading.Lock and a count attribute which
- gives the active recursion level of locks.
- Usage:
- >>> from pywikibot.tools import RLock
- >>> lock = RLock()
- >>> lock.acquire()
- True
- >>> with lock: print(lock.count) # nested lock
- 2
- >>> lock.locked()
- True
- >>> lock.release()
- >>> lock.locked()
- False
- *New in version 6.2*
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Initializer."""
- self._lock = threading.RLock(*args, **kwargs)
- self._block = threading.Lock()
- def __enter__(self):
- """Acquire lock and call atenter."""
- return self._lock.__enter__()
- def __exit__(self, *exc):
- """Call atexit and release lock."""
- return self._lock.__exit__(*exc)
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- """Delegate attributes and methods to self._lock."""
- return getattr(self._lock, name)
- def __repr__(self):
- """Representation of tools.RLock instance."""
- return repr(self._lock).replace(
- '_thread.RLock',
- '{cls.__module__}.{cls.__class__.__name__}'.format(cls=self))
- @property
- def count(self):
- """Return number of acquired locks."""
- with self._block:
- counter = re.search(r'count=(\d+) ', repr(self))
- return int(counter.group(1))
- def locked(self):
- """Return true if the lock is acquired."""
- with self._block:
- status = repr(self).split(maxsplit=1)[0][1:]
- assert status in ('locked', 'unlocked')
- return status == 'locked'
-class ThreadedGenerator(threading.Thread):
- """Look-ahead generator class.
- Runs a generator in a separate thread and queues the results; can
- be called like a regular generator.
- Subclasses should override self.generator, *not* self.run
- Important: the generator thread will stop itself if the generator's
- internal queue is exhausted; but, if the calling program does not use
- all the generated values, it must call the generator's stop() method to
- stop the background thread. Example usage:
- >>> gen = ThreadedGenerator(target=range, args=(20,))
- >>> try:
- ... data = list(gen)
- ... finally:
- ... gen.stop()
- >>> data
- [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
- """
- def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name='GeneratorThread',
- args=(), kwargs=None, qsize=65536):
- """Initializer. Takes same keyword arguments as threading.Thread.
- target must be a generator function (or other callable that returns
- an iterable object).
- :param qsize: The size of the lookahead queue. The larger the qsize,
- the more values will be computed in advance of use (which can eat
- up memory and processor time).
- :type qsize: int
- """
- if kwargs is None:
- kwargs = {}
- if target:
- self.generator = target
- if not hasattr(self, 'generator'):
- raise RuntimeError('No generator for ThreadedGenerator to run.')
- self.args, self.kwargs = args, kwargs
- super().__init__(group=group, name=name)
- self.queue = queue.Queue(qsize)
- self.finished = threading.Event()
- def __iter__(self):
- """Iterate results from the queue."""
- if not self.is_alive() and not self.finished.isSet():
- self.start()
- # if there is an item in the queue, yield it, otherwise wait
- while not self.finished.isSet():
- try:
- yield self.queue.get(True, 0.25)
- except queue.Empty:
- pass
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- self.stop()
- def stop(self):
- """Stop the background thread."""
- self.finished.set()
- def run(self):
- """Run the generator and store the results on the queue."""
- iterable = any(hasattr(self.generator, key)
- for key in ('__iter__', '__getitem__'))
- if iterable and not self.args and not self.kwargs:
- self.__gen = self.generator
- else:
- self.__gen = self.generator(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
- for result in self.__gen:
- while True:
- if self.finished.isSet():
- return
- try:
- self.queue.put_nowait(result)
- except queue.Full:
- time.sleep(0.25)
- continue
- break
- # wait for queue to be emptied, then kill the thread
- while not self.finished.isSet() and not self.queue.empty():
- time.sleep(0.25)
- self.stop()
-def itergroup(iterable, size: int):
- """Make an iterator that returns lists of (up to) size items from iterable.
- Example:
- >>> i = itergroup(range(25), 10)
- >>> print(next(i))
- [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
- >>> print(next(i))
- [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
- >>> print(next(i))
- [20, 21, 22, 23, 24]
- >>> print(next(i))
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- StopIteration
- """
- group = []
- for item in iterable:
- group.append(item)
- if len(group) == size:
- yield group
- group = []
- if group:
- yield group
-def islice_with_ellipsis(iterable, *args, marker='…'):
- """
- Generator which yields the first n elements of the iterable.
- If more elements are available and marker is True, it returns an extra
- string marker as continuation mark.
- Function takes the
- and the additional keyword marker.
- :param iterable: the iterable to work on
- :type iterable: iterable
- :param args: same args as:
- - ``itertools.islice(iterable, stop)``
- - ``itertools.islice(iterable, start, stop[, step])``
- :param marker: element to yield if iterable still contains elements
- after showing the required number. Default value: '…'
- :type marker: str
- """
- s = slice(*args)
- _iterable = iter(iterable)
- yield from itertools.islice(_iterable, *args)
- if marker and s.stop is not None:
- with suppress(StopIteration):
- next(_iterable)
- yield marker
-class ThreadList(list):
- """A simple threadpool class to limit the number of simultaneous threads.
- Any threading.Thread object can be added to the pool using the append()
- method. If the maximum number of simultaneous threads has not been reached,
- the Thread object will be started immediately; if not, the append() call
- will block until the thread is able to start.
- >>> pool = ThreadList(limit=10)
- >>> def work():
- ... time.sleep(1)
- ...
- >>> for x in range(20):
- ... pool.append(threading.Thread(target=work))
- ...
- """
- _logger = 'threadlist'
- def __init__(self, limit=128, wait_time=2, *args):
- """Initializer.
- :param limit: the number of simultaneous threads
- :type limit: int
- :param wait_time: how long to wait if active threads exceeds limit
- :type wait_time: int or float
- """
- self.limit = limit
- self.wait_time = wait_time
- super().__init__(*args)
- for item in self:
- if not isinstance(item, threading.Thread):
- raise TypeError("Cannot add '{}' to ThreadList"
- .format(type(item)))
- def active_count(self):
- """Return the number of alive threads and delete all non-alive ones."""
- cnt = 0
- for item in self[:]:
- if item.is_alive():
- cnt += 1
- else:
- self.remove(item)
- return cnt
- def append(self, thd):
- """Add a thread to the pool and start it."""
- if not isinstance(thd, threading.Thread):
- raise TypeError("Cannot append '{}' to ThreadList"
- .format(type(thd)))
- while self.active_count() >= self.limit:
- time.sleep(self.wait_time)
- super().append(thd)
- thd.start()
- debug("thread {} ('{}') started".format(len(self), type(thd)),
- self._logger)
- def stop_all(self):
- """Stop all threads the pool."""
- if self:
- debug('EARLY QUIT: Threads: {}'.format(len(self)), self._logger)
- for thd in self:
- thd.stop()
- debug('EARLY QUIT: Queue size left in {}: {}'
- .format(thd, thd.queue.qsize()), self._logger)
-def intersect_generators(genlist, allow_duplicates=False):
- """
- Intersect generators listed in genlist.
- Yield items only if they are yielded by all generators in genlist.
- Threads (via ThreadedGenerator) are used in order to run generators
- in parallel, so that items can be yielded before generators are
- exhausted.
- Threads are stopped when they are either exhausted or Ctrl-C is pressed.
- Quitting before all generators are finished is attempted if
- there is no more chance of finding an item in all queues.
- :param genlist: list of page generators
- :type genlist: list
- :param allow_duplicates: allow duplicates if present in all generators
- :type allow_duplicates: bool
- """
- # If any generator is empty, no pages are going to be returned
- for source in genlist:
- if not source:
- debug('At least one generator ({!r}) is empty and execution was '
- 'skipped immediately.'.format(source), 'intersect')
- return
- # Item is cached to check that it is found n_gen
- # times before being yielded.
- from collections import Counter
- cache = collections.defaultdict(Counter)
- n_gen = len(genlist)
- # Class to keep track of alive threads.
- # Start new threads and remove completed threads.
- thrlist = ThreadList()
- for source in genlist:
- threaded_gen = ThreadedGenerator(name=repr(source), target=source)
- threaded_gen.daemon = True
- thrlist.append(threaded_gen)
- ones = Counter(thrlist)
- seen = {}
- while True:
- # Get items from queues in a round-robin way.
- for t in thrlist:
- try:
- # TODO: evaluate if True and timeout is necessary.
- item = t.queue.get(True, 0.1)
- if not allow_duplicates and hash(item) in seen:
- continue
- # Cache entry is a Counter of ThreadedGenerator objects.
- cache[item].update([t])
- if len(cache[item]) == n_gen:
- if allow_duplicates:
- yield item
- # Remove item from cache if possible.
- if all(el == 1 for el in cache[item].values()):
- cache.pop(item)
- else:
- cache[item] -= ones
- else:
- yield item
- cache.pop(item)
- seen[hash(item)] = True
- active = thrlist.active_count()
- max_cache = n_gen
- if cache.values():
- max_cache = max(len(v) for v in cache.values())
- # No. of active threads is not enough to reach n_gen.
- # We can quit even if some thread is still active.
- # There could be an item in all generators which has not yet
- # appeared from any generator. Only when we have lost one
- # generator, then we can bail out early based on seen items.
- if active < n_gen and n_gen - max_cache > active:
- thrlist.stop_all()
- return
- except queue.Empty:
- pass
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- thrlist.stop_all()
- # All threads are done.
- if thrlist.active_count() == 0:
- return
-def roundrobin_generators(*iterables):
- """Yield simultaneous from each iterable.
- Sample:
- >>> tuple(roundrobin_generators('ABC', range(5)))
- ('A', 0, 'B', 1, 'C', 2, 3, 4)
- *New in version 3.0.*
- :param iterables: any iterable to combine in roundrobin way
- :type iterables: iterable
- :return: the combined generator of iterables
- :rtype: generator
- """
- return (item
- for item in itertools.chain.from_iterable(zip_longest(*iterables))
- if item is not None)
-def filter_unique(iterable, container=None, key=None, add=None):
- """
- Yield unique items from an iterable, omitting duplicates.
- By default, to provide uniqueness, it puts the generated items into a
- set created as a local variable. It only yields items which are not
- already present in the local set.
- For large collections, this is not memory efficient, as a strong reference
- to every item is kept in a local set which cannot be cleared.
- Also, the local set can't be re-used when chaining unique operations on
- multiple generators.
- To avoid these issues, it is advisable for the caller to provide their own
- container and set the key parameter to be the function
- :py:obj:`hash`, or use a :py:obj:`weakref` as the key.
- The container can be any object that supports __contains__.
- If the container is a set or dict, the method add or __setitem__ will be
- used automatically. Any other method may be provided explicitly using the
- add parameter.
- Beware that key=id is only useful for cases where id() is not unique.
- Note: This is not thread safe.
- :param iterable: the source iterable
- :type iterable: collections.abc.Iterable
- :param container: storage of seen items
- :type container: type
- :param key: function to convert the item to a key
- :type key: callable
- :param add: function to add an item to the container
- :type add: callable
- """
- if container is None:
- container = set()
- if not add:
- if hasattr(container, 'add'):
- def container_add(x):
- container.add(key(x) if key else x)
- add = container_add
- else:
- def container_setitem(x):
- container.__setitem__(key(x) if key else x,
- True)
- add = container_setitem
- for item in iterable:
- try:
- if (key(item) if key else item) not in container:
- add(item)
- yield item
- except StopIteration:
- return
-class CombinedError(KeyError, IndexError):
- """An error that gets caught by both KeyError and IndexError."""
-class EmptyDefault(str, Mapping):
- """
- A default for a not existing siteinfo property.
- It should be chosen if there is no better default known. It acts like an
- empty collections, so it can be iterated through it safely if treated as a
- list, tuple, set or dictionary. It is also basically an empty string.
- Accessing a value via __getitem__ will result in a combined KeyError and
- IndexError.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- """Initialise the default as an empty string."""
- str.__init__(self)
- def __iter__(self):
- """An iterator which does nothing and drops the argument."""
- return iter(())
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- """Raise always a :py:obj:`CombinedError`."""
- raise CombinedError(key)
-EMPTY_DEFAULT = EmptyDefault()
-class SelfCallMixin:
- """
- Return self when called.
- When '_own_desc' is defined it'll also issue a deprecation warning using
- issue_deprecation_warning('Calling ' + _own_desc, 'it directly').
- """
- def __call__(self):
- """Do nothing and just return itself."""
- issue_deprecation_warning('Referencing this attribute like a function',
- 'it directly', since='20210420')
- return self
-class SelfCallDict(SelfCallMixin, dict):
- """Dict with SelfCallMixin."""
-class SelfCallString(SelfCallMixin, str):
- """String with SelfCallMixin."""
-class DequeGenerator(Iterator, collections.deque):
- """A generator that allows items to be added during generating."""
- def __next__(self):
- """Iterator method."""
- if self:
- return self.popleft()
- raise StopIteration
- def __repr__(self):
- """Provide an object representation without clearing the content."""
- items = list(self)
- result = '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, items)
- self.extend(items)
- return result
-def open_archive(filename, mode='rb', use_extension=True):
- """
- Open a file and uncompress it if needed.
- This function supports bzip2, gzip, 7zip, lzma, and xz as compression
- containers. It uses the packages available in the standard library for
- bzip2, gzip, lzma, and xz so they are always available. 7zip is only
- available when a 7za program is available and only supports reading
- from it.
- The compression is either selected via the magic number or file ending.
- :param filename: The filename.
- :type filename: str
- :param use_extension: Use the file extension instead of the magic number
- to determine the type of compression (default True). Must be True when
- writing or appending.
- :type use_extension: bool
- :param mode: The mode in which the file should be opened. It may either be
- 'r', 'rb', 'a', 'ab', 'w' or 'wb'. All modes open the file in binary
- mode. It defaults to 'rb'.
- :type mode: str
- :raises ValueError: When 7za is not available or the opening mode is
- unknown or it tries to write a 7z archive.
- :raises FileNotFoundError: When the filename doesn't exist and it tries
- to read from it or it tries to determine the compression algorithm.
- :raises OSError: When it's not a 7z archive but the file extension is 7z.
- It is also raised by bz2 when its content is invalid. gzip does not
- immediately raise that error but only on reading it.
- :raises lzma.LZMAError: When error occurs during compression or
- decompression or when initializing the state with lzma or xz.
- :raises ImportError: When file is compressed with bz2 but neither bz2 nor
- bz2file is importable, or when file is compressed with lzma or xz but
- lzma is not importable.
- :return: A file-like object returning the uncompressed data in binary mode.
- :rtype: file-like object
- """
- # extension_map maps magic_number to extension.
- # Unfortunately, legacy LZMA container has no magic number
- extension_map = {
- b'BZh': 'bz2',
- b'\x1F\x8B\x08': 'gz',
- b"7z\xBC\xAF'\x1C": '7z',
- b'\xFD7zXZ\x00': 'xz',
- }
- if mode in ('r', 'a', 'w'):
- mode += 'b'
- elif mode not in ('rb', 'ab', 'wb'):
- raise ValueError('Invalid mode: "{}"'.format(mode))
- if use_extension:
- # if '.' not in filename, it'll be 1 character long but otherwise
- # contain the period
- extension = filename[filename.rfind('.'):][1:]
- else:
- if mode != 'rb':
- raise ValueError('Magic number detection only when reading')
- with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
- magic_number = f.read(8)
- for pattern in extension_map:
- if magic_number.startswith(pattern):
- extension = extension_map[pattern]
- break
- else:
- extension = ''
- if extension == 'bz2':
- if isinstance(bz2, ImportError):
- raise bz2
- return bz2.BZ2File(filename, mode)
- if extension == 'gz':
- return gzip.open(filename, mode)
- if extension == '7z':
- if mode != 'rb':
- raise NotImplementedError('It is not possible to write a 7z file.')
- try:
- process = subprocess.Popen(['7za', 'e', '-bd', '-so', filename],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- bufsize=65535)
- except OSError:
- raise ValueError('7za is not installed or cannot '
- 'uncompress "{}"'.format(filename))
- else:
- stderr = process.stderr.read()
- process.stderr.close()
- if stderr != b'':
- process.stdout.close()
- raise OSError(
- 'Unexpected STDERR output from 7za {}'.format(stderr))
- return process.stdout
- if extension in ('lzma', 'xz'):
- if isinstance(lzma, ImportError):
- raise lzma
- lzma_fmts = {'lzma': lzma.FORMAT_ALONE, 'xz': lzma.FORMAT_XZ}
- return lzma.open(filename, mode, format=lzma_fmts[extension])
- # assume it's an uncompressed file
- return open(filename, 'rb')
-def merge_unique_dicts(*args, **kwargs):
- """
- Return a merged dict and make sure that the original dicts keys are unique.
- The positional arguments are the dictionaries to be merged. It is also
- possible to define an additional dict using the keyword arguments.
- """
- args = list(args) + [dict(kwargs)]
- conflicts = set()
- result = {}
- for arg in args:
- conflicts |= set(arg.keys()) & set(result.keys())
- result.update(arg)
- if conflicts:
- raise ValueError('Multiple dicts contain the same keys: {}'
- .format(', '.join(sorted(str(key)
- for key in conflicts))))
- return result
-# Decorators
-# Decorator functions without parameters are _invoked_ differently from
-# decorator functions with function syntax. For example, @deprecated causes
-# a different invocation to @deprecated().
-# The former is invoked with the decorated function as args[0].
-# The latter is invoked with the decorator arguments as *args & **kwargs,
-# and it must return a callable which will be invoked with the decorated
-# function as args[0].
-# The follow deprecators may support both syntax, e.g. @deprecated and
-# @deprecated() both work. In order to achieve that, the code inspects
-# args[0] to see if it callable. Therefore, a decorator must not accept
-# only one arg, and that arg be a callable, as it will be detected as
-# a deprecator without any arguments.
def add_decorated_full_name(obj, stacklevel=1):
"""Extract full object name, including class, and store in __full_name__.

@@ -1895,111 +653,3 @@
return replacement

return getattr(self._module, attr)
-def file_mode_checker(filename: str, mode=0o600, quiet=False, create=False):
- """Check file mode and update it, if needed.
- :param filename: filename path
- :param mode: requested file mode
- :type mode: int
- :param quiet: warn about file mode change if False.
- :type quiet: bool
- :param create: create the file if it does not exist already
- :type create: bool
- :raise IOError: The file does not exist and `create` is False.
- """
- try:
- st_mode = os.stat(filename).st_mode
- except OSError: # file does not exist
- if not create:
- raise
- os.close(os.open(filename, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, mode))
- return
- warn_str = 'File {0} had {1:o} mode; converted to {2:o} mode.'
- if stat.S_ISREG(st_mode) and (st_mode - stat.S_IFREG != mode):
- os.chmod(filename, mode)
- # re-read and check changes
- if os.stat(filename).st_mode != st_mode and not quiet:
- warn(warn_str.format(filename, st_mode - stat.S_IFREG, mode))
-def compute_file_hash(filename: str, sha='sha1', bytes_to_read=None):
- """Compute file hash.
- Result is expressed as hexdigest().
- :param filename: filename path
- :param sha: hashing function among the following in hashlib:
- md5(), sha1(), sha224(), sha256(), sha384(), and sha512()
- function name shall be passed as string, e.g. 'sha1'.
- :type sha: str
- :param bytes_to_read: only the first bytes_to_read will be considered;
- if file size is smaller, the whole file will be considered.
- :type bytes_to_read: None or int
- """
- size = os.path.getsize(filename)
- if bytes_to_read is None:
- bytes_to_read = size
- else:
- bytes_to_read = min(bytes_to_read, size)
- step = 1 << 20
- shas = ['md5', 'sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512']
- assert sha in shas
- sha = getattr(hashlib, sha)() # sha instance
- with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
- while bytes_to_read > 0:
- read_bytes = f.read(min(bytes_to_read, step))
- assert read_bytes # make sure we actually read bytes
- bytes_to_read -= len(read_bytes)
- sha.update(read_bytes)
- return sha.hexdigest()
-# deprecated parts ############################################################
-@deprecated('bot_choice.Option and its subclasses', since='20181217',
- future_warning=True)
-def concat_options(message, line_length, options):
- """DEPRECATED. Concatenate options."""
- indent = len(message) + 2
- line_length -= indent
- option_msg = ''
- option_line = ''
- for option in options:
- if option_line:
- option_line += ', '
- # +1 for ','
- if len(option_line) + len(option) + 1 > line_length:
- if option_msg:
- option_msg += '\n' + ' ' * indent
- option_msg += option_line[:-1] # remove space
- option_line = ''
- option_line += option
- if option_line:
- if option_msg:
- option_msg += '\n' + ' ' * indent
- option_msg += option_line
- return '{} ({}):'.format(message, option_msg)
-wrapper = ModuleDeprecationWrapper(__name__)
-wrapper.add_deprecated_attr('empty_iterator', replacement_name='iter(())',
- since='20220422')
-wrapper.add_deprecated_attr('DotReadableDict', replacement_name='',
- since='20210416')
- replacement_name='types.MappingProxyType',
- since='20210415')
-wrapper.add_deprecated_attr('LazyRegex', replacement_name='',
- since='20210418')
-wrapper.add_deprecated_attr('DeprecatedRegex', replacement_name='',
- since='20210418')
-is_IP = redirect_func(is_ip_address, old_name='is_IP', # noqa N816
- since='20210418')

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Gerrit-Project: pywikibot/core
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: I5d39e93e19c7b2a7f629bc028976869069f73e19
Gerrit-Change-Number: 699899
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Owner: Xqt <info@gno.de>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Xqt <info@gno.de>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot
Gerrit-MessageType: merged