jenkins-bot submitted this change.

View Change

Approvals: Xqt: Looks good to me, approved jenkins-bot: Verified
[IMPR] move BaseSite its own site/ file

- move BaseSite class and PageUnUse Error from
into its own file
- remove already deprecated urlEncode method whih calls the api and
isn't independent from interface
- move BaseSite tests into its own
- update docs

Change-Id: Ifbd5caa104a3b3330dc1b465576ebaf6d58fe63f
M docs/api_ref/
M pywikibot/CONTENT.rst
M pywikibot/site/
A pywikibot/site/
M tests/
A tests/
M tests/
7 files changed, 674 insertions(+), 630 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/api_ref/ b/docs/api_ref/
index 0982439..d74f919 100644
--- a/docs/api_ref/
+++ b/docs/api_ref/
@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
----------\_basesite module
+.. automodule::
+\_decorators module

diff --git a/pywikibot/CONTENT.rst b/pywikibot/CONTENT.rst
index ae12dc4..6df54ca 100644
--- a/pywikibot/CONTENT.rst
+++ b/pywikibot/CONTENT.rst
@@ -113,6 +113,9 @@
| | Objects representing MediaWiki sites (wikis) |
+ | | Objects representingsite methods independent of the |
+ | | communication interface. |
+ +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+
| | Decorators used by site models. |
| | Objects representing interwiki map of MediaWiki site |
diff --git a/pywikibot/site/ b/pywikibot/site/
index 28e6d8e..c6f2cae 100644
--- a/pywikibot/site/
+++ b/pywikibot/site/
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
import mimetypes
import os
import re
-import threading
import time
import typing
import uuid
@@ -46,7 +45,6 @@
- FamilyMaintenanceWarning,
@@ -64,32 +62,27 @@
- UnknownSite,
+from import BaseSite, PageInUse
from import need_extension, need_right, need_version
from import _InterwikiMap
from import Namespace, NamespacesDict
from import Siteinfo
from import TokenWallet
-from pywikibot.throttle import Throttle
from import (
- ComparableMixin,
- first_upper,
- normalize_username,
- SelfCallString,

if PYTHON_VERSION >= (3, 9):
@@ -104,524 +97,6 @@
_logger = ''

-class PageInUse(pywikibot.Error):
- """Page cannot be reserved for writing due to existing lock."""
-class BaseSite(ComparableMixin):
- """Site methods that are independent of the communication interface."""
- @remove_last_args(['sysop'])
- def __init__(self, code: str, fam=None, user=None) -> None:
- """
- Initializer.
- @param code: the site's language code
- @type code: str
- @param fam: wiki family name (optional)
- @type fam: str or
- @param user: bot user name (optional)
- @type user: str
- """
- if code.lower() != code:
- # Note the Site function in __init__ also emits a UserWarning
- # for this condition, showing the callers file and line no.
- pywikibot.log('BaseSite: code "{}" converted to lowercase'
- .format(code))
- code = code.lower()
- if not all(x in for x in code):
- pywikibot.log('BaseSite: code "{}" contains invalid characters'
- .format(code))
- self.__code = code
- if isinstance(fam, str) or fam is None:
- self.__family =
- else:
- self.__family = fam
- self.obsolete = False
- # if we got an outdated language code, use the new one instead.
- if self.__code in self.__family.obsolete:
- if self.__family.obsolete[self.__code] is not None:
- self.__code = self.__family.obsolete[self.__code]
- # Note the Site function in __init__ emits a UserWarning
- # for this condition, showing the callers file and line no.
- pywikibot.log('Site {} instantiated using aliases code of {}'
- .format(self, code))
- else:
- # no such language anymore
- self.obsolete = True
- pywikibot.log('Site %s instantiated and marked "obsolete" '
- 'to prevent access' % self)
- elif self.__code not in self.languages():
- if in self.__family.langs and \
- len(self.__family.langs) == 1:
- self.__code =
- if self.__family == \
- and code == pywikibot.config.mylang:
- pywikibot.config.mylang = self.__code
- warn('Global configuration variable "mylang" changed to '
- '"%s" while instantiating site %s'
- % (self.__code, self), UserWarning)
- else:
- raise UnknownSite("Language '%s' does not exist in family %s"
- % (self.__code,
- self._username = normalize_username(user)
- self.use_hard_category_redirects = (
- self.code in
- # following are for use with lock_page and unlock_page methods
- self._pagemutex = threading.Condition()
- self._locked_pages = set()
- @property
- @deprecated(
- "APISite.siteinfo['case'] or == 'case-sensitive'",
- since='20170504')
- def nocapitalize(self):
- """
- Return whether this site's default title case is case-sensitive.
- """
- return self.siteinfo['case'] == 'case-sensitive'
- @property
- def throttle(self):
- """Return this Site's throttle. Initialize a new one if needed."""
- if not hasattr(self, '_throttle'):
- self._throttle = Throttle(self, multiplydelay=True)
- return self._throttle
- @property
- def family(self):
- """The Family object for this Site's wiki family."""
- return self.__family
- @property
- def code(self):
- """
- The identifying code for this Site equal to the wiki prefix.
- By convention, this is usually an ISO language code, but it does
- not have to be.
- """
- return self.__code
- @property
- def lang(self):
- """The ISO language code for this Site.
- Presumed to be equal to the site code, but this can be overridden.
- """
- return self.__code
- @property
- def doc_subpage(self):
- """
- Return the documentation subpage for this Site.
- @rtype: tuple
- """
- if not hasattr(self, '_doc_subpage'):
- try:
- doc, codes ='_default', ((), []))
- if self.code not in codes:
- try:
- doc =[self.code]
- # Language not defined in doc_subpages in file
- # It will use default for the family.
- # should it just raise an Exception and fail?
- # this will help to check the dictionary ...
- except KeyError:
- warn('Site {0} has no language defined in '
- 'doc_subpages dict in {1} file'
- .format(self,,
- FamilyMaintenanceWarning, 2)
- # doc_subpages not defined in file
- except AttributeError:
- doc = () # default
- warn('Site {0} has no doc_subpages dict in {1} file'
- .format(self,,
- FamilyMaintenanceWarning, 2)
- self._doc_subpage = doc
- return self._doc_subpage
- def _cmpkey(self):
- """Perform equality and inequality tests on Site objects."""
- return (, self.code)
- def __getstate__(self):
- """Remove Lock based classes before pickling."""
- new = self.__dict__.copy()
- del new['_pagemutex']
- if '_throttle' in new:
- del new['_throttle']
- # site cache contains exception information, which can't be pickled
- if '_iw_sites' in new:
- del new['_iw_sites']
- return new
- def __setstate__(self, attrs):
- """Restore things removed in __getstate__."""
- self.__dict__.update(attrs)
- self._pagemutex = threading.Condition()
- def user(self):
- """Return the currently-logged in bot username, or None."""
- if self.logged_in():
- return self.username()
- else:
- return None
- @remove_last_args(['sysop'])
- def username(self):
- """Return the username used for the site."""
- return self._username
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- """Delegate undefined methods calls to the Family object."""
- if hasattr(self.__class__, attr):
- return getattr(self.__class__, attr)
- try:
- method = getattr(, attr)
- if not callable(method):
- raise AttributeError
- f = functools.partial(method, self.code)
- if hasattr(method, '__doc__'):
- f.__doc__ = method.__doc__
- return f
- except AttributeError:
- raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'"
- % (self.__class__.__name__, attr))
- def __str__(self):
- """Return string representing this Site's name and code."""
- return + ':' + self.code
- @property
- def sitename(self):
- """String representing this Site's name and code."""
- return SelfCallString(self.__str__())
- def __repr__(self):
- """Return internal representation."""
- return '{0}("{1}", "{2}")'.format(
- self.__class__.__name__, self.code,
- def __hash__(self):
- """Return hashable key."""
- return hash(repr(self))
- def languages(self):
- """Return list of all valid language codes for this site's Family."""
- return list(
- def validLanguageLinks(self):
- """Return list of language codes to be used in interwiki links."""
- return [lang for lang in self.languages()
- if self.namespaces.lookup_normalized_name(lang) is None]
- def _interwiki_urls(self, only_article_suffixes=False):
- base_path = self.path()
- if not only_article_suffixes:
- yield base_path
- yield base_path + '/'
- yield base_path + '?title='
- yield self.article_path
- def interwiki(self, prefix):
- """
- Return the site for a corresponding interwiki prefix.
- @raises pywikibot.exceptions.SiteDefinitionError: if the url given in
- the interwiki table doesn't match any of the existing families.
- @raises KeyError: if the prefix is not an interwiki prefix.
- """
- return self._interwikimap[prefix].site
- def interwiki_prefix(self, site):
- """
- Return the interwiki prefixes going to that site.
- The interwiki prefixes are ordered first by length (shortest first)
- and then alphabetically. L{interwiki(prefix)} is not guaranteed to
- equal C{site} (i.e. the parameter passed to this function).
- @param site: The targeted site, which might be it's own.
- @type site: L{BaseSite}
- @return: The interwiki prefixes
- @rtype: list (guaranteed to be not empty)
- @raises KeyError: if there is no interwiki prefix for that site.
- """
- assert site is not None, 'Site must not be None'
- prefixes = set()
- for url in site._interwiki_urls():
- prefixes.update(self._interwikimap.get_by_url(url))
- if not prefixes:
- raise KeyError(
- "There is no interwiki prefix to '{0}'".format(site))
- return sorted(prefixes, key=lambda p: (len(p), p))
- def local_interwiki(self, prefix):
- """
- Return whether the interwiki prefix is local.
- A local interwiki prefix is handled by the target site like a normal
- link. So if that link also contains an interwiki link it does follow
- it as long as it's a local link.
- @raises pywikibot.exceptions.SiteDefinitionError: if the url given in
- the interwiki table doesn't match any of the existing families.
- @raises KeyError: if the prefix is not an interwiki prefix.
- """
- return self._interwikimap[prefix].local
- @deprecated('APISite.namespaces.lookup_name', since='20150703',
- future_warning=True)
- def ns_index(self, namespace): # pragma: no cover
- """
- Return the Namespace for a given namespace name.
- @param namespace: name
- @type namespace: str
- @return: The matching Namespace object on this Site
- @rtype: Namespace, or None if invalid
- """
- return self.namespaces.lookup_name(namespace)
- @deprecated('APISite.namespaces.lookup_name', since='20150703',
- future_warning=True)
- def getNamespaceIndex(self, namespace): # pragma: no cover
- """DEPRECATED: Return the Namespace for a given namespace name."""
- return self.namespaces.lookup_name(namespace)
- def _build_namespaces(self):
- """Create default namespaces."""
- return Namespace.builtin_namespaces()
- @property
- def namespaces(self):
- """Return dict of valid namespaces on this wiki."""
- if not hasattr(self, '_namespaces'):
- self._namespaces = NamespacesDict(self._build_namespaces())
- return self._namespaces
- def ns_normalize(self, value):
- """
- Return canonical local form of namespace name.
- @param value: A namespace name
- @type value: str
- """
- index = self.namespaces.lookup_name(value)
- return self.namespace(index)
- @remove_last_args(('default', ))
- def redirect(self):
- """Return list of localized redirect tags for the site."""
- return ['REDIRECT']
- @remove_last_args(('default', ))
- def pagenamecodes(self):
- """Return list of localized PAGENAME tags for the site."""
- return ['PAGENAME']
- @remove_last_args(('default', ))
- def pagename2codes(self):
- """Return list of localized PAGENAMEE tags for the site."""
- return ['PAGENAMEE']
- def lock_page(self, page, block=True):
- """
- Lock page for writing. Must be called before writing any page.
- We don't want different threads trying to write to the same page
- at the same time, even to different sections.
- @param page: the page to be locked
- @type page: pywikibot.Page
- @param block: if true, wait until the page is available to be locked;
- otherwise, raise an exception if page can't be locked
- """
- title = page.title(with_section=False)
- with self._pagemutex:
- while title in self._locked_pages:
- if not block:
- raise PageInUse(title)
- self._pagemutex.wait()
- self._locked_pages.add(title)
- def unlock_page(self, page):
- """
- Unlock page. Call as soon as a write operation has completed.
- @param page: the page to be locked
- @type page: pywikibot.Page
- """
- with self._pagemutex:
- self._locked_pages.discard(page.title(with_section=False))
- self._pagemutex.notify_all()
- def disambcategory(self):
- """Return Category in which disambig pages are listed."""
- if self.has_data_repository:
- repo = self.data_repository()
- repo_name =
- try:
- item =[repo.code]
- except KeyError:
- raise Error(
- 'No {repo} qualifier found for disambiguation category '
- 'name in {fam}_family file'.format(repo=repo_name,
- else:
- dp = pywikibot.ItemPage(repo, item)
- try:
- name = dp.getSitelink(self)
- except pywikibot.NoPage:
- raise Error(
- 'No disambiguation category name found in {repo} '
- 'for {site}'.format(repo=repo_name, site=self))
- else: # fallback for non WM sites
- try:
- name = '%s:%s' % (Namespace.CATEGORY,
- except KeyError:
- raise Error(
- 'No disambiguation category name found in '
- '{}_family for {site}'.format(site=self))
- return pywikibot.Category(pywikibot.Link(name, self))
- def isInterwikiLink(self, text):
- """Return True if text is in the form of an interwiki link.
- If a link object constructed using "text" as the link text parses as
- belonging to a different site, this method returns True.
- """
- linkfam, linkcode = pywikibot.Link(text, self).parse_site()
- return linkfam != or linkcode != self.code
- def redirectRegex(self, pattern=None):
- """Return a compiled regular expression matching on redirect pages.
- Group 1 in the regex match object will be the target title.
- """
- if pattern is None:
- pattern = 'REDIRECT'
- # A redirect starts with hash (#), followed by a keyword, then
- # arbitrary stuff, then a wikilink. The wikilink may contain
- # a label, although this is not useful.
- return re.compile(r'\s*#{pattern}\s*:?\s*\[\[(.+?)(?:\|.*?)?\]\]'
- .format(pattern=pattern), re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
- def sametitle(self, title1, title2):
- """
- Return True if title1 and title2 identify the same wiki page.
- title1 and title2 may be unequal but still identify the same page,
- if they use different aliases for the same namespace.
- """
- def ns_split(title):
- """Separate the namespace from the name."""
- ns, delim, name = title.partition(':')
- if delim:
- ns = self.namespaces.lookup_name(ns)
- if not delim or not ns:
- return default_ns, title
- else:
- return ns, name
- if title1 == title2:
- return True
- # Replace underscores with spaces and multiple combinations of them
- # with only one space
- title1 = re.sub(r'[_ ]+', ' ', title1)
- title2 = re.sub(r'[_ ]+', ' ', title2)
- if title1 == title2:
- return True
- default_ns = self.namespaces[0]
- # determine whether titles contain namespace prefixes
- ns1_obj, name1 = ns_split(title1)
- ns2_obj, name2 = ns_split(title2)
- if ns1_obj != ns2_obj:
- # pages in different namespaces
- return False
- name1 = name1.strip()
- name2 = name2.strip()
- # If the namespace has a case definition it's overriding the site's
- # case definition
- if == 'first-letter':
- name1 = first_upper(name1)
- name2 = first_upper(name2)
- return name1 == name2
- # namespace shortcuts for backwards-compatibility
- @deprecated('namespaces.SPECIAL.custom_name', since='20160407')
- def special_namespace(self):
- """Return local name for the Special: namespace."""
- return self.namespace(-1)
- @deprecated('namespaces.FILE.custom_name', since='20160407')
- def image_namespace(self):
- """Return local name for the File namespace."""
- return self.namespace(6)
- @deprecated('namespaces.MEDIAWIKI.custom_name', since='20160407')
- def mediawiki_namespace(self):
- """Return local name for the MediaWiki namespace."""
- return self.namespace(8)
- @deprecated('namespaces.TEMPLATE.custom_name', since='20160407')
- def template_namespace(self):
- """Return local name for the Template namespace."""
- return self.namespace(10)
- @deprecated('namespaces.CATEGORY.custom_name', since='20160407')
- def category_namespace(self):
- """Return local name for the Category namespace."""
- return self.namespace(14)
- @deprecated('list(namespaces.CATEGORY)', since='20150829',
- future_warning=True)
- def category_namespaces(self): # pragma: no cover
- """Return names for the Category namespace."""
- return list(self.namespace(14, all=True))
- # site-specific formatting preferences
- def category_on_one_line(self):
- # TODO: is this even needed? No family in the framework uses it.
- """Return True if this site wants all category links on one line."""
- return self.code in
- def interwiki_putfirst(self):
- """Return list of language codes for ordering of interwiki links."""
- return, None)
- def getSite(self, code):
- """Return Site object for language 'code' in this Family."""
- return pywikibot.Site(code=code,, user=self.user())
- # deprecated methods for backwards-compatibility
- @deprecated('', since='20151211',
- future_warning=True)
- def urlEncode(self, query): # pragma: no cover
- return api.encode_url(query)
class RemovedSite(BaseSite):

"""Site removed from a family."""
diff --git a/pywikibot/site/ b/pywikibot/site/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e7b5e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pywikibot/site/
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Objects with site methods independent of the communication interface."""
+# (C) Pywikibot team, 2008-2020
+# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
+import functools
+import re
+import threading
+from warnings import warn
+import pywikibot
+from pywikibot.exceptions import Error, FamilyMaintenanceWarning, UnknownSite
+from import Namespace, NamespacesDict
+from pywikibot.throttle import Throttle
+from import (
+ ComparableMixin,
+ deprecated,
+ first_upper,
+ normalize_username,
+ remove_last_args,
+ SelfCallString,
+class PageInUse(Error):
+ """Page cannot be reserved for writing due to existing lock."""
+class BaseSite(ComparableMixin):
+ """Site methods that are independent of the communication interface."""
+ @remove_last_args(['sysop'])
+ def __init__(self, code: str, fam=None, user=None) -> None:
+ """
+ Initializer.
+ @param code: the site's language code
+ @type code: str
+ @param fam: wiki family name (optional)
+ @type fam: str or
+ @param user: bot user name (optional)
+ @type user: str
+ """
+ if code.lower() != code:
+ # Note the Site function in __init__ also emits a UserWarning
+ # for this condition, showing the callers file and line no.
+ pywikibot.log('BaseSite: code "{}" converted to lowercase'
+ .format(code))
+ code = code.lower()
+ if not all(x in for x in code):
+ pywikibot.log('BaseSite: code "{}" contains invalid characters'
+ .format(code))
+ self.__code = code
+ if isinstance(fam, str) or fam is None:
+ self.__family =
+ else:
+ self.__family = fam
+ self.obsolete = False
+ # if we got an outdated language code, use the new one instead.
+ if self.__code in self.__family.obsolete:
+ if self.__family.obsolete[self.__code] is not None:
+ self.__code = self.__family.obsolete[self.__code]
+ # Note the Site function in __init__ emits a UserWarning
+ # for this condition, showing the callers file and line no.
+ pywikibot.log('Site {} instantiated using aliases code of {}'
+ .format(self, code))
+ else:
+ # no such language anymore
+ self.obsolete = True
+ pywikibot.log('Site %s instantiated and marked "obsolete" '
+ 'to prevent access' % self)
+ elif self.__code not in self.languages():
+ if in self.__family.langs and \
+ len(self.__family.langs) == 1:
+ self.__code =
+ if self.__family == \
+ and code == pywikibot.config.mylang:
+ pywikibot.config.mylang = self.__code
+ warn('Global configuration variable "mylang" changed to '
+ '"%s" while instantiating site %s'
+ % (self.__code, self), UserWarning)
+ else:
+ raise UnknownSite("Language '%s' does not exist in family %s"
+ % (self.__code,
+ self._username = normalize_username(user)
+ self.use_hard_category_redirects = (
+ self.code in
+ # following are for use with lock_page and unlock_page methods
+ self._pagemutex = threading.Condition()
+ self._locked_pages = set()
+ @property
+ @deprecated(
+ "APISite.siteinfo['case'] or == 'case-sensitive'",
+ since='20170504', future_warning=True)
+ def nocapitalize(self):
+ """
+ Return whether this site's default title case is case-sensitive.
+ """
+ return self.siteinfo['case'] == 'case-sensitive'
+ @property
+ def throttle(self):
+ """Return this Site's throttle. Initialize a new one if needed."""
+ if not hasattr(self, '_throttle'):
+ self._throttle = Throttle(self, multiplydelay=True)
+ return self._throttle
+ @property
+ def family(self):
+ """The Family object for this Site's wiki family."""
+ return self.__family
+ @property
+ def code(self):
+ """
+ The identifying code for this Site equal to the wiki prefix.
+ By convention, this is usually an ISO language code, but it does
+ not have to be.
+ """
+ return self.__code
+ @property
+ def lang(self):
+ """The ISO language code for this Site.
+ Presumed to be equal to the site code, but this can be overridden.
+ """
+ return self.__code
+ @property
+ def doc_subpage(self):
+ """
+ Return the documentation subpage for this Site.
+ @rtype: tuple
+ """
+ if not hasattr(self, '_doc_subpage'):
+ try:
+ doc, codes ='_default', ((), []))
+ if self.code not in codes:
+ try:
+ doc =[self.code]
+ # Language not defined in doc_subpages in file
+ # It will use default for the family.
+ # should it just raise an Exception and fail?
+ # this will help to check the dictionary ...
+ except KeyError:
+ warn('Site {0} has no language defined in '
+ 'doc_subpages dict in {1} file'
+ .format(self,,
+ FamilyMaintenanceWarning, 2)
+ # doc_subpages not defined in file
+ except AttributeError:
+ doc = () # default
+ warn('Site {0} has no doc_subpages dict in {1} file'
+ .format(self,,
+ FamilyMaintenanceWarning, 2)
+ self._doc_subpage = doc
+ return self._doc_subpage
+ def _cmpkey(self):
+ """Perform equality and inequality tests on Site objects."""
+ return (, self.code)
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ """Remove Lock based classes before pickling."""
+ new = self.__dict__.copy()
+ del new['_pagemutex']
+ if '_throttle' in new:
+ del new['_throttle']
+ # site cache contains exception information, which can't be pickled
+ if '_iw_sites' in new:
+ del new['_iw_sites']
+ return new
+ def __setstate__(self, attrs):
+ """Restore things removed in __getstate__."""
+ self.__dict__.update(attrs)
+ self._pagemutex = threading.Condition()
+ def user(self):
+ """Return the currently-logged in bot username, or None."""
+ if self.logged_in():
+ return self.username()
+ else:
+ return None
+ @remove_last_args(['sysop'])
+ def username(self):
+ """Return the username used for the site."""
+ return self._username
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ """Delegate undefined methods calls to the Family object."""
+ if hasattr(self.__class__, attr):
+ return getattr(self.__class__, attr)
+ try:
+ method = getattr(, attr)
+ if not callable(method):
+ raise AttributeError
+ f = functools.partial(method, self.code)
+ if hasattr(method, '__doc__'):
+ f.__doc__ = method.__doc__
+ return f
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'"
+ % (self.__class__.__name__, attr))
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Return string representing this Site's name and code."""
+ return + ':' + self.code
+ @property
+ def sitename(self):
+ """String representing this Site's name and code."""
+ return SelfCallString(self.__str__())
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """Return internal representation."""
+ return '{0}("{1}", "{2}")'.format(
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.code,
+ def __hash__(self):
+ """Return hashable key."""
+ return hash(repr(self))
+ def languages(self):
+ """Return list of all valid language codes for this site's Family."""
+ return list(
+ def validLanguageLinks(self): # noqa: N802
+ """Return list of language codes to be used in interwiki links."""
+ return [lang for lang in self.languages()
+ if self.namespaces.lookup_normalized_name(lang) is None]
+ def _interwiki_urls(self, only_article_suffixes=False):
+ base_path = self.path()
+ if not only_article_suffixes:
+ yield base_path
+ yield base_path + '/'
+ yield base_path + '?title='
+ yield self.article_path
+ def interwiki(self, prefix):
+ """
+ Return the site for a corresponding interwiki prefix.
+ @raises pywikibot.exceptions.SiteDefinitionError: if the url given in
+ the interwiki table doesn't match any of the existing families.
+ @raises KeyError: if the prefix is not an interwiki prefix.
+ """
+ return self._interwikimap[prefix].site
+ def interwiki_prefix(self, site):
+ """
+ Return the interwiki prefixes going to that site.
+ The interwiki prefixes are ordered first by length (shortest first)
+ and then alphabetically. L{interwiki(prefix)} is not guaranteed to
+ equal C{site} (i.e. the parameter passed to this function).
+ @param site: The targeted site, which might be it's own.
+ @type site: L{BaseSite}
+ @return: The interwiki prefixes
+ @rtype: list (guaranteed to be not empty)
+ @raises KeyError: if there is no interwiki prefix for that site.
+ """
+ assert site is not None, 'Site must not be None'
+ prefixes = set()
+ for url in site._interwiki_urls():
+ prefixes.update(self._interwikimap.get_by_url(url))
+ if not prefixes:
+ raise KeyError(
+ "There is no interwiki prefix to '{0}'".format(site))
+ return sorted(prefixes, key=lambda p: (len(p), p))
+ def local_interwiki(self, prefix):
+ """
+ Return whether the interwiki prefix is local.
+ A local interwiki prefix is handled by the target site like a normal
+ link. So if that link also contains an interwiki link it does follow
+ it as long as it's a local link.
+ @raises pywikibot.exceptions.SiteDefinitionError: if the url given in
+ the interwiki table doesn't match any of the existing families.
+ @raises KeyError: if the prefix is not an interwiki prefix.
+ """
+ return self._interwikimap[prefix].local
+ @deprecated('APISite.namespaces.lookup_name', since='20150703',
+ future_warning=True)
+ def ns_index(self, namespace): # pragma: no cover
+ """
+ Return the Namespace for a given namespace name.
+ @param namespace: name
+ @type namespace: str
+ @return: The matching Namespace object on this Site
+ @rtype: Namespace, or None if invalid
+ """
+ return self.namespaces.lookup_name(namespace)
+ @deprecated('APISite.namespaces.lookup_name', since='20150703',
+ future_warning=True) # noqa: N802
+ def getNamespaceIndex(self, namespace):
+ """DEPRECATED: Return the Namespace for a given namespace name."""
+ return self.namespaces.lookup_name(namespace)
+ def _build_namespaces(self):
+ """Create default namespaces."""
+ return Namespace.builtin_namespaces()
+ @property
+ def namespaces(self):
+ """Return dict of valid namespaces on this wiki."""
+ if not hasattr(self, '_namespaces'):
+ self._namespaces = NamespacesDict(self._build_namespaces())
+ return self._namespaces
+ def ns_normalize(self, value):
+ """
+ Return canonical local form of namespace name.
+ @param value: A namespace name
+ @type value: str
+ """
+ index = self.namespaces.lookup_name(value)
+ return self.namespace(index)
+ @remove_last_args(('default', ))
+ def redirect(self):
+ """Return list of localized redirect tags for the site."""
+ return ['REDIRECT']
+ @remove_last_args(('default', ))
+ def pagenamecodes(self):
+ """Return list of localized PAGENAME tags for the site."""
+ return ['PAGENAME']
+ @remove_last_args(('default', ))
+ def pagename2codes(self):
+ """Return list of localized PAGENAMEE tags for the site."""
+ return ['PAGENAMEE']
+ def lock_page(self, page, block=True):
+ """
+ Lock page for writing. Must be called before writing any page.
+ We don't want different threads trying to write to the same page
+ at the same time, even to different sections.
+ @param page: the page to be locked
+ @type page: pywikibot.Page
+ @param block: if true, wait until the page is available to be locked;
+ otherwise, raise an exception if page can't be locked
+ """
+ title = page.title(with_section=False)
+ with self._pagemutex:
+ while title in self._locked_pages:
+ if not block:
+ raise PageInUse(title)
+ self._pagemutex.wait()
+ self._locked_pages.add(title)
+ def unlock_page(self, page):
+ """
+ Unlock page. Call as soon as a write operation has completed.
+ @param page: the page to be locked
+ @type page: pywikibot.Page
+ """
+ with self._pagemutex:
+ self._locked_pages.discard(page.title(with_section=False))
+ self._pagemutex.notify_all()
+ def disambcategory(self):
+ """Return Category in which disambig pages are listed."""
+ if self.has_data_repository:
+ repo = self.data_repository()
+ repo_name =
+ try:
+ item =[repo.code]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Error(
+ 'No {repo} qualifier found for disambiguation category '
+ 'name in {fam}_family file'.format(repo=repo_name,
+ else:
+ dp = pywikibot.ItemPage(repo, item)
+ try:
+ name = dp.getSitelink(self)
+ except pywikibot.NoPage:
+ raise Error(
+ 'No disambiguation category name found in {repo} '
+ 'for {site}'.format(repo=repo_name, site=self))
+ else: # fallback for non WM sites
+ try:
+ name = '%s:%s' % (Namespace.CATEGORY,
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Error(
+ 'No disambiguation category name found in '
+ '{}_family for {site}'.format(site=self))
+ return pywikibot.Category(pywikibot.Link(name, self))
+ def isInterwikiLink(self, text): # noqa: N802
+ """Return True if text is in the form of an interwiki link.
+ If a link object constructed using "text" as the link text parses as
+ belonging to a different site, this method returns True.
+ """
+ linkfam, linkcode = pywikibot.Link(text, self).parse_site()
+ return linkfam != or linkcode != self.code
+ def redirectRegex(self, pattern=None): # noqa: N802
+ """Return a compiled regular expression matching on redirect pages.
+ Group 1 in the regex match object will be the target title.
+ """
+ if pattern is None:
+ pattern = 'REDIRECT'
+ # A redirect starts with hash (#), followed by a keyword, then
+ # arbitrary stuff, then a wikilink. The wikilink may contain
+ # a label, although this is not useful.
+ return re.compile(r'\s*#{pattern}\s*:?\s*\[\[(.+?)(?:\|.*?)?\]\]'
+ .format(pattern=pattern), re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
+ def sametitle(self, title1, title2):
+ """
+ Return True if title1 and title2 identify the same wiki page.
+ title1 and title2 may be unequal but still identify the same page,
+ if they use different aliases for the same namespace.
+ """
+ def ns_split(title):
+ """Separate the namespace from the name."""
+ ns, delim, name = title.partition(':')
+ if delim:
+ ns = self.namespaces.lookup_name(ns)
+ if not delim or not ns:
+ return default_ns, title
+ else:
+ return ns, name
+ if title1 == title2:
+ return True
+ # Replace underscores with spaces and multiple combinations of them
+ # with only one space
+ title1 = re.sub(r'[_ ]+', ' ', title1)
+ title2 = re.sub(r'[_ ]+', ' ', title2)
+ if title1 == title2:
+ return True
+ default_ns = self.namespaces[0]
+ # determine whether titles contain namespace prefixes
+ ns1_obj, name1 = ns_split(title1)
+ ns2_obj, name2 = ns_split(title2)
+ if ns1_obj != ns2_obj:
+ # pages in different namespaces
+ return False
+ name1 = name1.strip()
+ name2 = name2.strip()
+ # If the namespace has a case definition it's overriding the site's
+ # case definition
+ if == 'first-letter':
+ name1 = first_upper(name1)
+ name2 = first_upper(name2)
+ return name1 == name2
+ # namespace shortcuts for backwards-compatibility
+ @deprecated('namespaces.SPECIAL.custom_name', since='20160407')
+ def special_namespace(self):
+ """Return local name for the Special: namespace."""
+ return self.namespace(-1)
+ @deprecated('namespaces.FILE.custom_name', since='20160407')
+ def image_namespace(self):
+ """Return local name for the File namespace."""
+ return self.namespace(6)
+ @deprecated('namespaces.MEDIAWIKI.custom_name', since='20160407')
+ def mediawiki_namespace(self):
+ """Return local name for the MediaWiki namespace."""
+ return self.namespace(8)
+ @deprecated('namespaces.TEMPLATE.custom_name', since='20160407')
+ def template_namespace(self):
+ """Return local name for the Template namespace."""
+ return self.namespace(10)
+ @deprecated('namespaces.CATEGORY.custom_name', since='20160407')
+ def category_namespace(self):
+ """Return local name for the Category namespace."""
+ return self.namespace(14)
+ @deprecated('list(namespaces.CATEGORY)', since='20150829',
+ future_warning=True)
+ def category_namespaces(self): # pragma: no cover
+ """Return names for the Category namespace."""
+ return list(self.namespace(14, all=True))
+ # site-specific formatting preferences
+ def category_on_one_line(self):
+ # TODO: is this even needed? No family in the framework uses it.
+ """Return True if this site wants all category links on one line."""
+ return self.code in
+ def interwiki_putfirst(self):
+ """Return list of language codes for ordering of interwiki links."""
+ return, None)
+ def getSite(self, code): # noqa: N802
+ """Return Site object for language 'code' in this Family."""
+ return pywikibot.Site(code=code,, user=self.user())
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index e03eba8..de5f44f 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@

library_test_modules = {
+ 'basesite',
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..392789c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Tests for the site module."""
+# (C) Pywikibot team, 2008-2020
+# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
+from contextlib import suppress
+import pywikibot
+from tests.aspects import DefaultSiteTestCase, TestCase, unittest
+class TestBaseSiteProperties(TestCase):
+ """Test properties for BaseSite."""
+ sites = {
+ 'enwikinews': {
+ 'family': 'wikinews',
+ 'code': 'en',
+ 'result': ('/doc',),
+ },
+ 'enwikibooks': {
+ 'family': 'wikibooks',
+ 'code': 'en',
+ 'result': ('/doc',),
+ },
+ 'enwikiquote': {
+ 'family': 'wikiquote',
+ 'code': 'en',
+ 'result': ('/doc',),
+ },
+ 'enwiktionary': {
+ 'family': 'wiktionary',
+ 'code': 'en',
+ 'result': ('/doc',),
+ },
+ 'enws': {
+ 'family': 'wikisource',
+ 'code': 'en',
+ 'result': ('/doc',),
+ },
+ 'dews': {
+ 'family': 'wikisource',
+ 'code': 'de',
+ 'result': ('/Doku', '/Meta'),
+ },
+ 'commons': {
+ 'family': 'commons',
+ 'code': 'commons',
+ 'result': ('/doc', ),
+ },
+ 'wikidata': {
+ 'family': 'wikidata',
+ 'code': 'wikidata',
+ 'result': ('/doc', ),
+ },
+ }
+ dry = True
+ def test_properties(self, key):
+ """Test cases for BaseSite properties."""
+ mysite = self.get_site(key)
+ self.assertEqual(mysite.doc_subpage, self.sites[key]['result'])
+class TestSiteObject(DefaultSiteTestCase):
+ """Test cases for Site methods."""
+ cached = True
+ def test_base_methods(self):
+ """Test cases for BaseSite methods."""
+ mysite = self.get_site()
+ code = or self.code
+ self.assertEqual(,
+ self.assertEqual(mysite.code, code)
+ self.assertIsInstance(mysite.lang, str)
+ self.assertEqual(mysite, pywikibot.Site(self.code,
+ self.assertIsInstance(mysite.user(), (str, type(None)))
+ self.assertEqual(mysite.sitename(), '%s:%s' % (, code))
+ self.assertIsInstance(mysite.linktrail(), str)
+ self.assertIsInstance(mysite.redirect(), str)
+ try:
+ dabcat = mysite.disambcategory()
+ except pywikibot.Error as e:
+ try:
+ self.assertIn('No disambiguation category name found', str(e))
+ except AssertionError:
+ self.assertIn(
+ 'No {repo} qualifier found for disambiguation category '
+ 'name in {fam}_family file'.format(
+ repo=mysite.data_repository(),
+ str(e))
+ else:
+ self.assertIsInstance(dabcat, pywikibot.Category)
+ foo = str(pywikibot.Link('foo', source=mysite))
+ if[0].case == 'case-sensitive':
+ self.assertEqual(foo, '[[foo]]')
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(foo, '[[Foo]]')
+ self.assertFalse(mysite.isInterwikiLink('foo'))
+ self.assertIsInstance(mysite.redirectRegex().pattern, str)
+ self.assertIsInstance(mysite.category_on_one_line(), bool)
+ self.assertTrue(mysite.sametitle('Template:Test', 'Template:Test'))
+ self.assertTrue(mysite.sametitle('Template: Test', 'Template: Test'))
+ self.assertTrue(mysite.sametitle('Test name', 'Test name'))
+ self.assertFalse(mysite.sametitle('Test name', 'Test Name'))
+ # User, MediaWiki and Special are always
+ # first-letter (== only first non-namespace letter is case insensitive)
+ # See also:$wgCapitalLinks
+ self.assertTrue(mysite.sametitle('Special:Always', 'Special:always'))
+ self.assertTrue(mysite.sametitle('User:Always', 'User:always'))
+ self.assertTrue(mysite.sametitle('MediaWiki:Always',
+ 'MediaWiki:always'))
+if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover
+ with suppress(SystemExit):
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 1b0b7ec..b4758ea 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
self.assertIs(,['case'] == 'case-sensitive')
- '',
+ '',
"APISite.siteinfo['case'] or == 'case-sensitive'")

def test_siteinfo_normal_call(self):
@@ -127,61 +127,6 @@
'it directly')

-class TestBaseSiteProperties(TestCase):
- """Test properties for BaseSite."""
- sites = {
- 'enwikinews': {
- 'family': 'wikinews',
- 'code': 'en',
- 'result': ('/doc',),
- },
- 'enwikibooks': {
- 'family': 'wikibooks',
- 'code': 'en',
- 'result': ('/doc',),
- },
- 'enwikiquote': {
- 'family': 'wikiquote',
- 'code': 'en',
- 'result': ('/doc',),
- },
- 'enwiktionary': {
- 'family': 'wiktionary',
- 'code': 'en',
- 'result': ('/doc',),
- },
- 'enws': {
- 'family': 'wikisource',
- 'code': 'en',
- 'result': ('/doc',),
- },
- 'dews': {
- 'family': 'wikisource',
- 'code': 'de',
- 'result': ('/Doku', '/Meta'),
- },
- 'commons': {
- 'family': 'commons',
- 'code': 'commons',
- 'result': ('/doc', ),
- },
- 'wikidata': {
- 'family': 'wikidata',
- 'code': 'wikidata',
- 'result': ('/doc', ),
- },
- }
- dry = True
- def test_properties(self, key):
- """Test cases for BaseSite properties."""
- mysite = self.get_site(key)
- self.assertEqual(mysite.doc_subpage, self.sites[key]['result'])
class TestSiteObject(DefaultSiteTestCase):

"""Test cases for Site methods."""
@@ -201,54 +146,6 @@
expect = 'Site("{}", "{}")'.format(code,

- def test_base_methods(self):
- """Test cases for BaseSite methods."""
- mysite = self.get_site()
- code = or self.code
- self.assertEqual(,
- self.assertEqual(mysite.code, code)
- self.assertIsInstance(mysite.lang, str)
- self.assertEqual(mysite, pywikibot.Site(self.code,
- self.assertIsInstance(mysite.user(), (str, type(None)))
- self.assertEqual(mysite.sitename(), '%s:%s' % (, code))
- self.assertIsInstance(mysite.linktrail(), str)
- self.assertIsInstance(mysite.redirect(), str)
- try:
- dabcat = mysite.disambcategory()
- except pywikibot.Error as e:
- try:
- self.assertIn('No disambiguation category name found', str(e))
- except AssertionError:
- self.assertIn(
- 'No {repo} qualifier found for disambiguation category '
- 'name in {fam}_family file'.format(
- repo=mysite.data_repository(),
- str(e))
- else:
- self.assertIsInstance(dabcat, pywikibot.Category)
- foo = str(pywikibot.Link('foo', source=mysite))
- if[0].case == 'case-sensitive':
- self.assertEqual(foo, '[[foo]]')
- else:
- self.assertEqual(foo, '[[Foo]]')
- self.assertFalse(mysite.isInterwikiLink('foo'))
- self.assertIsInstance(mysite.redirectRegex().pattern, str)
- self.assertIsInstance(mysite.category_on_one_line(), bool)
- self.assertTrue(mysite.sametitle('Template:Test', 'Template:Test'))
- self.assertTrue(mysite.sametitle('Template: Test', 'Template: Test'))
- self.assertTrue(mysite.sametitle('Test name', 'Test name'))
- self.assertFalse(mysite.sametitle('Test name', 'Test Name'))
- # User, MediaWiki and Special are always
- # first-letter (== only first non-namespace letter is case insensitive)
- # See also:$wgCapitalLinks
- self.assertTrue(mysite.sametitle('Special:Always', 'Special:always'))
- self.assertTrue(mysite.sametitle('User:Always', 'User:always'))
- self.assertTrue(mysite.sametitle('MediaWiki:Always',
- 'MediaWiki:always'))
def test_constructors(self):
"""Test cases for site constructors."""
test_list = [

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Gerrit-Project: pywikibot/core
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ifbd5caa104a3b3330dc1b465576ebaf6d58fe63f
Gerrit-Change-Number: 644051
Gerrit-PatchSet: 4
Gerrit-Owner: Xqt <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Xqt <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot
Gerrit-MessageType: merged