jayvdb / pywikibot-core (test-scripts-update)
Build #145 failed.
45 minutes and 28 seconds
John Vandenberg a823c68 Changeset →
  nose related script tests updates

In order for the script tests to run under nose, they must not
unexpectedly pass. A few scripts have been fixed recently, and
their status not updated in script_tests.pyargparse uses exit

Allow exit codes 1 and 2, as exit code 2 is used by argparse to
indicate a problem with the command line options, such as too
few options as occurs with replicate_wiki, and exit code 1 is used
by sys.exit called with a string as occurs in lonelypages.

Also some script fixes:
casechecker: dont use stdout to report script completion
states_redirect and flickripper: set exit code to 1 if deps fail
watchlist: Use APISite.login instead of deprecated forceLogin
nowcommons: use SHA1 instead of MD5

Change-Id: I7eda163b63151ea5fc90bbf7ba1e4adf4b7181c5

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