On 29/04/2016 11:43, Raul Veede wrote:
I'd very much like to know if the new version is actually the offcial one, or if there might be other changes yet. (I have no idea about the reliability of different websites displaying their versions of French laws, nor time to reasearch it.)
I think there are further legislative stages, as the Senate and Assembly versions of the whole bill now have to be reconciled; but as this article, which has quotes from the debate, concludes:
Le texte ne devrait désormais guère bouger. Même si députés et sénateurs vont devoir trouver un terrain d’entente (dans le cadre d’une commission mixte paritaire ou d’une seconde lecture), la vision quasi-identique des deux assemblées sur ce sujet rend un éventuel retournement très peu probable.
-- James