Don't know about Facebook specifically, but WM-SE did get sued recently for publishing photographs of public art on a non-commercial website:

Also, suing people who have no idea about copyright and use random images on their low-traffic and/or personal blogs/websites is a popular niche market; the web is full of stories like that. If the right for licensing building photos stays with the copyright owner, Cavada has no way of guaranteeing some will not start doing it (or sell the rights to do it) as a side income. The alternative is to create a collection society which is the sole organization permitted to pursue copyright violations (that's how fees are collected for e.g. playing music in your store in many countries); in which case the upkeep costs of that society have to be collected at the very least, so again they will have to sue someone or otherwise make them pay.

On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 3:43 PM, L.Gelauff <> wrote:
he claims zero people have been sued for using buildings in their photos on facebook. Is this actually the case? It would be nice to reply if people have actually been approached by a right holder that their holiday picture on facebook was not allowed (under french/italian etc law). I almost cant imagine this never happened (although I guess nobody would let something silly like that get to court...)

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 12:08 AM, Marcin Cieslak <> wrote:
On Mon, 29 Jun 2015, wrote:

> Hello my friends,
> I would like to know: Do you know about this:

" aux monopoles américains tels que Facebook ou encore Wikimédia, d’échapper au versement des droits aux créateurs."

Wow! This is really cool!

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