Hello Wikimedia friends,


To make open sharing of research outputs the norm in climate science, Creative Commons, SPARC and EIFL have launched a 4-year Open Climate Campaign.


Climate change, and the resulting harm to our global biodiversity, is one of the world’s most pressing challenges. While the existence of climate change and the resulting loss of biodiversity is certain, knowledge and data about these global challenges and the possible solutions, mitigations and actions to tackle them are too often not publicly accessible.


The Open Climate Campaign is one of the initiatives in the growing Open Climate movement. To learn more, check out SPARC’s recent post: https://sparcopen.org/news/2022/climate-change-urgency-prompts-efforts-to-partner-with-open-community/.





The Open Climate Campaign is made possible by grants from the Open Society Foundations and Arcadia – a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.


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