Hi Stephen,

Thanks for doing this! I do think we have an interest in this case and questions about such letters have been raised even within our community.

The way I understand it, an amicus brief  is like a highly official letter of support but has no palpable legal value. Do such documents play any role for the court or is this rather targeted at the media?


2015-02-18 6:56 GMT+01:00 Stephen LaPorte <slaporte@wikimedia.org>:
Hi all, 

We have joined six other organizations[1] in an amicus brief[2] in Twitter v. Holder.[3] Twitter initiated this action against the US government to establish the right to publish more detailed info about the number of national security letters it receives in its transparency report. 

[1] Aautomattic, Cloudflare, CREDOMobile, Medium, Sonic, and Wickr.
[2] https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/foundation/5/54/Twitter_v_Holder_amicus.pdf
[3] https://www.eff.org/cases/twitter-v-holder

Stephen LaPorte
Legal Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation

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