Dear All,
The process of implementation of the new Copyright Directive is speeding up in various countries (see our Implementation Tracker Therefore, COMMUNIA has decided to organize a series of webinars aimed at explaining the different provisions of the new Copyright Directive and making suggestions on what to advocate for during the implementation process of those provisions at the national level, to expand and strengthen user rights.
The Copyright Directive Webinars are aimed at local advocates and national policymakers and will be conducted by COMMUNIA members and experts that were involved in preparing our Implementation Guidelines .
We will hold four webinars of one hour each, as follows:
16/06 (Tuesday) – Press Publishers’ Right (Art. 15): Dimitar Dimitrov 17/06 (Wednesday) – Text and Data Mining and Education Exceptions (Arts. 3-5): Benjamin White and Teresa Nobre 23/06 (Tuesday) – Use of Content by Online Platforms (Art. 17): Teresa Nobre and Paul Keller 24/06 (Wednesday) – Cultural Heritage Provisions (Arts. 6, 8-11, 14): Stephen Wyber, Ariadna Matas and Paul Keller
*All webinars will take place from 10.00am to 11.00am CET. You can register for the webinars of your choice here Remember to register for the seminar up to 24 hours before it starts. We have a limit of 30 participants at each seminar, so please don’t register if you don’t plan to show up. The access info will be shared with those who signed up.*
Have a nice day,
Natalia Mileszyk Centrum Cyfrowe | public policy expert @nmileszyk (+48) 668440136
ALSO: Creative Commons Polska | Communia Association |
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