Thanks Dimi for the update and your work on this. Look forward to discussing this more at Wikimania.


On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 6:08 AM, Jan Weisensee <> wrote:
Thank you and everyone working on this indeed! I've seen the media coverage and press release rate on FoP skyrocketing in those past weeks. Just a month ago no one knew about the issue, now all Brussels talked about it. Great work!

Sent from cell phone. Apologies for typos and brevity.

Am 09.07.2015 13:26 schrieb Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov <>:
> Hi all,
> The vote on FoP just passed.
> The negative text by Cavada was dropped by 502 to 40.
> The positive text by Schaake didn't pass by 228 to 303.
> The report as a whole was accepted with 445 to 65 with 32 abstentions.
> The question we need to discuss in Mexico is how we will tackle the Commission to propose something on FoP and what other points from the report we should focus on.
> Thanks everyone, we almost manage to achieve a full swing, which is a very tough feat to get done in 3 weeks.
> Cheers,
> Dimi
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