Also, rumour goes that the 25th there will be a nice party, but you'll have to get invited asap by wmnl to attend ;)


On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 9:12 PM, Liam Wyatt <> wrote:
I note that two of these proposed dates are just before the Dutch chapter's annual conference, which will be on Saturday the 28th of November and is hoping to attract a regional audience. 
For people who are not from Netherlands/Belgium and are traveling to that conference, putting this event on one of those two dates could make it convenient to be able to go to both. Just a thought. 

Peace, love & metadata

On 7 September 2015 at 18:00, L.Gelauff <> wrote:
Hey Dimi,

maybe silly question, but who are your targeted participants? People who care, people who represent a group, people who want to do leg work, people who like to think strategically? People who fulfill all four criteria (read: you'll have a meeting with yourself)? 



On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 5:31 PM, Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov <> wrote:
Hello everyone,

The fall/winter policy agenda in Brussels has some exciting topics lined up for us. After the #saveFoP campaign, what will the Commission include in its reform proposal? Will some Member States like Belgium and Estonia get active on their own? What will happen to other copyright wish list items like safeguarding the public domain and re-use of public sector information?

Non-copyright issues surfacing this season include a consultation on platform neutrality, privacy and data protection negotiations and a review of notice&action procedures.

Organisational challenges for Wikimedia include learning how to smoothly shift gears between European and national actions. Plus, we should take a look at our long-term orientation in view of the public policy portal [3] to ensure global coherence. 

In brief, there's tons of interesting work awaiting us. After editions [1] and [2], let's pick the best date for this year's Big Fat Brussels Meeting:
And yes, in case it wasn't clear, everyone's invited.


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