Thanks for your flexibility, Dimi. As I said yesterday, this will require juggling from some of us (I have at least three events already scheduled Saturday night!) but I think it's the right outcome.


On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 9:57 AM, Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov <> wrote:
Hi all,

after looking into the two options - moving the Digital Rights Lunch to Saturday or organising a NetPoliticsBeer - we're going for the latter. The reasons for this:

-I received several off-list messages preferring the evening beer option.
-Last Wikimania there were complaints that all the breaks (lunch, coffee) were filled out by additional events which didn't give people a chance to relax
-This way the event will be after the presentation and discussion, giving us an opportunity to engage the most interested people in a more informal environment
-The off-premises location will give us the opportunity to reach out to activists in London who may not be at the conference

We've made reservations for Saturday evening from 20:00 at a pub close to the venue. The wiki-page has been moved and updated. [1]

Please help me in spreading the word and reaching out to more local participants. The tag is #npbldn


2014-08-04 0:14 GMT+02:00 Yana Welinder <>:

Hi Dimi,

Really appreciate your willingness to reschedule. I think that either option should work well. :)

Yana via iPhone

On Aug 3, 2014, at 2:49 PM, Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov <> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I originally planned the lunch to be after the talk and the panel discussion, so we can of follow-up on the raised questions in more depth with the most interested people. I realised it overlaps with the Wiki Women's Lunch immediately after that but didn't act on it, as this is Wikimania and any slot would have conflicted with other exciting and important events.

I now realise that there is considerable interest in having the two at different times, which is of course the best thing that can happen. I will therefore try to move the Digital Rights Lunch to Saturday. It would be before the other events, but that can be a blessing, as it will give us a chance to talk to people beforehand.

Alternatively we could go for organising a NetPoliticsBeer [1] Saturday evening. This could give us the chance to meet with activists in London who are not necessarily going to the conference, thus would suit the reach-out idea much better. I know, however, that evening plans can be just as tricky. Let me know if you would prefer this solution!

I don't think there will be a problem rescheduling it, but I will confirm tomorrow. It is close to midnight here :)



2014-08-03 22:54 GMT+02:00 Luis Villa <>:
I should add that I apologize to Yana and the other women on the list for not spotting and raising  this problem earlier. We're only going to get better on our gender problem if we all take responsibility for spotting and dealing with problems like this one. That includes me; I failed to do that here, so my apologies. 


On Sunday, August 3, 2014, Luis Villa <> wrote:
Given the bluntly awful representation of women around the projects[1], yes, the WikiWomen's lunch should get some different deference. It is unfortunate that the issue was raised so close to the date of the conference[2], but I hope Dimi will try to find some alternatives that are workable.


[1] Take a look at who posts on this list. Or the membership of affcom. Or... I could go on and on with examples.
[2] I, like many of you, will have to reschedule some other lunch meetings if the date for this is changed.

On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 1:25 PM, L.Gelauff <> wrote:
Hi Yana,

that is the downside of having a wikiwomen lunch in the first place of course - any meeting that would be planned in parallel would face the same problem I guess (maybe except a WikiGuys lunch) of an underrepresentation of women. I'm not sure if that should mean that the Sunday lunch should therefore be off limits to any other meetings... 


2014-08-03 22:10 GMT+02:00 Yana Welinder <>:

I just realized that you scheduled the Digital Rights Networking Lunch at the same time as the WikiWomen’s lunch. It doesn't look like a lot of people have confirmed attendance and it hasn't been added to the official Wikimania program.  So perhaps there is still time to reschedule. 

Scheduling these two meetings at the same time means that most women who are interested in policy will not be able to attend and the gathering will be akin to an old-boys club. That in turn gives Wikimedia’s policy efforts less legitimacy in the broader digital rights community, which has had a lot of discussions about gender balance and has pretty good female representation overall. I know that the Wikimania schedule is tight, but there must be a way you can schedule this to avoid excluding an entire gender!


On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 3:34 AM, Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov <> wrote:
Hi all,

I've set up a page [1] and requested a room for our networking lunch on Sunday. It will be in parallel with the WikiWomen's Lunch, so I apologise to everyone whose scheduling now got even harder. This was, however, the best possible timeslot I could manage.

As it is not possible to get a list of all Wikimania attendees and filter out the digital and policy activists among them to send out invitations, please help me by inviting anyone you know will be present and interested.


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