Hello John

Welcome! Very much looking forward to working with you!



Jan Gerlach
Public Policy Manager
Wikimedia Foundation
149 New Montgomery Street, 6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105

On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 9:38 AM, John Hendrik Weitzmann <john.weitzmann@wikimedia.de> wrote:
Dear all,

I'd like to introduce myself to all of you in my new role Legal and Policy Advisor at Wikimedia Deutschland, reporting to Christian Rickerts. Some of you know me already from previous engagements, but to be responsible laterally for everything around law and politics at WMDE is surely the most daunting task I had to date.

By training I'm a lawyer and have practiced for several years in the field of open and free as in freedom as co-founder of the Berlin-based lawfirm iRights.Law. Since almost ten years I support Creative Commons as volunteer Legal Project Lead for CC Germany. From 2013 until the new WMDE job started I was also one of two CC Regional Coordinators for Europe, a paid contractor position. With CC's newly adopted 2016 - 2020 strategy, advocacy and policy work in general have been added quite prominently to what CC does as an org, and I had the honour to help get this new focus going. There's much more to come in that respect, especially from the worldwide network of CC Teams, who are right in the middle of deliberating about how to structure everything in the future. So keep an eye out in that direction.

From my CC work and also, because WMDE is an institution most central to net politics in Germany, I'm no stranger to Wikimedia. In the past WMDE inter alia helped to launch the brochure on CC NC licenses. I've also already worked with people at the Wikimedia Foundation, with the Wikimedian in Brussels, Dimitar Dimitrov, on freedom of panorama legislation, as well as with local communities, for example on OER. In my new role as policy advisor I will try to shape the debates that concern the legal framework and political baselines of free knowledge on a local, regional and international level.

Stay tuned for added policy work from Berlin, I'm very moch looking forward to working with this great bunch of people.

Kind regards

John H. Weitzmann
Referent für Politik und Recht
Legal and Policy Advisor

Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0)30 219 158 26-0

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