Hi Dimi, all,

I can only agree with what has been said about the role of the "market" for the Commission. In my experience, DG Markt officials are very business-minded with a strong focus on cross-border aspects. The DG Markt people I worked with cared more about whether a given proposal creates an EU-wide frictionless market with "healthy" competition rather than whether it protects one particular business model or (non-profit) actor.

Moreover, the White Paper sees copyright primarily as "an important driver of economic growth and employment" with the goal of "rewarding creativity and intellectual work". In other words: without copyright no intellectual work, and without intellectual work no jobs.

IMHO, as a result of this, we might want to check each argument that we use against:

- Its relevance for the Internal Market (with particular emphasis on cross-border access), i.e. its contribution to greater harmonisation;
- Possible economic benefits for the digital economy in the EU (such as the ePSI platform Jens mentioned);
- Its impact on new business models (new licensing systems, UGC business models, etc.);

Best regards,

Am 23.06.2014 16:51, schrieb Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov:
Hi all,

Skimmed through the document. The basic position is that they recommend action to be taken in the 2014-2019 period, but don't want to say whether this should legislative or other. The positions range from harmonising exceptions (teaching, persons with disability) to basically refraining from any binding steps (in the cases of user-generated content, e-lending).

Perhaps one good development is that the Commission sees copyright as "part of a broader set of 'rules of the game'" for the internet, which means that they've gotten the notion of net politics comprising many different policy sectors.

As Luis pointed out, some nuances might be quite important in setting the tone for the next years. And since this is just a draft and these little bits can change in the final version, I would refrain from making definitive public statements for now.

One thing I'd like to point out already, though. The Commission mentions three objectives of a possible copyright reform and two of them contain the word "market". As long as copyright remians an economic tool within DG MARKT, we will need to talk about economic benefits of free knowledge in order to be taken seriously. Talking only about cultural, democratic and educational benefits will relegate us to the role of a second-class stakeholder.


2014-06-23 16:08 GMT+02:00 Mathias Schindler <mathias.schindler@wikimedia.de>:
> I haven't been able to read it all yet, but thought I'd share here -
> interested to hear other people's take.

First reactions are disappointment with this Whitepaper. I recommend
reading this document next to the upcoming Impact Assessment (an early
draft has been published on statewatch.org).


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