Hello Jan,

Thank you for your great words and encouragement. I really believe that the more chapters take part, the more chances we will have. Since I am a member I am currently convincing WMAT to join the Transparency Register, since they could put me on the list to get access to the Parliament (daily passes and the like). Since I am currently involved in the founding of WMBE, people here are quite enthusiastic to help. They have contacted WMNL.

I was lucky enough to attend a Creative Commons Belgium Relaunch event in Brussels this weekend. The CC people (a law professor from Namur specialising in copyright and a law student from Leuven) are really interested to join and perhaps even have a common position. I also got in touch with some authors' rights representative organisations, but there are a lot of them in Belgium, so it's hard to  map them yet.

I am thinking now how to pool people's brain power. Mailing list, wiki page and the like. I will set up a ad-hoc wiki page on the WMBE wiki tonight. For now I am sharing a document (personal) where I just throw in the positions of people, parties and groups I have reserached. My goal is to make it into a comprehensive doucment. I will also continue to track and write reports about meetingsa and going-ons here.

>. It's necessary to professionalize the way how we address our concerns, if we want to make a difference in Bruxelles.

I completely agree. I am training in a lobbying office now and they are happy to give me some free time to attend events I am interested in, so at least till the end of March I will have it covered. But in the long run it'd be problem. Also, my employer doesn't get me into all the events, since I am not alone, so more Transperency Register registrations would be welcome.

> Maybe we should also think about a RL meeting for all Wikipedians/Wikimedians who like to be part of the process.

This sounds like a great idea. If we go for it I and the local volunteers I met here would be more than happy to organise something (If we opt for Burssels). The benefit of doing it here would be that we could invite people from the institutions.

Anwyay, I will keep this thread/mailing list posted about the developments for now. Any feedback or help is always welcome.
