
I'm a little confused :) The page is called 'Freedom of information' and this is also what the logo emphasizes. This is a well known concept, which is all about disclosing information. 

Now this specific question seems however to be focused on the license under which certain organizations publish stuff (?) although it is unclear in which capacity, etc. 

It feels like two questions/areas are being mixed here, and I'm not sure if that is helpful :)


2016-09-12 12:18 GMT+02:00 Jean-Frédéric <jeanfrederic.wiki@gmail.com>:

Me an Jan from the WMF have been talking for a while that it could be very useful to have detailed and structured information on the use of free licenses by government press services and state archives agencies.

Sounds interesting indeed!

Commons host quite some freely-licensed works from government agencies, so this might be a useful starting point:

As a first step we have assembled all the national archives and all the government press services of EU/EEA/CH countries. [1] Now, we might benefit from your help.

The idea is quite straightforward. We need to gather data on how each of these organisations currently licenses their works. As a second step, we will send them a written inquiry on whether they might be open to switching to open licenses and if not, why. If this fails, we might file freedom of information requests if we feel like there is data that should be public but is being withheld.

If think this is an interesting initiative and would like to help us out, please get in touch here or directly contribute to the Meta-Wiki page.

Cheers and have a great weekend!

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