Hi all,

I wanted to share an invitation with you all to a conference Wikimedia Sverige organizes, together with Swedish Library Association and the Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law at Stockholm University, on 14 June. It will be a one-day conference dedicated to exploring the intersections of Text and Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Copyright, and Libraries.

The conference will take place in Aula Magna at Stockholm University (those of you who attended Wikimania 2019 will know the place!) but we will also enable remote participation and live streaming. Registration for the conference is now open, and for those opting to participate remotely, the link to access the conference will be shared closer to the event date.

Speakers include academics from Cambridge and Amsterdam, the Swedish National Librarian, and a well-known name for many here, Teresa Nobre – as well as many more. 

More info on this link: https://wikimedia.se/save-the-date-text-and-data-mining-and-artificial-intelligence/

Eric Luth
Projektledare engagemang och påverkan | Project Manager, Involvement and Advocacy
Wikimedia Sverige
+46 (0) 765 55 50 95

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