Hello everybody,

The programme for Wikimania Esino Lario is ready [1] and I will be giving a workshop titled School of Rock(ing) EU Copyright. [2]

It will take place on Thursday, 23 June, in the collaborative space from 14:00 to 17:30.

Since we'll be people with different backgrounds, levels of expertise and from several continents and I want everyone to feel welcome, I will keep the "curriculum" open and flexible. I am there so you can pick my brain, to share our experiences with you and to teach you the tools & tricks of the trade. Most importantly, we will take time to work on your national/continental priorities, draft a strategy, prepare your first actions. Let's get YOU started!

Please add your name if you are interested  and don't shy away because there's "EU" in the title. We can always talk about how to transfer the European know-how to other places.

After this there will a Global Policy Meetup organised by Jan and Stephen, which we'll make sure not to attend!

