Hello everybody,

Yours truly has been invited to help out as public policy liaison to the Programme Committee of Wikimania Esino Lario.[1] 

This means that, apart from looking for the best possible speaker to give a "digest" presentation on the topic of internet censorship, I need to figure out what you would like to focus on next year.

We do now have our BIG 5 [2] and want to dig into the censorship area, but what else? More copyright or is it getting boring? Which other topics need to be scheduled? Just presentations or more specific workshops and skill-sharing exercises? Any speakers you really, really want us to invite?

Please think about it and let me know what you think we should hear and learn next year.


[1] https://wikimania2016.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
[2] https://policy.wikimedia.org/