Hi Dimi,

Thanks for the background - sounds like an excellent event! Best of luck :)

Speak soon,


On 25 June 2014 08:39, Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov <dimitar.parvanov.dimitrov@gmail.com> wrote:

2014-06-24 17:41 GMT+02:00 Stevie Benton <stevie.benton@wikimedia.org.uk>:

What's the Belgrade event? Is that for welcoming new people to the fold?

Hi Stevie, 

Yes, it is about getting new volunteers/user-groups/activists on board. Basically a networking and workshop thing.

The idea is to reach out to groups of volunteers/activits in countries which haven't been very present on the EU level so far.

At the most basic level this means organising a two-day meet-up and telling people how they can become active and help out with things that interest them. It would be best to have even more organisations on board and then everyone can cover a topic of expertise. For instance, if you're interested in copyright reform, you talk to Wikimedia and if you're interested in data protection, you talk to EDRi and so forth.

EDRi has been granted a small amount of money from the WebWeWant Foundation, [1] so I am helping them run a pilot in Belgrade and invovling Wikimedia Srbija in it.


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