Hi all,

I am really glad to announce that Communia (the European association uniting Wikimedia, Creative Commons, OKFN et al.) has today released its guidelines for the implementation of the DSM (a.k.a. Copyright) Directive. 

These guidelines are intended to be of help to local advocates and national policy makers while transposing the directive into national law. The overall policy stance it to exand and strengthen user rights and access to cultural heritage, even beyond what is strictly adopted within the European law. They are part of a wider implementation project by COMMUNIA and its members Centrum Cyfrowe and Wikimedia to make sure that local communities in as many countries as possible participate in their national copyright reforms. 

Even better, we partnered with LIBER (Articles 3 and 4), IFLA (Article 6) and Europeana (Articles 8 to 11) to create these guidelines. Numerous experts were involved in the tedious process of interpreting the Copyright Directive and providing guidance on how to shape national rules in a way that benefits users and the public interest. It was not always easy to make sense of this piece of legislation. So, we are very thankful for all their time and patience.


NB: Notion was chosen instead of one of our wikis because of the improved UI/usability and design. And, frankly, we wanted to test another service based on Wiki software in order to be able to compare.

