I would be interested in joining

Met vriendelijke groet,
Robin Verhoef

On 23 Apr 2020, at 10:53, Dimitar Parvanov Dimitrov <dimitar.parvanov.dimitrov@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

The European Commission is running a public consultation until the end of May on its White Paper on Artificial Intelligence [1].

We have pulled all the questions over to a dedicated Meta-Wiki page:

I am already in touch with some people from our movement who are interested in this. As this will likely be an ongoing policy issue, I wanted to ask for a show of hands who is interested in working on this? Also, if you know of someone who would want to contribute, but is not on this list, please ping me!

We can start by drafting answers on Meta and have a coordination call to discuss them.

Thanks and cheers,

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