FYI, it looks like a draft of the EU Commission's response to the recent copyright consultation has been leaked. Summary here:

Actual draft here:

The blog says: "From a first reading, this [blogger] actually thinks that it is not very ambitious, and pretty aimed at the preservation of the status quo."

But there are important nuances in there, like:

Civil enforcement

According to the Commission... a number of policy considerations should be explored further, including clarifying what intermediaries can be involved and how, and focusing on the 'follow the money' approach.

That's going to be an important one for us to keep an eye on - not that we're "the money" per se, but that sort of 'focus' tends to be poorly targeted and catch us by mistake.

I haven't been able to read it all yet, but thought I'd share here - interested to hear other people's take.


Luis Villa
Deputy General Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation
415.839.6885 ext. 6810

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