[apologies for cross-posting]

Dear colleagues,

I would like to share this "save the date" with you about Avaaz's next event. I hope you can be there to discuss this with us!


Towards a Paris Agreement for Disinformation?

What the EU needs from the new Code of Practice and the Digital Services Act to turn the tide against disinformation


An online webinar from Avaaz. To register via Eventbrite click here


On June 24th at 14h30 CET, join us, and keynote speaker EU Vice President Commissioner Věra Jourová, with leading voices from industry and civil society for an online conference exploring:

  • Whether this is the moment when the EU can lead a global reduction in online disinformation, whilst protecting freedom of speech, and produce what could become the most advanced regulatory framework ever tabled - a “Paris Agreement” for disinformation.

  • With up to date research on Covid 19 disinformation on social media, one year on, from the Centre for Countering Digital Hate and Avaaz and a platform by platform evaluation of their efforts to combat disinformation and the transparency they provide over their algorithmic black box.

  • Between the Commission's Guidance for a new Code of Practice on Disinformation just released, and the Digital Services Act that is coming, what do we need to deliver an effective framework against disinformation?

Speakers will include:

  • EU Vice President Commissioner Věra Jourová

  • Twitter Vice President for Public Policy EMEA Sinead McSweeney

  • European Parliament DSA Rapporteur Christel Schaldemose

  • Centre for Countering Digital Hate CEO Imran Ahmed

  • Avaaz

To register your interest in this online webinar please follow this link to Eventbrite: click here 

If you have any questions or comments please email camille.mijola@avaaz.org