[+Advocacy advisors]

On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 2:05 AM, Tobias <church.of.emacs.ml@googlemail.com> wrote:
Three weeks ago, the foundation asked for community input on the
surveillance program PRISM (and perhaps similar programs that have
surfaced since).


To quote from that page: "We will consider all feedback, but, because
events are moving quickly, we feel we need to make a decision on this by
June 21, 2013."

Has there been any response yet? Surely evaluating all the feedback
cannot take longer than two weeks...?

It did take time. The feedback was quite inconclusive, and many of the options for action had a variety of flaws, so trying to decide what to do next was difficult.

On Friday, we gave a quick summary on the talk page: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:PRISM#Update

I'll probably post some more details on the talk page in the next day or two, but suffice to say that we continue to listen for options that are aligned with our values and likely to have an impact on the discussion.



Luis Villa
Deputy General Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation
415.839.6885 ext. 6810

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