2014-09-23 5:15 GMT+02:00 Jens Best jens.best@wikimedia.de:
So, therefore, it has too be said again: Wikipedia Zero is used by mobile providers and its lobbyists to establish an unequal usage of different data, in consequence getting people used to violate net neutrality on a regular base.
Is there some kind of document or statement from "lobbysts" using Wikipedia Zero as an example in their arguments?
Even if the foundation now found a so called net neutrality advocate which is willing to trade the principle for whatever reason, the global gathering (IGF) in Istanbul showed that NGO representatives from USA, Europe and the “Global South“ are strongly worried about the fact that Wikipedia Zero is a breaker of the net neutrality principle (and some foundation representatives strictly ignoring that fact). Member of a “Global South“ initiative called Wikipedia Zero and the way it brings “the internet“ to the poor plainly patronizing. They put Wikipedia in the same category with Facebook and other US-american Websites which hide their marketing tricks behind nice PR-wordings.
Is there some kind of document of statement from about this?