Hello Pine,

I am interested in the community's perspective on any legal or policy issues that are related to our work. I know there are many Wikimedians who are passionate and knowledgeable in this area, so I hope this list can be a forum to share individual opinions and updates about broader discussions within the community. I am especially interested in any community discussions about advocacy, such as the recent protests on the Italian, Tagalog, and Russian Wikipedias (Wikipediae?).

At the moment, I am sharing news stories I find interesting. These are not necessarily points for advocacy, although any feedback or opinion is certainly welcome. I hope that if someone were to ask me about a point of advocacy (such as, for example, preparing an amicus brief), I could turn to this group for consultation.

The list is relative young, so we are still finding our stride. If you have any suggestions, I would be happy to hear it!


On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 10:13 AM, ENWP Pine <deyntestiss@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi Stephen,

Can you clarify what kinds of questions or feedback you are seeking in regards to posts that you make to the Advocacy Advisers list? While I find the information useful and interesting, I'm not sure what discussion or feedback would be useful to WMF.



Advocacy_Advisors mailing list

Stephen LaPorte
Legal Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation

For legal reasons, I may only serve as an attorney for the Wikimedia Foundation. This means I may not give legal advice to or serve as a lawyer for community members, volunteers, or staff members in their personal capacity.