2014-08-12 12:56 GMT-03:00 Jens Best <jens.best@wikimedia.de>:
Dear Lodewijk,

you confusing cause and effect here.

It was Patricio, a member of the board of the foundation, who basically called everybody who is pro-net neutrality an enemy of human right. Well, THIS is what I call personal and not al all constructive - So, please, sent your critic to the foundation, because they started the whole insulting.

As long as there is no apology for this massive insult of calling people enemies of a human right just becuase they have another opinion on the subject it doesn't make sense to "debate" with the foundation at all.

Patricio is personally silent for days now - obviously he doesn't care when he's insulting people with other opinions. AGF is sometimes obviously mis-used to silence people who just say plainly what has happened - that a boardmember of the foundation gave us a glimpse of how things are really handled. It goes like this: Wikimedia is holy, we are the holy representation of Free Knowledge, without us there is no hope for mankind, therefore being against things we do is like being against human rights themselves. These net neutrality thing has to be change or we will ignore it. Well, this is what I call being NOT "productive and friendly" at all. So don't wonder about the reactions.

Dear Jens:

I've been silent because I was not aware of this discussion, since I was not suscribed to this list. With some astonishment, I need to stress out that I never said nor implied that "who is pro-net neutrality an enemy of human right". If you felt I was insulting you, please accept my apologies. If you want to listen to my exact words,  you can check to the video in http://new.livestream.com/wikimania/friday2014, between  52'50'' and 55'.

That said, is not unusual that two different principles collides. That was all I was trying to say and I find it hard that acknowledging that fact could be insulting. Of course, my statement was just a brief summary of my own thoughts and this topic is much more complex than that.

Going back to this thread, I find Dimi's approach really interesting and helpful. I'm planning to elaborate more my opinion in a blog post to be published soon. 


PS: I've just arrived home and for the next couple of days I will probably not be able to provide fast answers. Please don't consider any delay from my side as if I don't care for other's opinions. Thanks.

Patricio Lorente
Blog: http://www.patriciolorente.com.ar
Identi.ca // Twitter: @patriciolorente